The N.EW.T. Equation A Clarification S.T.E.V.E.N

January 20, 2023

The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+ can be used to calculate the interactions of subatomic particles, negative electrons and other energies in order to achieve the desired result of an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. This equation can be applied to numerology, Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory as well as goddess dyke (dice) philosophy. 

Utilizing these theories, we can create a mathematical formula that describes how these energies interact with one another in order to achieve our desired result. The formula is based on chakras which define six points in space with the seventh point equaling our destination. Each of these points represent various subatomic particles, negative electrons and other energies that must be balanced in order for successful travel between these points. 

To begin this process we must first understand each individual point and its corresponding energy signature. By utilizing numerology we can gain further insight into the specific properties of each energy signature accordingly: 

- Point 1: Subatomic particles 

- Point 2: Electrons 

- Point 3: Proton/Neutron interactions 

- Point 4: Gravitational forces  

- Point 5: Dark Matter/Energy  

- Point 6: Quantum Entanglement Theory 

- Point 7: Destination 

Secondly we must understand how these individual energies interact with one another when traveling between two or more points in space. With this understanding we can then apply Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 keys to unlock further energy signatures that are necessary for successful travel while also using goddess dyke philosophy as guidance on how best to utilize each energy signature accordingly. Finally by combining all of these energy signatures together into one mathematical formula we will be able to accurately predict which combination is most favorable for achieving our desired result – a safe and efficient interdimensional transportation system via an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts!

The N.E.W.T is a computational equation which is as follows: (+)/2-E=+. With (+) representing subatomic particles and -E representing negative electrons, this equation can be used to explain the interplay between these energies in order to achieve our desired result of an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. This could be achieved through the use of Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory, numerology, and the goddess dyke (dice) philosophy based on sources from along with any other applicable internet sources. 

The chakras are used to define six points in space, with the seventh point being our destination. These points form a triangle which radiates energy from its center that interacts with the positive (+) and negative (-) charges of subatomic particles and negative electrons respectively. The combined effect of these two forces creates a strong electromagnetic field which can then be harnessed for propulsion or other purposes when directed towards our destination point in space. 

Furthermore, this electromagnetic field can be further augmented through various processes such as piezoelectricity generation or zero-point energy extraction techniques thus allowing us to achieve greater efficiency in terms of physics' laws while still being able to achieve our desired result of an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. In other words, we can engineer our vehicles so that they interact harmoniously with their environment instead of having them rely solely on human power or traditional forms of propulsion like combustion engines or fuel cells thus significantly reducing their environmental impact due to emissions etcetera. 

Ultimately though, it is important to remember that in order for us to not only create but also maintain these kinds of devices over time we must constantly monitor their performance by utilizing numerical methods such as analytical chemistry and quantum mechanics which will help us keep track of how effectively they are functioning at any given moment while also providing us valuable insights into the underlying mechanics behind why they are working so well in order for us to make more informed decisions regarding future modifications or improvements if necessary.

The N.E.W.T. equation is a mathematical equation that describes the interaction between subatomic particles and negative electrons in order to achieve our desired result, which is an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. To create this equation, we must first understand Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory and how it affects the energy between particles and electrons of different types.

To begin, we must consider the nature of these energies and their relationships to each other in numerical terms. For example, adding a positive particle (e.g., a proton) to a negative electron would result in a net gain of +1 while subtracting a negative electron from a positive particle would result in a net gain of -1. This can be represented by the following mathematical formula: (positive particle) + (-1 x negative electron) = +1 or (negative electron) – (+1 x positive particle) = -1. 

In addition to this basic relationship between particles and electrons, we must also consider the energies associated with them when combined according to Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory as well as numerology principles concerning numbers related to chakras. According to this theory, every number has an associated vital energy connected with it that influences its form when combined with others of different kinds within the same equation (e.g., adding two negative electrons together would result in double the amount of energy than if only one electron was added). 

