Fate or Destiny


An interpretation concerning our nation and our world situation
By Steven Willis Henderson
Luke 10: 23,24
And he turned to His disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see: For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."
Some people believe in fate others believe in Destiny. What do you believe?
Fate defined:
A fixed decree by which, the order of things is prescribed. The immutable law of the universe, its inevitable of necessity. The force by which, all existence is determined and conditioned.
Appointed lot; allotted life; arranged or predetermined event; destiny; especially, the final lot; doom; ruin; death.
The element of chance in the affairs of life; the unforeseen and instigated conditions considered as a force shaping events.
Is it our fate, as a nation, to lose our freedom and liberty and to be consumed by our own selfish wants and desires? Consider for a moment our current concern with social issues, as individuals and as a nation. As individuals we tend to show concern for our social environment, only when it directly effects our lives. As citizens of a free nation we have that right and liberty to either be concerned or not. What do you believe?
Our current nation’s education system is in chaos. Entertain for a moment, (even if you don’t have children) the inevitable consequences of our current predicament. Recently it was reported, that in various elementary schools across the nation that little girl’s are wearing elastic colored bracelets, which denote various sex acts they are willing to perform. So if a little boy comes up and snaps one or more colored bracelets wrapped around a little girl’s wrist (whom may be yours) what do you believe would be their fate?
Parents are being told that if your daughter comes to school and tells them she is pregnant, and she wants an abortion your child has that right to tell the school not to inform you. However in other parts of our country if your child skips school, then their parents are told they are the ones whom are responsible.
Our country’s history is no longer being taught to our children as something to be proud of, but being taught to them as something they should be ashamed. Past leaders of our nation are no longer touted as patriotic and honorable men. Who held virtue and a commitment to the common good as extremely important, a necessity one could say, in forming this nation.
Our economy is one of the strongest and largest in the world. We earned this distinct honor over time by producing and disturbing our products and services to the world. Currently we have now become the world’s largest consumers. A predetermined condition you might ask? If you are a believer in fate, then our final lot was cast the moment this nation was founded.
One of the people’s main motivations for the forming this nation and a central government was the need for security to protect its citizens and their interest. The Patriot Act gives our central government an unprecedented power over individual freedom and liberty. The current war on terror has become not only a threat to our national security but also a threat to our world civilization. Thus has fate predetermined, in order for us to maintain our freedom and liberties, we must sacrifice some of them? What do you believe?
Destiny defined:
An event (or course of events) that will inevitably happened in the future
The ultimate agency that predetermines the course of events
You overall circumstance or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)
Mark 4: 3-9
“Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And it happened, as he sowed, that some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds of the air came and devoured it. Some fell on stony ground, where it did not have much earth; and immediately it sprang up because it had no earth. But when the sun was up it was scorched, and because it had no root it withered away. And some seeds fell among the thorns; and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no crop. But other seed fell on good ground and yielded crop that sprang up, increased and produced: some thirty fold, some sixty, and some hundred.” And he said to them, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
Is it our destiny, to expand freedom and liberty, in order, to feel we have the freedom to do whatever we want and desire? We are now entering a time where virtue has no meaning and morality has become the butt of jokes. Therefore is it our destiny to have a morally bankrupt society and live in a world without virtue? What do you believe?
Is it the destiny of the world to allow marriage (civil unions) between two men or two women, to become an accepted and necessary part of our society? Deliberate for a moment if you would, explaining the birds and the bees (sex) to your son or daughter. Then formulate how you would respond when they ask; Why, does Johnny have two daddies or 2 mommies? You do have the responsibility to elucidate or even demonstrate depending upon your point of view. Or should we just leave it up to our education system to define the birds and the bees? What do you believe?
Contemplate for a moment the destiny of our education system. Evolving even further then it has, since the inception of the 3 R’s. Reading, Writing and Arithmetic for those of you who are unfamiliar. Parents are no longer held accountable for the raising and the teaching of their children. The state finally concluded children are not receiving a proper education. Therefore, the responsibility for raising and teaching your children are no longer yours, but government, to ensure your children receive, the proper education.
The course past of events has changed or nation’s economy. As stated previously before, our nation’s people were producers and now we are now consumers. While others nation have yet to even become industrious and producers. Are they too destined to become consumers similar to the people of this nation? If you are a believer in destiny, ask yourself, will this not be there destiny as well? What do you believe
Grant yourself to enter improvisation, and in vision a world full on consumers. What would be destiny of such a world? What do you believe?
Reflect about 9/11 for a moment; was this event inevitable or predetermined?
Let’s dwell upon it being inevitable and predetermined. Those (terrorist) who would destroy us agree America and Americans are an abomination, an affront against God. Is this our destiny? What do you believe?
Take for a moment, to discard you current definition of fate and destiny. View them as scientific anomalies if you will. Thomas S. Kuhn’s book “ The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” talks about scientific theories and the gains made when previous theories are replaced. He states in his book, “ If awareness of anomaly plays a role in the emergence of new sorts of phenomena, it should surprise no one that a similar but more profound awareness is prerequisite to all acceptable changes of theory.” You could then theorize that fate is resolved by destiny, each being a counterpart of they other. In doing so, ones fate could then be determined and rest upon ones ability to fulfill their destiny.
Imagine then if you would the world’s fate, with this theory in mind. To expand freedom and liberty, not just for the sake of our country but for the sake of the world. Where virtue again is central to politics, the world’s people have a common commitment to be righteous and goodness, and pursued it vigorously. Elected officials would no longer have to campaign, but be elected based on their commitment and work for the common good of the whole world.
Would fate not be inevitable and give rise to a world government. A Compact so to speak, one in which life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would be granted to all.
By choosing a destiny of a common good, our fate, the world’s fate could be one where all men live in peace.
What do you believe?
