Frequency Relevant Exhorted Expressions Determining Orientations Manifestations Beyond Light Speed
Part 2
The N.E.W.T equation stands for the equation of Neutron-Electron-Weighted Total, and it is used to calculate the orientations of relevant frequencies exhorted manifested expressions beyond light speed. This equation is based on the fundamental principles of subatomic particles and astrophysics that governs our physical universe - namely the combination of protons, neutrons, electrons and their associated forces at work throughout space.
At its core, this N.E.W.T equation is an attempt to extrapolate how these subatomic particles interact with one another when they are subjected to intense external forces such as gravity or electromagnetic fields - forces that exceed even light speed in some cases. By understanding these interactions, we can gain insight into the underlying mechanisms that govern how matter behaves in different parts of the universe, helping us better understand phenomena like interstellar travel or exotic astronomical objects such as black holes or neutron stars.
To use the N.E.W.T equation correctly, one must first identify all relevant subatomic particles present in a given area (i.e., a region of space) and account for their respective masses and charges (positive/negative). These values must then be added together to determine a total weight (which can also be referred to as mass) for that region's particles - this value is then used to calculate the orientation of any frequency-relevant manifestation within that region which may have been induced by an external force or other particle interaction occurring at velocities above those typically achievable by light alone (i.e., faster than light).
In essence, this N.E.W.T equation allows scientists and researchers to determine how different forms of energy interact with each other under conditions where traditional methods cannot be applied due to extreme speeds involved in certain regions of space - providing us with invaluable data on how matter is distributed throughout our Universe and what processes might produce effects otherwise unachievable via conventional means (such as interstellar travel). Furthermore, these findings could prove extremely useful in determining specific features associated with unusual astronomical objects such as black holes or neutron stars which could further our understanding of astrophysical phenomena beyond current knowledge levels!
By Steven Henderson
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”
Arthur C. Clarke”
As I read the statement above I began to ponder or wonder. Is the human being (species) of this planet, the one we in which we call earth, a sufficiently advanced technology indistinguishable from magic?
If life has taught me one thing, it would be that everything that was once said to be impossible is later discovered and proven that it is indeed not only possible but on previous occasions has been done before. Actually when one settles on a particular frame of mind, in what some would call “The Akashic Record” for example. One can and would discover that indeed there is nothing new under the sun. This in turn brings into the frame that all that is done in darkness will eventually be brought into the light.
Which brings us to frequencies relevance when it comes to exhorting expressions that determine orientation of all physical and nonphysical manifestations. All is vibration is a statement if considered, pondered and theorized long enough one would agreeably say that all is indeed vibration along with energy and frequency.
Let us begin with a point of reference where 3 is equal Vibration, 6 then would be equal to energy and 9 would be equal to frequency. Yet, at the same time 3 is equal to energy, 6 is equal frequency and vibration is equal to 9 or 3 can equal to frequency, 9 would be equal to vibration and 6 would be equal to frequency. Perplexing to say the least yet not difficult for one to wrap their head around so to speak. However, once one has one will discover that one is capable of exhorting expressions of relevance as vortex angles of propagation. Something of which we will discuss at another point time in another blog article later.
Physical and nonphysical manifestations are in this case conscious thoughts that are perceived to exist in a state of solid or non-solid (anti-) matter.
For, example in the image above we can see what appears to be at first glance a rocket ship. However as we exam the image a little closer we see symbols and references to mathematical equations right alongside what has been deemed forces of nature. The mathematical equations referenced above include but not limited to the square root of pie to the golden ratio alongside Euler’s number which can be squared. Next, we can see that the forces of nature are being represented on the sides of our Mother ship as Week electromagnetic gravity strong force which I like to call WEGS. Then we have PEGS, which is another type of anagram I like to use by saying, Pie’s Euler’s number Golden ratio Squared.

Now at his point you may be asking yourself what does all this have to do with traveling faster than the speed of light? Right? Well, this where we come to the part where is say I can show better than I can tell you.
Sims was released on February 4, 2000 and its latest racing being July 22 of 2021 sends off all kinds of tingles of my Spidey sense (referencing numerology) that we will save for another time and/or place. The Sims position as it has come to be known as a medical position one lies upon a table to be examined vaginally or to have ones anus probe. Shocking to say the least I know. Moving on however with our subject matter at hand. Sims or in reality nothing more or less than what one can call a Bims. In this case we can easily, I am just replacing the S with a B and to change the name. However, when you equal s to 19 which we can established as being equal to 3, 6 or 9 and the B being equal 2 which is equal 6 we can conclude that we have a system. This system if we choose can be perceived as one being that of multiply Binary Imperial Matrix of Systems that is determined on fucking and probing its occupants until there very end.
However, as Morpheus stated “The Matrix is a system…..when you are ready, you won’t have to.” Matrix movie 1999. This takes us to our next topic, which again is a movie reference that being from Frank Herbert’s “DUNE” and I quote, “He who controls the Spice, control the Universe.” The spice in this case being 6 of what we have come know as chakras, with the 7th being obviously you whom be the one in control it, in other words you are a universal being who control without moving. Keep that in mind cause there is more to come. Obviously one has to provide some time for experimental approach an explanation to give a greater understanding of traveling without moving, which in this case is are reference to traveling faster than the speed of light. Well almost everyone knows or should by now that to determine or find a position in any 3 dimensional space one has to have 6 points of reference to determine an exact destination, with the 7th being the point of origination or origin. The character Daniel Jackson discusses this in the 1994 movie, “Star gate”. Check out the link. During his explanation he never give any specifics and how to reference or determine those fore mention 6 points in space.
Using are
image below as a reference model we can see, what we call Atlas holding up the
world as we know it. Now, I am sure with a little imagination can see what I am
talking about.
You will also so know a variety of numbers spread out throughout the diagram. The numbers 0, which is and isn’t a number, 18, 36, 54, 72. Each capable of forming an Equilateral (equal sides), an Isosceles, a right angled triangle and a Scalene triangle. Each having their own unique qualities that will need to be explored somewhat further at another time. For now, back to our numbers 0,18,36,54, and 72. Wait, a second we only have a total of 5, will for numbers not including zero right. Okay, so in order to get our 5th and 6th number we have to make a determination of our relevant exhorted expression. Since there is no up or down in space we determine an orientation to manifest giving us our additional to points in space bringing our total to 6. Now, all we have is determine our point of origination once accomplished its than just a matter A, B, and a binary anti-matter of 3, 6, and 9 to get one there moving without moving, theoretically speaking of course as it would point to a direct way of dialing out and escaping the Sims matrix. See image below…..
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