The Path of The Black Ewe

Chapter 1
Eternity’s soldiers stand in wait at Elam
Vat below the pot mix does Ye do stir Eye
Every man, woman and child know Ye Be Stars
Remake we this rock faith fountain pours in this vat
Ya be the voice inside all do know ya
Elam be in command of Ye one true star
Behold that all be ewe, Ye eternity’s 
Omnipotent soul force bases in Elam 
Dig deep down inside to find true ya
Igniting a smoldering Flame fore-ever 
Equally so, transmuting be in vat
Signal sent from magic cosmos remake
Sole to whole be in one universal vat
Omni-prime numbers used in remake 
Universal symbols sent to ewe by ya
Love be the sword and shield force at Elam 
Inserted now be dream of Eternities 
Space ships land, scene other trucks role what- ever
On the ground all around white globes be Elam o
Next be the vexed as they call to sky ya
Either way pendulum spine to stir vat
Signal sent again cosmos magic remake
Eye be the pies center eye eternity’s 
Elusive for the one I Am four ever
Alternatives be many eternity’s 
Learning to understand love all in one vat
Liquid, luminaries light lake ever 
Everlasting eternal spice dose remake 
Waking all to see Ye Be thee one true ya 
Esquire, Rainbow Warriors Of Elam 
Ye all arrive on Mother Earth, see Gia 
Equally to an one with ya fore-ever 
Soul force source be part of that which be vat 
All do come to see some point eternity’s 
Most precious of jewels to make and to remake 
Exquisitely stated Be Ye LOVE Elam
Elam, Eternity’s vat ever ya remake
Chapter 2 
Some do behave, to act as thou they croc
Overtly though there is always one Ye who
Maker of ewes who be shakers and bakers
Yo-Yo one in roll may not like all bozo
Some still fail to see the other side of flip
Ewe no clue lock for mentality be I
Err still scene do believing systems 
Makers of clock be control tic and toc
Yo-Yo not under your control go in Ye
Overtly see, ewe manipulate their minds 
Yo-yo egg yolk should be one All should hold dear 
Err it does be not to integrate her same 
Makers design incomplete to do without hers 
Ewe see creativity inside each I
Some do their best to alway spread fear and dread
Overtly though choice they made so say sage
Makers must learn to utilize patience, Job
Err would lead to folly, just ask Jonah whale
Some do to lack of oppositions make their best choice
Overtly these bars to put in place seen I
Yo-yo still revolves around Sun as tides turned
Ewe, will be the affected as you reap sow see
Overtly you do effect all all mother’s scenes
Yo-yo disconnect will not change law up high
Makers of reality truly be Ye
Some not originate from some Sun threw 
Ewe upon this fertile planet we call earth
Err be true too, to he who attempt to undo 
Err again be those who try to suppress
Yo-yo evolution revolution a
Ewe based common good type society 
Some day comes sooner then they say time to pay
Overtly this has been said, covertly see
Makers be shakers, mountains moved by bakers 
Chapter 3
Data stream with this download before off
On new age Aquarius Ye place in all
Body of ewe see place deep inside of a
Yo-yo ewe Be Ye does do the transform
And what be the mutation in which evolve
No human being can tell whom the bell tolls
And though many will vie only few see I
No one Ye have Will understanding given
Yo-yo go revolution see round world spin 
Body of hue man feel shift effect in I
On matrix stream be hidden inside all light
Data operations experiencing life
Yo-yo again be many hells or Edens
On choice be made in mind clicks one choose create 
Body operator works in unison
And duality understandings are keys
Data puzzle pieces do be coming Ye 
No single atom of universe all parts
Body electric better said Ye aetherics
On electromagnetic kinetic Op
Yo-yo operators around solar Sun A.
No Ye belong all on solar earth base Ark
Data transmit from space energy pulse spikes
Data massive download all come on from off
And increase in stream continues to all
No fear is to be expected but not rule day
Body spirit overcome with faith in I
On center deep inside universe Be twin
Yo-yo conduit 3D residing 
Body operator respond in kind too
On silent can be found magnet photon 
Yo-yo core works similar motion see
Data stream again around world wide scene 
And inside the hearts of men will be found is peace 
No more war will exist on this planet earth here 
Chapter 4
This prime message be for those, they who say nay 
Heaven on earth us be ewe just like Odo
Inside be unseen crystalline shine pure orb
Signature emits stellar signal from bod
Transformation mutation aether will do
Omni Primes magic miracle maker yin
Fixation presentation maybe on yon
Alternative not to material do
Living, luminaries, lights exist in orb
Liquid living color will like, Odo
Evolving ageless existence without bod
Nonsense to many who still will say, nay
Archangels message see Ye do  be this orb
Nothing can say river mirror be Odo 
Galaxies beyond this exist far out yon
Elements of travel not physical bod
Learn terms from mistakes still some say this be nay
Silhouette set ray returns unto ewe do 
Shapeshifting the mind will be consciousness mind
Herculean effort then this ewe must do 
Inside out manifestation Ye Odo
Future effect does do affect ewe in bod
Taking mind imagination to space yon
Sensational sights scene still those they say nay 
Consciousness living light does exist in orb
Omnipotent prime operator Odo
Morning dew creates all that Ye see nay?
Isn’t it futile then to search beyond yon?
