
Elucidating the Universe through N.E.W.T. and HYPER: Photon Polarizations and Dark Matter Particles

The Quest for Unification: Uniting Music, Geometry, and Quantum Theory

A Unifying Force for 21st Century Physics? The Promise of the N.E.W.T Equation

The Multidimensional Earth: Exploring Perceptions of Shape and Reality

Recognizing Repeating Patterns of Power in the Writings of Jonathan Swift

Decoding the Hidden Symbolism in Biblical Chronology

The Intriguing Dance of Light: Reflections and Retractions Off a Sphere

The Unprecedented Sandstorm Approaching the U.S: Is a Magnetic Field Drawing Sandstorm to the U.S.?

The Arc of the Covenant: Unraveling the Theory of Its Origin as the Capstone of an Egyptian Pyramid

Iron Man End Game Suit Abstract