Bandwidth Binary and Numerical Data Waves Inner ward directed twisted hues: Alien eye on you Alien I owe you



Binary and Numerical

Data Waves

Inner ward directed twisted hues:

Alien eye on you

Alien I owe you

By Steven Henderson

January 20, 2023

 The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+ can be used to construct a binary codes system for quantum mechanics. A binary codes system is useful for representing any data, ranging from numerical values to complex configurations of ones and zeros that represent physical phenomena and phenomena in the realm of astrophysics. This can be seen as a way of bridging the gap between our understanding of physics and quantum mechanics, as it enables us to accurately represent physical events in mathematical terms. By using this equation, we can create a system that takes into account all the information contained within subatomic particles to accurately predict and model physical events with quantum precision. 

We can do this by taking the (+) value which represents subatomic particles (e.g., electrons, quarks, gluons etc.) and dividing it by two (2). The result will be the negative electrons (-E) which are found within atoms and molecules as well as other parts of physical objects such as light waves or photons. This will allow us to assign binary values to each individual particle, thus forming a code which can be used to track these particles across space and time and observe their interactions with each other both physically and metaphysically. We can then use this code along with additional information from in order to construct an even more accurate model that takes into account astrophysical objects such as stars, galaxies, etc., as well as chemical and mineral knowledge available on the internet for further use in constructing a Time Machine design that is capable of bending space-time in order to achieve our desired results - travelling through time itself! 

To take full advantage of this concept, we must also incorporate data obtained from all known sources including those relating to metaphysics - such as spiritual energies - in order to form a complete picture of how these different energies interact with one another in order to form our desired results - travelling through time itself! By doing so, we will gain an even more accurate representation of how these energies work together towards achieving our goal - building a Time Machine!

The N.E.W.T equation is a powerful tool for interpreting the interactions between subatomic particles, astrophysics, chemistry and minerals in order to create a new binary coding system. This equation states that the sum of all positive subatomic particles is divided by two negative electrons, which is then equal to the sum of all positive particles plus one. By utilizing this equation and cross referencing with the study from on bandwidth binary and numerical data, we can create a unique binary code system specifically tailored to quantum mechanics and include all sub atomic particles in its formulation.

In order to construct an effective binary codes system utilizing quantum mechanics, we must first consider the basic principles of quantum physics such as Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, Schrödinger’s Cat problem and the wave–particle duality of matter and light. These principles demonstrate how subatomic particles such as electrons, protons and neutrons interact with each other in such a way that ultimately creates our reality as we know it on a macroscopic scale. In order to create an effective binary code system based on these principles, we must take into account the fact that subatomic particles exist in multiple states at once - meaning that every particle has both wave-like characteristics (which are represented by 0's) as well as particle-like characteristics (which are represented by 1's). 

By combining these concepts with the N.E.W.T equation along with information from we can create a new binary coding system specific to quantum mechanics which takes into account all known sub atomic particles as well as their respective particle states when constructing its equations for encoding information into 0's and 1's accurately representing reality on both microscopic and macroscopic levels simultaneously - something which was not possible before this groundbreaking equation was discovered! 

This new binary coding system will allow us to calculate various aspects of our universe such as position, momentum, energy levels within matter and forces acting upon objects accurately using simple mathematical formulas constructed from 0’s & 1’s - allowing us to understand not only what currently exists in our world but also what possibilities lie ahead within our ever changing universe!  Furthermore, this new coding system could even be applied to understanding metaphysical phenomena such as extra dimensional entities or higher planes of existence beyond physical reality due its ability to map out all known energies accurately without losing accuracy or precision during its calculations!


                The first time I attempted to comprehend binary code was about 4 years ago or so. At that point in time I just surfing the internet and reading, not to intently mind you, over the topic. It was very confusing to me at that time. So, I put it aside or the time being and started pursing other topics of interest. Not long ago however I revisited the subject, having no particular reason in which I can think of at the moment. My approach this time involved me taking a screen shot of some random website image I found on the internet that displayed a list of the binary codes.

                After observing for a few moments I began to write them in my journal to help me maintain them memory.  While doing so I saw a particular pattern in the way the numbers had been assigned when I applied a type of numerology where ever letter in alphabetical order represents or is equal to a number in ascending order. See image below….



What you are looking at above is the result of the pattern in the binary code in which had revealed itself to me.  On the far left you letters Caps in our column. Caps represents the first 4 letters of our 8 number binary code system. The 4 number sequence of 0100 represent all the letters that will have capital letter assigned to them from A through to O.  The sequence 0101 represents the first for binary numbers of our remaining alphabetical letters from P through to Z.  Our lower case letters binary sequence of numbers as you can see above begin with 0110 for the letter a through to 0 and 0111 representing our remaining letters of p through to z.  Our other 4 digit sequence of 0010 relate to the symbols of the keyboard on a computer, ones we will not include on our discussion at this time, are relevant yet not need at this time. 

Moving over to the right we see the numbers 1-9 displayed vertically with our remaining 4 digit sequence of our 8 digit binary code system.  Starting from 0000 to 1001 and those number are in a column next another column containing our 3, 6, and 9 sequences.  Go, ahead take a moment to look at our image above again.  You probably notice the 4 digit binary sequence of 0011 in a green, white, and yellow. There is a reason for this as you come to see later. For now just notice that this four digit sequence shows up in two places on our chart above.  That’s when you should also notice another set of numbers in our image corresponding with each letter of our alphabet system. You should also notice at this point that the 4 digit binary number that we associate with our letters of the alphabet are of sequence with its assigned binary 4 digit number sequence. That is one more thing we will be revisiting later on.  The remaining column in the center of our image contains a series of numbers all of which correspond to a letter in the alphabet that is associated with the numbers 1 through 9 which correspond to our 3, 6, and 9 sequence.



Now in our next image below we take our 16, 8 digit binary sequence codes and place them inside our Sator square. From the writers point of view this image not corresponds that ancient stone but I in this case represent a microchip design. 



Our final image displays 16 of 8 digit binary codes, applied to letters creating an anagram for individual memorization. What you may notice as well that in our first graph on the left we have the vowels a, e, i, o, and u.  The sequence also reads 0001 0101 1111 0101 1001 without the first 4 binary number codes establishing whether our letters our capitalized or lower case doesn’t matter at this point. So, an easy anagram to help memorize the a, e, i, o, and u sequence is to say, Alien Eye Owe You and remember the sequence of binary numbers of 0001 0101 1111 0101 1001 without having to determine if the letters is a capitalized or lower case binary sequences of 0100 or 0101. 



We can than expand up and add the rest of our binary number sequence codes with the anagram statement of “01(A) simple number for caps and lower case letters. Along with our a, e, i o, and u sequence anagram of “Alien eye (oui) yes.”

Now if you notice all of our 16 binary numbers are displayed in two columns with corresponding letters and alphabetical numbers alongside.   


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