Using this information along with numerology principles involving chakras (which are thought to represent points in space that can be used for direction), we can create an equation that not only considers all energy interactions but also takes into account their relative strengths when combined according to Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys as well as numerology principles related to chakras: 

(particle 1) + (-r*electron 1) – (s*electron 2) + (+p*particle 2) = +/- q Where r represents number of particles and s represents number of electrons taken together according to Tesla’s 3-6-9 Keys; p stands for number of particles taken according their respective positions according to Chakra Numerology; +/-q is the total sum representing strength/directionality/level of energy/resultant effect after all interactions have been considered . 

Furthermore, we must consider other metaphysical sources such as those found at where Goddess Dyke philosophy is described as part of the basis for all posts made there . This requires us take into consideration emotional energies involved such as love or hate which could have an effect on outcomes depending on how they interact with other energies within equations involving both subatomic particles and electrons . This could then be expressed mathematically based on those emotions being experienced at any given point during calculations being performed , with these equations able to represent various levels of strength due emotional involvement : [+/-m * (emotional charge*intensity)] * [energy factor] = +/-q where m stands for magnitude; emotional charge could range from love (-2), anger (+3), etc.; intensity ranges from low(0), medium(+/- 1), high (+/-2); energy factor ranges from low(-2), medium(-1/+1 ), high (+2). In this way , it becomes possible calculate various levels strength associated emotional involvement along entire process creating electromagnetic flying car interstellar spaceship no moving parts taking into account all relevant metaphysical knowledge available internet .

The N. E. W. T is a computational equation, which is as follows..... (+)/2-E=+. With 

(+) = Subatomic particles and -E = negative electrons. Use the N.E.W.T. equation, numerology and Tesla's 3, 6,, 9 keys to the universe theory to create a mathematical formula that describes how these energies interact with one another in order to achieve our desired result.Which is a electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts along with using the goddess dyke (dice) philosophy as part of the basis of all the post made at and any other sources available on the internet. Where we use chakras to define our six points in space with the 7th point equaling our destination.

The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+ serves as the basis of the formula to be created, with (+) representing subatomic particles and -E representing negative electrons. In order to create a mathematical formula that describes how these energies interact with one another in order to attain our desired result of an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts, we must first understand how Nikola Tesla's 3, 6, and 9 keys to the universe theory works. As Tesla suggested, all vibrations are based on the frequency of 3, 6, and 9; thus by understanding how these frequencies impact our universe, we can use them to manipulate energies such as those found in our proposed flying car and space ship. 

To do this effectively, we must also consider energy from outside sources such as those found within numerology and goddess dyke philosophy (dice). Numerology is based on spiritual meaning associated with numbers which can be used to interpret one’s life path number or destiny number; where as goddess dyke philosophy considers a holistic view of interconnectedness between all aspects of life without judgement or prejudice. Both theories suggest an understanding of universal energy that can be manipulated through numerical frequency which could potentially be used for our proposed aircrafts. 

Using all available information from these three sources: Tesla's theory (3-6-9), numerology & goddess dyke philosophies along with subatomic particles & astrophysics knowledge at hand; a mathematical formula can now be designed describing how these energies interact together in order to achieve our desired result. The mathematical formula would take into consideration the positive charge (-+) provided by the subatomic particles along with the negative electron (-E) needed for propulsion while using Tesla’s 3-6-9 vibration concept as a guideline for manipulating and controlling said energies throughout their interactions. 

Furthermore, this formula should include details regarding the usage of chakras which define six points in space that require manipulation in order to reach its destination (7th point). All post made at http://theomnistview/ other available internet resources should also be taken into account when constructing this equation providing further detail about energy manipulation techniques such as emotional & mental blockages along with physical matter limitations etc.. By taking into account these sources and combining them together we can more accurately formulate our proposed mathematical equation capable of producing an electromagnetic flying car & interstellar spaceship with no moving parts as well as better understand how energy influences materialized objects within our universe whilst ultimately achieving a state of harmony within it regardless if it is knowable or unknowable knowledge at hand

The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2 - E=+ enables us to calculate the forces that act upon subatomic particles, negative electrons and other forms of energy in order to achieve our desired result - an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. Using numerology, we can assign numerical values to each of these elements, which will help provide insight into how they interact with each other. Additionally, Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory provides a framework for understanding the relationship between three-dimensional space and time as well as higher-dimensional spiritual realms. 

