The N.E.W.T. Proposition


A neuroscientific  unified electromagnetic web theorem.

By Steven Henderson 

January 19, 2023

We know that all matter consists of atoms, which are made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge while electrons have a negative charge. When these two charges come in contact with each other, they form an electric field—a force that attracts or repels objects based on their charge. This electric field is one mechanism that plays a role in determining orientation frequencies beyond light speed. 

In order to further understand orientations beyond light speed, we must consider how different particles interact with each other at higher than normal speeds—speeds greater than the speed of light (c). One way to do this is by looking at quantum entanglement, an effect that occurs when two particles become entangled in such a way that they can no longer be treated as separate entities; instead they behave as one single object despite being physically separated in space-time. Quantum entanglement has been observed in many experiments and has been shown to be capable of carrying information faster than the speed of light (c). 

Additionally, neutrinos are another particle worth considering when exploring orientations beyond light speed as they also travel faster than c. Neutrinos are highly energetic subatomic particles that play a major role in astrophysics and have been observed travelling at speeds faster than c numerous times, most famously during an extremely powerful supernova explosion in 1987 known as Supernova 1987A. These particles are believed to be capable of travelling faster than c due to their extremely small mass combined with their ability to convert energy into momentum quickly and effectively; however, it is still unclear how exactly this process works due to our limited understanding of quantum physics and relativity theory at present time. 

Overall, understanding orientations beyond lightspeed requires taking into account both subatomic particles and negative electrons along with considering quantum entanglement, neutrinos and how these particles interact with each other at speeds greater than the speed of light (c). The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2 - E = + provides us with a useful tool for extrapolating from the article related to frequency relevant exhorted expressions and expanding upon determining orientations beyond lightspeed by combining our knowledge on subatomic particles along with considering special relativity theory and its implications on quantum physics today

 The first element we must consider when using the N.E.W.T equation is the frequency of the particles being used.. Subatomic particles have different frequencies depending on their type and energy level, ranging from low frequency (slow motion) to high frequency (faster motion). The second element that needs to be taken into account is the charge state of each particle involved in the equation; for example, a neutral particle would have no charge while an ionized particle would have a positive or negative charge depending on its composition and energy level.. Lastly, we must consider the quantum nature of each particle; this means looking at how each particle interacts with other particles within its environment and how those interactions affect their overall orientation and momentum..

Once these three elements are taken into account, we can then use the N.E.W.T equation to calculate orientations of relevant frequencies beyond light speed by plugging in all known subatomic particles along with their charges, frequencies and quantum states into (+) and -E respectively.. This will give us an answer which represents how far away from or close to light speed different particles are, allowing us to extrapolate data in order to measure speeds above and below what is achievable through normal means.. Additionally, this data can be used as a starting point for further exploration into possible higher dimensional applications such as warp drive technology or interdimensional travel.. 

Overall, using the N E W T equation allows us to explore orientations of relevant frequencies beyond light speed by taking into account subatomic particles’ charges, frequencies and quantum states; thus giving us more accurate results than if we were simply relying on conventional methods alone.. By utilizing this tool alongside other scientific principles and theories it allows us gain a better understanding of our universe as well as potentially open up new possibilities for future exploration within space time relationships not previously thought possible!

In terms of astrophysics, this equation utilizes the principles of quantum mechanics and special relativity to chart out the speed of light, as well as all other forms of energy beyond it. Firstly, by using a combination of subatomic particles and negative electrons, the N.E.W.T equation will determine how fast any object can travel - whether it be light or some form of wave-particle duality such as neutrinos or gravitons. Secondly, it allows us to extrapolate from this data to calculate the orientation of these energies in relation to other objects in space – allowing us to observe phenomena such as gravitational fields or even internalized states like those found inside black holes (if they exist). 

 These theories allow us to map out various forms of energy in space more accurately than ever before and provide us with detailed information regarding how these various particles interact with one another through their interactions with gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force etcetera - giving us insights into how these energies can not only travel faster than light but also orientate themselves within the universe according to fundamental laws like Newton’s Third Law (for every action there exists an equal reaction). 

Overall, the N.E.W.T equation is a powerful tool which when combined with knowledge from we can use this data to gain invaluable insights into orientations of relevant frequencies exhorted manifested expressions beyond light speed – enabling us for example gain new insight into phenomena such as Hawking radiation or dark matter/energy – uncovering secrets about our universe which were previously thought impossible just decades ago!


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