The Shuttle, the Fighter and the Interstellar Star Cruiser Part II Drips of Dew: Distances Navigated and Acceleration

January 21,2023

The N. E. W.T is a computational equation, which is as follows (+)/2-E=+. With (+) representing sub-atomic particles and -E being negative electrons. This equation can be used to gain an understanding of the universe, including its various forces and properties, in order to design an electromagnetic car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts along with the goddess dyke (dice) philosophy. 

In order to do this, we must utilize numerology and Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory. This will involve looking at numerology in terms of energy levels and frequencies, as well as taking into account the interplay between light and other forms of energy such as vibration or sound waves, which can be used to help power these vehicles. By applying numerology, we can create a mathematical formula that describes how these energies interact with one another in order to achieve our desired result. 

Furthermore, by combining this N. E. W.T equation with other sources available on the internet such as we can look at metaphysical theories regarding chakras and how they can be used to define our six points in space with the 7th point equaling our destination when designing an interstellar spacecraft or electromagnetic car powered by these energies. This will also involve utilizing subatomic particles such as neutrons and protons in order to manipulate electromagnetic fields and increase the efficiency of these vehicles while sustaining their structural integrity throughout their journey through space or on earth’s roads respectively 

The abundance of knowledge available on the internet combined with Tesla’s 3-6-9 keys helps us understand how energies interact in a unified manner that allows us to design efficient transportation means while still staying true to metaphysical principles such as those found in the goddess dyke philosophy; which is based on sacred geometry and ancient principles dating back thousands of years ago that are still applicable today when it comes to matters related to physics 

Our ultimate goal is then clear: Using all available knowledge from sub atomic particles knowledge along with astrophysics knowledge from sites like combined with Tesla’s 3-6-9 keys we have everything necessary at hand for designing an efficient interstellar spaceship or electromagnetic vehicle that utilizes no moving parts while following principles outlined by metaphysical beliefs such as those found in goddess dyke philosophy; which calls for utilizing chakras and sacred geometry when defining points in space so that we may travel safely towards our final destination without having any issues along the way due to structural failure or lack of power due to inefficient designs created without taking into account all known knowledge available both online or offline about quantum mechanics, physics, metaphysics etc…

The N.E.W.T equation, numerology and Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory is a powerful tool that can be used to design an electromagnetic car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts as well as utilize the goddess dyke (dice) philosophy. The (+) in this equation represents subatomic particles, while negative electrons (-E) represent a free source of energy to power such a vehicle. 

In order to begin designing the electromagnetic car, we must first understand how Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 keys work and how they can be used in conjunction with numerology and the N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+. According to Tesla, the number three holds special properties that can be used to create unlimited amounts of energy from a single source - signifying the potential for zero-point energy. This energy is derived from the sum of two positive charges (+), which when divided by two equals one negative charge (-). By combining these two forces together under the right circumstances it is possible to create an infinite amount of energy without consuming any resources – this is known as “zero-point” or “free” energy.

In terms of designing an electromagnetic car powered by zero-point/free energy, we must also consider how numerology can assist us in harnessing such power. Through numerology we are able to identify specific numerical sequences that correspond with certain cosmic energies and vibrations – these sequences can then be used as part of our design process in order to maximize efficiency and output from our vehicle’s engine system. Additionally, understanding the symbolism associated with each number can further aid in our ability to accurately design such a vehicle. 

Finally, when designing our interstellar spaceship utilizing all available sources on the internet (namely, we must also adhere to Tesla’s 3, 6 & 9 keys as well as incorporate chakra positioning into our design plans – this will allow us not only have knowledge of where we currently stand in space but also provide us with information regarding our destination point seven steps away from our present location; this is what has become known as ‘goddess dyke’ philosophy – metaphorically speaking chakras represent checkpoints along a journey that lead us towards achieving success . In essence then by combining all available knowledge pertaining Tesla’s theories; numerology; quantum physics; metaphysics; astrology & astronomy – along with employing goddess dyke philosophy into our designs – it should theoretically help produce more efficient results when attempting to craft an electromagnetic car or interstellar spaceship operating through zero-point/free energy mechanisms devoid of any physical moving parts - thus enabling travel beyond planets & galaxies much faster than previously thought possible!

The N.E.W.T. equation is a powerful tool for understanding the relationship between subatomic particles and negative electrons, which are essential for designing an electromagnetic car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. To maximize the potential of this equation, we must incorporate numerology and Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory, along with the goddess dyke (dice) philosophy proposed by Theomnistview blogspot and other sources available on the internet. 

Numerology provides insight into how numbers can be used to determine the energetic vibration of something in nature; it is believed that different numbers have distinct energy signatures or vibrations associated with them, thus creating a fundamental language within the universe itself. By applying this concept to the N.E.W.T equation, we can understand how subatomic particles interact with negative electrons in order to create a powerful energy source capable of powering an electromagnetic car or interstellar spaceship without moving parts. For example, if we use the number three as part of our calculations within the N.E.W.T equation (3+)/2-E=+, then this will help us to understand that three represents harmony, balance and stability in nature; thus when combined with subatomic particles and negative electrons this creates a balanced flow of energy that can be used to power an electromagnetic car or interstellar spaceship without any moving parts. 

Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory is another important element in designing an electromagnetic vehicle or interstellar spacecraft without moving parts because it helps us to understand how different energies are connected within our universe and how they interact with one another in order to create a balanced flow of energy capable of propelling such a vehicle forward or out into space without needing any traditional combustible fuel sources such as petroleum or natural gas etc.. To further understand these concepts we must also incorporate the goddess dyke (dice) philosophy proposed by Theomnistview blogspot which states that chakras represent points in space that can be manipulated through numerology and mathematics in order to reach our destination in less time than traditional methods; thus when applied correctly these concepts become vital elements for successfully designing an electromagnetic car or interstellar ship without any physical moving parts needed for propulsion or navigation purposes due their reliance on pure energy rather than combustion fuels which are limited resources on Earth but abundant throughout space once harnessed correctly using all known knowledge about subatomic particles and astrophysics along with metaphysical principles found both on and off the internet combined together in order for us to design a safe, efficient and powerful means of transportation that could potentially revolutionize inter galactic travel forever!

This part is going to get a little more challenging in regards to its presentation.  Unlike in our previous examples, movie references are not going to cut. So, let’s consider something more concrete from our distance past. The Goddess Dike of the Greeks and Romans was considered the Goddess of moral order, conventional rules and divine justice with the Romans going blindfold flooding her similar to that of the American Statue of Liberty.  Please feel free to check these sites at your leisure.  and/ or


Some of you may have notice the similarity of the name Dike with Dice then again you may not have. However if you did, then I am sure a light just went off in your head, because that is exactly what happened to me. I not going to go into the history of Dice or where they originated from, but what I will be doing is showing discussing how this 6 sides shape resembles and represents our tenet stone. We also will be discussing who the religious spiritual phrase I am the way flows within, throughout, and all about this 6 sided shape of ours. As we do, we will applying the numbers 3, 6, and 9 in order to see what secrets of the universe can possibly be discovered. We will be using the image below as our representation model as we continue our discussion.  See image below...




Looking at all 6 sides of the die we can see that each number that is opposite the on our square totals to 7.  See image below… As you can see 1 to 6 is equal to 7, 2 plus 5 is 7, and 3 plus 4 is 7.  Now the real fun begins when one applies the universal concept of 3, 6, and 9.  Once completed you should see some numbers similar to ones in our image above if not exactly the same ones.





Now let us consider distance after applying the above said numbers with Professor Eric Laiwthwaite’s magnetic river. In the You-tube video posted below the professors explains and theories upon this river in which we consider to be magnetic as well. 


 So, how do we stabilize  any aluminum based object (vehicle) to move along this magnetic field (river) and exactly how can we access this same field that exist everywhere in the known universe?  If so, how can we navigate said vehicle? And, at what speed would our said vehicle be able to achieve possibly? Maybe even beyond light speed? How would the initeria of the vehicle effect it and its presumed occupants? Let’s see if we can answer a few these questions while using our 3, 6, and 9 secrets of the universe and dice.


Let us create 4 stable gravity fields and we will use the star ship Enterprise from 60’s Television show “Star Trek” as are model in this example. See image below… Our upper 2 pylons we attached to two upper cylinders and will operate 2 of our 4 gravity fields with the 3rd being the saucer section. These 4 fields will serve not only in balancing the ship as we move through space but have provide power to support some of the rest of ships critical functions which we will discuss later. Our 4th and most critical magnetic gravity field will serve as our main distributor, amplifying, and modulating power electronically while navigating the engines rotations, serving as a dampener so to speak. 




Now let’s move into DNA, (Propagating Navigation of said Distance) and consider our numbers 18, 36, 54, and 72 as degrees in space first. See image below….  Oh, these should be numbers that you have ended with after applying the universal code of 3, 6, and 9 to the Die of Dike. Configure these numbers as 4 of your 6 positions with the two remaining positions having yet to be determined.  Keeping in mind that are river is flowing exactly 90 degrees between 18 degrees and 72 degrees for example as we move along a degree line from 54 to 45 and then from 72 to 18 degrees. If you have noticed we’ve just established our required 6 points in space so all we have to do now is determine our point of origination after we have established after having established our destination.  



 The representing numbers as our 6 points space we will now look at them as wave of gravity in our magnetic river of gravity. Each wave increasing in strength and speed and once are vehicles stable magnetic gravity field is maintained, we can then amplify the magnetized field around our vehicle and have it pulled toward the magnetic pole of our choosing and at the amplified speed of our choosing as well stopping instantly while the occupants of the vehicle surrounded by a stable gravity field of their own (similar to that of earths) are not feel any lasting effects from starting, going, or stopping speeds (velocity).


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