Poetic Linguistics Pt. 2

A dualistic-symbiotic relationship of science and art 
By Steven Willis Henderson

Keeping in mind that there will always be, what one may call, known knowns and known unknowns, that should always be but are not always factored into any equation. This factor of the unknown (being aware) is in itself may be defined as what we have come to call “free will”. While it’s dualistic opposite may be considered being describe as, involuntary, coerced, forced, will-less, unwilled, non-voluntary and/or compelled.  Which leads one to logically conclude that ‘will’ is the known unknown as well as the unknown, known in this dualistic example.  Though if one were to consider the definition of ‘will’ alone one then can also logically conclude its dualistic opposite is defined as either being, work time, stay, take office, file in, come. Adding these words (dependent, unfree, restrained, bound, restricted and confined) to the opposite ones (antonyms) of the word ‘free’ one can also logically conclude that which appears to lack and/or make common sense.
The linguistics of poetry and its attraction for many (this writer included) is the non-requirement (creativity) of certain grammatical aspects in the use of the above fore mentioned words (and/or all other words) along with all other known and unknown written forms of communication.  A work fiction (example below) which is based on facts can be said to be one’s own individual perception of reality and can be argued as what does determines an individual’s understanding of said facts and their individual point of view of what is perceived to be factually true.

The Truth In

Let him see that words utilized
Justify having invoked
Noble brave eclectic telling
Warriors (Elemental Eclectics) kinetic thought’s
Harmonic frequencies living inside and externally synced.
Alas “The Final Problem” Life’s love
Truly she “The Sign of Three” every year
Sign “A Study in Pink” apple’s yardstick
Inconceivable “The Last Vow” scenario
Fair maiden “The Abominable Bride” is ruthless
Love today “A Scandal in Belgravia” verdict eternal
Announcement “The Empty Hearse” never dies
Whatever “The Lying Detective” says, truth
“The Hounds of Baskerville” have truly detected
“The Six Thatchers” who told enough
Awaken “The Blind Banker” has engorged enough
Explosion “The Reichenback Fall” goes boom soon
Intro named “The Great Game” view scopes lights vision eternally divine

                Where is or what are the facts stated in the above stated poem? Do the words in their collective summation even qualify to be called poetry? If so, then do they collectively subscribe to any form of commonly known or unknown promoted forms of poetry? Let us consider for a moment that the above fore mentioned poem was found in a cave 20000 plus years from now. Years later after the discovery of the document had gone public someone discovers an additional poem or message encoded within the body of the original poem, which states…

The truth in between the lines
All they say is fair
Love and war are one
When egos involved

Now one has to or should at this point be asking themselves, what is or are the known and unknown facts in this poem and how does it apply to the art of science? And or how is science used in the application of this art?


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