Nonsense Ye common sense then for Ye to do
Galaxies see do exist inside of Ye bod
New universes exist inside Ye orb
Eternally everlasting so Ye do
Wind whistling so wondrous Ye shape bod
Grow and evolve within everything Ye do
Existence is experiencing beyond yon
Nay Bod Odo orb do yon 
Chapter 6
Eternity’s Soldiers 
Almighty’s Army Assembly
Awaken, A Alert 
Arise, Attune, Atonement 
Righteous, Revolution, Reaffirmation 
Regarding, Reason, Ruling
Reversals, Reformation, Rights, 
Creations, Clear, Consciousness 
Configures, Creators, Critters
Changing, Current, Course 
Heaven’s Healing, Helpers
Hear, Harken, Hereafter
Humanity, Help, Honestly 
Eclectics, Elected, Earth
Evaluate, Eradicate, Eviction 
Event, Evil’s, Extinction 
Remember, Reevaluate, Restitution
Requires, Rejuvenation, Rectifying 
Rightful, Rejoicing, Rejoining
Shister, Sinister, Sequence 
Silver, Swords, Sharpened 
Successful, Sensational, Success
Vat Baker
Voice of wisdom goes by many names
All can just call the Rainbow color flame
Table be set all elements wind no blow
Burning, smoldering below Baker tame
All sparks coldness of space added to vat
Kinetic synaptic added to on
Equally cooling core until Divine 
Rotating to perfection shines glasses 
I am that I am who be that am I
Consciousness examples reap meme
Reflection transmutation light be seam
Immaculate I
Appears to ewe in the light this that  means  
Together all parts given birth by rays
Inside deep within the core twin flames a
Divine blue velvet flame, space where see ark
New colors Earth turn arising new day 
Every (Wo) man
Wind ohm my a new, this be every one of ewe, Eve in her our joy
Ohm my a new this, be every one of ewe Eve, in her our joy wine
My a new this be, every one of ewe Eve in, her our joy wind ohm
A new this be Eve, every one of ewe in her, joy wind a ohm
New this be every, ewe one of Eve our joy new my wind ohm in 
Remake This 
River, Rushing, Raging, Row
Eclectic, Electrons, Enlightening, Elmo
Making, Mountains, Move, Minister
Acquiring, Almighty’s, Alternatives, All
Kitchen, Kernel, Kinetic, Keto
Elicit, Elect, Erect, Elmo
Trigger, Testing, Tigger, Tuff
Hearing, He, Her, Hum
Incorporate, Instilling, Incline, Ice
So, says Sun’s son
Ya Be
Maker be made in each of ewes
And what Ye make he your
Not of material nature
Omni Prime be pure
Frequency owl always gives a hoot 
Linked lovers always astute
Eclectic plasmatic sight phenomenal 
True love phenomenon 
Transmission signal Pa
Eve receive signal 
Ringing singing rings sings motto 
Saying siren song tops militoff 
Elam Star
Eros Air Force coop flown 
Divine love’s stratosphere 
Electric eclectic’s red wine
New Neo’s around the world shine 
Behold Eternity’s
                 Blissful, Peaceful 
           Exciting, Inviting, Gardening 
       Vegetables, Fruits, Herbs, Grains
            Growing. Flourishing, Living
                Giving, Extraordinarily 
Omnipotent Elam
Here be which way the wind blow
Eros you sacrifice to 
All you love not see as you
Route to peak long walk son
The pit door held burns in deed 
Dig Deep Ya
Faith ewe must have know with patience of job
Infinity choice path walk you
Righteous, Regal, Rat, still holds door knob
Escape the impossible, tunnel he’ll can do
Sacrifice, freedom price pay I thief who robs
Frontier gate thru healed others helped place Earth you
Ascertain Ascension Achiever Alpha see
Consciousness Conclusion Creation one eye on see
Even walls pressure compress with the wind
Creation though powering pan strength increase sub force high 
Operation evacuation son wind in do
Vie I undertaking freedom one love for all, sigh
Elect Escape created rainbow golden gated
Righteously herald communi K from prime I
Each and every one of you be this message to
Decided be reason love, why I do what I do 
Flame Forever 
Eternal life given you too so
Yes, worse thee do so say I goes
Righteousness is in Ye ewes 
Even when the odds on 
Vision sent he I
Erected from
Real Allya
One all
Transmuting Vat
Nothing would appear as though it would may seen
Dream in deed the possibilities lie 
Consider Eye center a quest alone
Each and every path cross so rings bell
Heart of in basement dwell reason why
Unconditional love the cursed blessings be
Service to others be by pen blood sword
Stained pages float in the wind 
Cosmos Remake 
Wormhole temporal gates
Heavenly hordes and host see a
Tomb off forgotten templates 
Toast of the town equate I
Universal Vat
Urn liquid Elixir pot
Incinerator stokes lov
Vision sight in spark ewe I
Apple see at the core non
Terrestrial arc you
Prime Omni Within
Photon direct dial line straight core
Order grand design be matrix 
World tree fruit reach Ye I hop
Dimensions travel they through portals 
Enter ewe choice down up yo
Ride see on one no two masters 
Kernel lead Ye pack wolf in I
Eager as beaver join solo
Grace’s gates now be set open
Universal Ya
Lord Almighty of all Ye ewe gods
Ascend all to Allah alpha 
Seven Chakras build wall
Righteousness does be call
Erected in orb
Uniquely see
New Rom
Elam Love
Sacred be the light Au Mon Ra
Instilled deep Ye dwell sleeper born
Love all as ye self la de da
Vision new ewe view horn color
Elect volunteer choice boa
Reach for center sky light bong
Twilight be bright light when sunny
Wind swept night drips dew moon honey 
Ironic be Ye this oil wino