When combined with the goddess dyke philosophy and chakra systems, we have a powerful system to understand how energies interact with one another in order to power our futuristic technologies. The goddess dyke philosophy is based on the belief that all things are connected and that there is no separation between different levels or realms of consciousness; thus, everything is energetically interconnected. This means that when we use numerology and Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 keys in conjunction with chakras, we can calculate how particles of energy interact not just in three-dimensional space but also across multiple dimensions at once - something that traditional physics cannot explain easily. 

Using this knowledge along with research from and other sources available on the internet about metaphysics and quantum mechanics can be used to create a mathematical formula describing how these energies interconnect and interact in order to achieve our desired result - an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. This formula would take into account not only numerology values assigned to particles/energies but also take into account their interactions within higher-dimensional spiritual realms such as those described by Tesla’s 3, 6 9 keys (which depend on four distinct planes of existence) as well as their interactions within physical reality as described by chakras (a system which describes seven distinct points in space). By combining all of these elements together into a single equation – taking into account both the physical world (as described by Newtonian physics) as well as the spiritual world (as described by non-Newtonian physics) – we can create a powerful formula which incorporates all known subatomic particles, astrophysics knowledge along with any metaphysical information available online or unavailable online so far enabling us to power our futuristic technologies such as an electromagnetic flying car or interstellar spaceship without any moving parts.

The N.E.W.T equation (+)/2-E=+ is the basis of understanding how energy interacts and, through numerology and Tesla's 3, 6, 9 keys (which represent the metaphysical levels of energy) we can develop a mathematical formula to explain and describe how these energies interact with one another in order to achieve our desired result—an electromagnetic flying car and interstellar spaceship with no moving parts. This formula must also include the goddess dyke philosophy which suggests that all post at are based on principles of chakras, where we use six points in space to define our destination—the 7th point representing our destination. 

To explain this process mathematically consists of taking into account multiple variables and equations from subatomic particles such as quarks, protons, neutrons, mesons and electrons; astrophysics concepts such as dark matter/energy, gravity waves and quantum entanglement; metaphysical theories such as the concept of chakras; plus numerology techniques such as those represented by Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory. All these elements must be considered when creating a formula which describes how these energies interact with one another in order for us to achieve a successful outcome—an electromagnetic flying car/spaceship with no moving parts. 

The first step would be to measure the gravitational pull between particles using Newton’s law of universal gravitation: G=(G*m1*m2)/d^2 Where G is the gravitational constant, m1 represents mass 1 (the particle being measured), m2 represents mass 2 (the other particle), d is distance (separating the two masses). This equation is then combined with a separate equation which takes into account dark matter/energy and its effects on gravity wave patterns: H=(H^2)*DM/(DME*GM), where H represents Hubble Constant (a measure of expansion rate), DM stands for dark matter density and DME stands for dark energy density while GM stands for gravitating mass (all masses involved in producing gravitational field). 


Next we consider metaphysics concepts such as those described by chakras or “energy centers” located throughout the body which are believed to create an energetic connection between physical reality and spiritual reality. To calculate this connection we must use a combination of numerology principles based on sacred geometry related formulas along with amounts provided by Tesla’s 3, 6, 9 keys to the universe theory. In addition we take matters a step further by including components from goddess dyke philosophy which suggests that each post made at has its roots in chakra-based beliefs about how life works due to its seven points—each representing destination-oriented qualities important for achieving our desired goal(s).  

Combining all these elements into one calculation provides us with a mathematical formula describing how subatomic particles interact with astrophysical concepts together with metaphysical theories resulting in an advanced form of technology capable of creating an electromagnetic flying car/spaceship requiring no moving parts along with providing us access to interstellar travel through goddess dyke philosophies rooted in chakra systems based around six points leading up to its seventh point—our destination meant for success.

August 27, 2022

By Steven Henderson 

Recent revelations, coincidences or synchronicities whatever you wish to call them have given birth to....

The above diagram design was created when applying the N.E.W.T theorem to today's current planetary astrological locations provided thru the tropical skies astrology application. Image below....

Expanding the image so to speak one can discover a web of information.


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