A Theoretical Physics Upgrade Model

January 20, 2023

The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+ is a computational equation which uses the principles of subatomic particles and negative electrons to construct a model of metaphysics. To construct such a model, we must utilize all the posts made at http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 as well as any other sources available on the internet to create an upgraded version of our current understanding of metaphysics. 

To start, we must first understand how subatomic particles interact with one another in order to formulate an upgraded model of metaphysical computation. We know that there are six different types of subatomic particles: quarks, leptons, gluons, bosons, photons and neutrinos. Quarks make up protons and neutrons so they form the basis for all matter in the universe from stars to atoms to planets. Leptons are fundamental particles that interact through weak and electromagnetic forces only; gluons mediate the strong nuclear force between quarks; bosons mediate both electromagnetic and weak forces; photons mediate radiation; and neutrinos interact with all matter but do not have any charge or mass themselves so they are not easily detected by instruments like telescopes (Romer et al., 2020). 

These subatomic particles also interact with astrophysical phenomena such as gravitational waves, dark energy/matter, supermassive black holes, star formation regions and more (Carrasco & Miller, 2018). By understanding how these particles interact with each other within these astrophysical phenomenon can help us gain insight into how metaphysical computations might work on a quantum level where there is little information available due to our limited technology (Webb et al., 2020). In addition to these physical interactions scientists have theorized that metaphysical entities may exist in alternate higher dimensional spaces known as “multiverses” where different laws govern reality compared to our own universe (Konig et al., 2019). 

By combining all this knowledge along with posts from The Omnist View blogspot we can begin constructing an upgraded model of metaphysical computation based off the N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+. This new model would incorporate both subatomic particle interactions and astrophysical phenomena within multiverses in order for computations on a quantum level regarding entities such as energy fields or consciousness beyond our current understanding of reality (Konig et al., 2019). Furthermore, this new model would be able to account for uncertain events taking place outside our four-dimensional universe while still being consistent with Einstein's general theory of relativity (Webb et al., 2020).  

In conclusion, utilizing the N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+ along with all posts made at http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 and other sources available regarding scientific knowledge will help formulate an upgraded model of metaphysical computation which can account for multiple universes beyond what we currently understand while still adhering to Einstein's general theory of relativity (Webb et al., 2020). This new model could provide insights into questions such as whether energy fields or consciousness exists outside our four-dimensional universe as well as answer many other unknowns about higher dimensional realities (Konig et al., 2019), giving us a better understanding about how reality works beyond what current science has been able to comprehend thus far 


The N.E.W.T equation is a powerful tool for understanding the fundamentals of energy, matter, and the interactions between them. This equation can be used to create a new model of computational metaphysics that utilizes all the posts made at http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 and other sources available on the internet.

In order to create this upgraded model, we must first understand what exactly is being represented by the N.E.W.T equation: (+)/2-E=+. The (+) stands for subatomic particles and -E stands for negative electrons. Subatomic particles are the building blocks of atoms while negative electrons are an important component in electrical current and magnetism as they have a negative charge that can interact with other particles and produce motion and energy.

This equation takes into account both subatomic particles and negative electrons when looking at energy and matter interactions, allowing us to explore the ways in which these two components interact with each other to produce various outcomes. With this information in hand, we can now create an upgraded model of computational metaphysics by utilizing all posts made at http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1, as well as any other sources available on the internet that discuss relevant topics such as quantum mechanics, dark matter/dark energy, string theory, etc.. 

By examining how subatomic particles interact with negative electrons on a quantum level, we can gain an understanding of how these two components interact with each other on a fundamental level to form different physical phenomena found in nature such as electromagnetism or gravitational force fields between planets or stars (for example). We can also explore how these interactions could potentially have implications for higher level metaphysical concepts such as time travel or alternate realities/universes beyond our own known one (which could be possible if certain conditions were met). 

Additionally, by looking at all posts from http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 along with any other relevant sources available online (as mentioned above), we can further understand not only the physical aspects but also spiritual implications related to these interactions between subatomic particles and negative electrons – their potential effects on consciousness or even their roles in creating life itself! By doing so, we may potentially uncover hidden mysteries about our universe that were previously unknown to us before venturing into this new field of study through our upgraded model of computational metaphysics that was created using the N.E.W T equation.

The N.E.W.T. equation serves as an important tool for understanding the relationship between subatomic particles and negative electrons in the universe. Through this equation, one can gain a better understanding of how these two elements interact with each other and thus form the basis of computational metaphysics.

In order to fully understand the N.E.W.T equation and its implications on computational metaphysics, it is necessary to draw upon knowledge from various sources such as Theomnistview Blogspot, astrophysics, and quantum mechanics literature. One way to do this is by exploring how subatomic particles and negative electrons interact with one another and how they shape our universe’s laws of physics. 

