A Retrun Track to Star

Spock’s Brain be it in you and me the same The Enterprise incident be scripted transmission The paradise syndrome be that pituitary and pineal system            And the Children shall lead being born in future generations Is there no true beauty to be found in the truth? Specter of the Gun hogties free liberty Day of the Dove casts away all chains For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky The Tholian web once blanketed upon high Plato’s Children Atlantis heirs apparent Wink of an Eye encompasses all time The Em paths creations new nation Elaan of Troyius say they Whom Gods Destroy Let that be your last battle front The Mark of Gideon now speaks They that which survives all shall say and believe The lights of Zetar truly exists Requiem of Methuselah will be revisited The Way to Eden thru the trinity will be found The Cloud Minders shall not prevail The Savage Curtain will fall down Old yesterdays are done and gone Turnabout intruder be false elude
The Omnist
