THE EMC33 CAB CAR by Steven Henderson


Theoretical concepts in electromagnetic propagation…..

“Professor Eric Laiwthwaite Magnetic River 1975”, YouTube video demonstrates what can be defined not only as a river but a magnetic Ocean as well. An Ocean which exist, so to speak around this planet along with existing in space itself. However, keeping are focusing on the subject at hand we will begin our discussion by attempting to sail the magnetic ocean around our planet earth. 

The Directional Coupler design pictured below, has a multipurpose use in our theoretical propagation systems. Serving as a junction point for all the car’s functions including, resonation, CPU’s, amplification, boosting, and stabilizing of transmissions.

First, let me elaborate on some of my own mathematical experiments with a six sided dice presented in a previous blog post entitled, “The Shuttle…..Distances Navigation and Acceleration”.  Experimental calculations further concluded and resulted in the discovery of an algorithmic pattern existing with 4 specific degree positions.  Those degree positions are as follows….18, 36, 54, and 72 along with 1, 17, 81 and 90. 

Second, let us refer back to Professor Laiwthwaite’s Magnetic River experiment. Where he utilizes opposite magnetic fields to create a stable magnetic field or stabilizer in our case. We can also factor in Nikola Tesla’s belief and fact that the earth has electricity running in a cyclical pattern beneath its surface and can be tapped into. This means that, the electromagnetic field emanating from this electric field traveling beneath the earth surface can be tapped into as well. Here in lies our stable gravity field for our electromagnetic car. See image below…

Utilizing the experiments and theories of these two men, one can then themselves theorize the degree points of 18, 36, 54, and 72 as the coil blocks in Professor Laithwaithe’s River and align them with Tesla’s oceanic river that exist around the planet earth.  The exact same results should and will occur as in those in both Professor’s experiments.  See images below….

As we continue, we will consider our central processing units theorized to operate a fully functional electromagnetic vehicle.  Along with an over view of the flow process to generate and amplify the vehicles magnetic fields. Algorithm process will include but not limit to areas of navigation, field and sound generation as well as altitude and magnet pole attraction parameters. See images below…

A body design frame in aluminum in its base structure coded with a theoretical crystal polymer will serve as a conducive, an insulator for the electrical current generated from our resonator flowing to our amplifier out to our transmitting sound resonators located at the bottom and front of our vehicle. See image below…

In conclusion these theoretical concepts I believe have been proven already beyond this theoretical view point.


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