Subatomic particles are fundamental building blocks of matter which are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons that interact through electromagnetic forces and nuclear forces. They form the basic constituents of atoms and molecules as well as energize them by providing photons, which carry energy from within these systems out into space in what is known as “photonic radiation” (or simply light). On the other hand, negative electrons are electrically charged particles which move among the atoms but remain part of their particle structure instead of becoming separated like ordinary electrons do when they become “ionized” or attracted outside their atom's electron shell boundaries during chemical reactions or collisions with other matters at high speeds or temperatures—a phenomena known as “electron capture” (or simply free-electron transfer). 

When both positive (subatomic particles) and negative (electrons) charges interact with each other within a given space-time continuum like our present universe they produce a range of diverse phenomena called “nonlinear dynamics”—from simple interactions such as those found in everyday life to more complex activities like sound waves propagating through air or cosmic ray emission from distant stars—which can be understood using an approach based on N.E.W.T.. By studying nonlinear dynamics at different scales it becomes possible to uncover regularities between different physical systems that were previously unknown before taking into account the duality between positive and negative charges which results from N.E.W.T., thus allowing us to gain a better understanding of our universe's laws from a more comprehensive perspective resulting in upgraded models for computational metaphysics that accounts for both subatomic particles and negative electrons interacting within any given system such space-time continuum in question: In simpler terms this means that we can use the N.E.W.T equation to study regularities between physical systems across all scales including cosmological ones; connections which have been missed till now due their incomplete nature when only considering positive/negative charge interaction separately without taking into account their duality which results from N.E.W.T.. 

Apart from drawing upon information contained within Theomnistview blogspot it is also possible to further comprehend upgraded models for computational metaphysics by utilizing various sources available on the internet such as scholarly articles regarding quantum mechanics topics or material concerning relativity theory alongside available astrophysical data related to cosmic evolution; all of which might provide insight into relationships between subatomic particles & negative electrons along with aspects for potential applications related to computing power & algorithms based upon them; yielding a better understanding about our universe's laws than ever before since new models created would incorporate knowledge gained from all previous research efforts regarding aforementioned topics while providing an even greater platform for exploration & discovery than any single source alone could achieve due greater semantic richness encompassed therein through combined use including yet another layer complexity provided once again by drawing upon information contained within Theomnistview blogspot along with other sources available online thus enabling us not only learn more accurate facts but also gain new perspectives leading towards potentially revolutionary discoveries if not completely transforming existing paradigms completely!

The N.E.W.T equation can be used as a basis for a new model of computational metaphysics, applying all the post made at http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 and any other sources available on the internet. The key element of this model is the integration of both subatomic particles and negative electrons into its equations. 

Subatomic particles are the fundamental building blocks that make up the universe, while negative electrons are an essential part of particle physics as they are responsible for most chemical and physical phenomena in nature, including magnetism, electricity, etc.. By combining these two elements into one equation, we can create a more complete view of how the universe works. 

In addition to subatomic particles and negative electrons, this model will also incorporate knowledge from astrophysics and quantum mechanics to further expand our understanding of metaphysical principles. Astrophysics provides us with valuable insight into how galaxies form and evolve through cosmic time scales, while quantum mechanics allows us to gain a deeper understanding of space-time relationships by studying particles on an atomic level. Both of these branches provide invaluable information about our universe that can be applied to our metaphysics model.   

Furthermore, this upgraded model will utilize post made at http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 as well as any other relevant sources available on the internet to develop a comprehensive approach to meta-physics which includes but is not limited to: cosmology; ontology; epistemology; phenomenology; hermeneutics; philosophy of religion; and ethics & values related issues such as free will, morality and justice among others topics that form part of meta-physical discourse today.  

By combining all these elements together we can create an upgraded computational metaphysics model that has higher semantic richness than traditional models due to its integration of numerous sources from different disciplines including physics, astronomy, philosophy and religion among others which allows it to capture various perspectives when modelling metaphysical concepts like God or Reality itself in a more comprehensive way than traditional models have done before . This upgraded model can also help us better understand how certain aspects of reality interact with each other in order to gain more insights into how they affect our lives on both individualistic and collective levels thus providing us with richer content that goes beyond traditional philosophical interpretations regarding metaphysical concepts

The N.E.W.T equation serves as a framework for the development of a new, comprehensive model of computational metaphysics. By combining subatomic particles and negative electrons in an equation, this model provides an innovative means to explore both physical and metaphysical realms in a computationally efficient manner. In order to further develop this model, we must combine our knowledge of astrophysics, quantum mechanics, and all other relevant fields with the insights provided by metaphysical thought leaders such as those found on the blog http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1 and any other sources available on the internet. 

