Freedom of Choice

Freedom of Choice

A Contemplation In Regard to Liberty and Freedom


By Steven Henderson

June 5, 2022



It has been a significant amount of time in which has passed since I last visited this subject. Much more not so to do with lack of concern but still one of having considerable observation. Recognizing that one’s words do have tremendous power one begins to choose their words more wisely as time passes. Maybe not so much in their saying yet still remaining in their intent at the utmost fore front. The American experience for me as a child evolves from being called a Black American, to a Black African American.  Never really questioning these labels or definition of myself at that which had been provided to me by others. And at the same time as was being told I live in country that allows people to live freely and pursue happiness as they see fit. Even as a child, while playing cowboys and Indians, I recognized that freedom wasn’t given to the American Indian whom in truth already it but had it taken from them. Now some of you may differ in opinion of this which is fine and necessary in every democratic based society because we all perceive reality different.

These differences in perception or dare I say this fear over other peoples or one individual perception in part can be consider to be one of humanities plagues. The false perception of power is another and no I am not going to go thru a list of plagues that anyone can see and list in a variety of ways. What I am more concerned with are those ideas and concepts that can bring humanity together and ending senseless violence as one human being plagues upon another. Idealistic and impossible most would say, I agree. History, though told by the victor and yet let for discover for the investigator is there for making and creating.

Arguable of course involving all political, religious, individual, corporations, earnings is at its core a revolution around price. Whom in its time had is just and righteous revolutions is something in which I believe we all can whole heartedly agree. Consumerism on the other hand is dying, if not dead already, one only has to look at their store shelves to see its systematic dismantlement. The current gas price, while having most cry, outrageous and can be viewed as a deliberate act of tyranny. Strong words? Yes, but true coming from this man’s perception. Every car manufacturer today is in the process of building electric cars. Who in their right mind does not think this is going to have an effect on the oil and gas companies and them not already forecasting business models profits out years in advance. Using the slow transition from fossil fuels to electricity or what they are calling green power as cover. Green meaning to me is just an opportunity for individuals of power (using corporations) to hide behind their continue wealth hording as they continually force their perception of reality upon others.

The mere idea of continuously having to prove myself as citizen in a country I was born tells me that I am no citizen of that country but its slave being told to follow their lead as though I have no choice.

 You see I believe differently than that and by that I mean to say, I am a citizen of this planet and a harbinger of truth for all whom reside on it or in it. Now some would say these words alone could make me an enemy of the State. Dare I paraphrase the words of John Locke, who said, it is not I whom sets himself at war with the State (Corporations) but it is the state (Corporations) that sets itself at war upon me. Because it is indeed and in truth that I dare only to set my life in a quest for the pursuit of happiness and in liberty to do so with it. Wishing this not just for myself but all again whom dwell on this planet. This wish also I do just place upon myself fully well because I in knowing that those who come after me have every right to differ and live their life as they see fit free from the governing restrictions in which I had placed upon myself in unity with others.

Yes, we are at time were many across this planet may turn against us and we are all enduring own personal struggles that some may never recover from. Yet there are many more across this world whom share those same feelings and struggles that do. I am no different than any of you in this regard. Each dare I wake, dare to take on step forward. Never really truly knowing why I know the things that I know and why I have been told them along with where my path will lead me. I still yet will remain ever and forever faithful in the pursuit of knowing its final destination be that of a never ending road.  



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