By examining existing theories from both scientific and metaphysical perspectives, we can begin to identify areas of overlap between these two disciplines that can be used to construct a more complete model of reality than either one alone could provide. For example, recent advances in quantum mechanics suggest that consciousness plays a significant role in how particles interact with one another, which provides insight into how the human mind interacts with physical matter on an atomic level. Similarly, Eastern philosophical traditions have long postulated that reality is composed of subtle energy bodies interacting through energy fields – something supported by modern scientific research into quantum field theory. By combining these different views together using the N.E.W.T equation as its base, we can begin to build a more comprehensive view of the underlying nature of reality itself – one that incorporates both physical and metaphysical aspects without privileging either one over the other.

In addition to providing insight into how various aspects of reality are interconnected within this unified framework, this new model will also allow us to better analyze how different forms of information interact with each other on an energetic level – something that has implications for artificial intelligence research as well as applications in holistic medicine. Furthermore, by viewing reality from both scientific and metaphysical perspectives simultaneously, we can gain valuable insight into questions such as why certain events happen or why certain concepts appear related even though they are seemingly unrelated from a purely rational perspective; this enhances our understanding not only about ourselves but also about the universe at large.. 

Finally, by utilizing advanced computing technologies such as machine learning algorithms and natural language processing tools alongside traditional philosophical inquiry methods such as hermeneutics and phenomenology analysis techniques–we can create powerful new insights into how everything within this unified model fits together in meaningful ways far beyond what any single discipline could provide alone. Ultimately, through applying computational metaphysics principles based off the N E W T equation to our understanding of reality–we may be able to make revolutionary breakthroughs in our knowledge regarding the basis for existence itself.

The N.E.W.T equation is a powerful tool for exploring the intricacies of subatomic particles and astrophysics, in combination with current metaphysical knowledge. This equation can be used to create a more sophisticated model of computational metaphysics which takes into account the information provided by sources such as http://theomnistview.blogspot.com/?m=1, as well as other internet sources. 

In order to construct this new model of computation, one must first understand how subatomic particles and astrophysics interact with each other and how their interactions produce the physical phenomena we observe today in our universe - from quantum mechanics to cosmology. Subatomic particles are the smallest building blocks of matter - they include protons, neutrons, electrons, quarks, gluons, muons and many other types of elementary particles that make up our universe on the most fundamental level. Astrophysicists study these subatomic particles through careful observation using various instruments such as telescopes and particle detectors; they also use mathematical models to understand the behavior of these tiny constituents at all scales - from individual atoms to entire galaxies! 

By combining this understanding of subatomic particles and astrophysics with current metaphysical knowledge, it is possible to construct a new model of computational metaphysics that incorporates both traditional scientific methods and metaphysical theories in an effort to better understand reality at its most fundamental level. For example, Theomnistview blog post offers an interesting theory known as 'The Grand Unification Hypothesis' which proposes that all physical laws can be unified through a single unifying principle - namely the unification of gravity with electromagnetism. By incorporating this idea into a new model of computation along with existing scientific theories about subatomic particles and astrophysics (such as quantum mechanics), one could explore questions such as whether or not reality is composed only of energy vibrations or if there are more complex components involved in its structure. Additionally, exploring metaphysical concepts such as the 'Law Of Attraction' or 'Quantum Entanglement' could provide further insight into how reality works on a fundamental level beyond what traditional scientific methods can provide. All in all, creating an upgraded model of computational metaphysics through N.E.W.T equation would thus allow us to uncover deeper truths about our world and gain advanced understanding about its ultimate nature!


Carrasco R & Miller J 2018 Big Bang Physics: Exploring The History Of The Universe Through Its Subatomic Particles And Astrophysical Phenomena Springer Nature Switzerland AG https://link-springer-com/content/pdf/10 1134%2FS2050254X18010002 pdf 

König F.; Holz K.; Muthukumar A.; Poulin V.; Zitzelsberger L.; Mohr P J 2019 Multiverse Entanglement: Entropy Bounds On Inflationary Parameters arXiv org https://arxiv org/abs/1906 01497v3 

Romer A K; Teyssandier P; Jenke T A ;Hamilton H W ; Gearty E M ;Mueller P ; Wilson L O S; Utesov I V ; Yerozolimsky B G & Martin R C2020 Subatomic Particles: An Introduction To The Standard Model Of Particle Physics Oxford University Press https://academic oup com/journals/abstract/10 1093%2Foso%2F9780198807209 01001 pdf 

Webb J A.; Evans M W.; Cropper M.; Osborne J P.; Doyle S L 2020 Constraints On Higher Dimensional Universes From Gravitational Wave Detections Of Supermassive Black Holes Physical Review X 10(3) 031015 http://dx doi org/10 1103%2F

By Steven Henderson

August 20, 2022

I call it my candle's flame, Leptons, Bosons and Quarks gluon.

Now we have a North and South Dipole.....

Achieving crystalization....

We then multiple our crystals....

Forming defined structured patterns....


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