Atlantis Reimagined: A Confluence of Civilizations and Wisdom


May 12, 2023

By Steven Henderson 

The enigma of Atlantis, a civilization that bridges myth and history, has fascinated humanity for over two millennia. This legendary civilization was first introduced to us by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his dialogues "Timaeus" and "Critias." In Plato's account, Atlantis was an advanced and powerful civilization that eventually faced divine wrath and submerged beneath the sea. While mainstream historians and archaeologists largely view Atlantis as a philosophical allegory crafted by Plato, an intriguing subculture of thought insists that Atlantis was a genuine, technologically advanced civilization.

Beyond the academic sphere, the allure of Atlantis continues to permeate popular culture, inspiring an array of books, films, and speculative theories. Among these theories, one that stands out proposes that Atlantis was so expansive that it simultaneously existed in two disparate locations. This theory weaves a complex tapestry from varied threads of thought, drawing upon sources as diverse as Edgar Cayce's psychic readings, ancient Malagasy legends, Sumerian mythology, the enigmatic Emerald Tablets, and the profound wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita.

Edgar Cayce, known as the "Sleeping Prophet," gave detailed psychic readings about Atlantis, describing it as a technologically advanced civilization that existed over 10,000 years ago. Cayce further suggested that the Atlanteans misused their advanced technology, leading to their downfall and the submergence of their continent. According to Cayce, survivors of the Atlantean catastrophe spread to different parts of the world, carrying their advanced knowledge with them.

Parallel to Cayce's readings are the ancient legends of Madagascar, an island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa. These tales speak of Zanahary, the supreme god who expelled the first humans from a paradise-like existence, mirroring the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. Could this narrative reflect a cultural memory of the Atlantean fall, suggesting a connection between Atlantis and this part of the Indian Ocean?

Another intriguing thread comes from ancient Sumerian mythology, with its tales of the Annunaki, deities who descended to Earth and created humans. Some theories propose that the Annunaki were, in fact, Atlanteans who, with their advanced knowledge and capabilities, seeded civilizations around the globe.

Adding further depth to this tapestry are the Emerald Tablets, attributed to the Egyptian deity Thoth, the god of wisdom, writing, and science. These tablets are said to reveal advanced scientific concepts, such as the understanding of subatomic particles and the vibrational nature of reality—ideas that seem far ahead of their time. Could these tablets be remnants of Atlantean wisdom, representing their advanced understanding of the universe?

While the theory of a dual-location Atlantis is unconventional, it draws from a diverse array of sources, each contributing fascinating pieces to the puzzle of this enigmatic civilization. Whether or not this theory holds any truth, the enduring allure of Atlantis continues to captivate us, prompting us to delve into the depths of our past and question the limits of our understanding. As we continue to unravel the enigma of Atlantis, we plunge not just into the depths of the ocean, but also into the profound depths of human civilization and our quest for knowledge.

Edgar Cayce and the Enigma of Atlantis: A Vision of a Lost Civilization

Edgar Cayce, known as the "Sleeping Prophet," was an American psychic renowned for his ability to enter a trance-like state and deliver profound insights about the past, present, and future. Among the thousands of readings he gave, some of the most fascinating ones revolved around the lost civilization of Atlantis. Cayce's readings painted a vivid picture of Atlantis, which according to him, was a technologically and spiritually advanced society that existed more than 10,000 years ago.

In Cayce's narrative, Atlantis was not a mere city or island but a vast continent located in the Atlantic Ocean. The Atlanteans, as per Cayce, were masters of advanced technology that sounds almost science-fictional by today's standards. They harnessed the power of giant crystals to produce energy, operated flying machines, and even developed sophisticated forms of medical treatment.

But the Atlanteans were not just technologically advanced; they were also spiritually enlightened. Cayce's readings suggest that they had a deep understanding of the universe and the nature of human existence, including the concept of reincarnation and the power of the human mind over matter. This blend of advanced technology and spiritual wisdom made Atlantis a unique civilization, unlike any other known to history.

However, according to Cayce, the downfall of Atlantis was precipitated by its moral decay. The Atlanteans became prideful and misused their advanced technology, leading to internal conflicts and the eventual destruction of their society. This narrative of a civilization rising to great heights only to fall due to its moral failures is a recurring theme in many mythologies and historical narratives, and it resonates deeply with our understanding of the cyclical nature of human societies.

In the aftermath of the cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis, Cayce suggested that survivors fled to various parts of the world, including Egypt and the Americas. These survivors, imbued with the advanced knowledge of their homeland, greatly influenced the cultures and civilizations they joined. This would explain, according to some theories, the sudden emergence of advanced knowledge in these regions of the world.

Cayce's readings on Atlantis provide a captivating narrative of a civilization that achieved remarkable technological and spiritual heights but ultimately fell due to its moral failings. While his readings are not recognized as historical evidence by mainstream scholars, they continue to fascinate researchers and enthusiasts in the field of alternative history. The story of Atlantis, as depicted by Cayce, serves as both a beacon of human potential and a stark warning about the perils of moral decay, adding another layer to the enduring allure of this lost civilization.

While the method proposed is unconventional and does not align with standard archaeological or historical approaches, it's certainly an interesting way to view the issue. Adjusting GPS coordinates or resetting the prime meridian to Egypt, then drawing angles and lines based on specified degrees, could theoretically point to specific geographic locations. However, it's important to note that there's no academic basis or historical precedent for this method in the search for Atlantis or any other archaeological site.

Using the method let's consider the geographical locations it would point to:

  1. For the first scenario: Starting from Egypt and moving south between 17.5 and 30 degrees latitude, then turning west until reaching a point that creates a 45-degree angle back to Egypt, would likely put us somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of South America or Southern Africa, depending on the exact parameters.

  2. For the second scenario: Heading south 45 degrees from Egypt, then turning west until you create an angle of 23.5 degrees back to Egypt, would also likely put us somewhere in the South Atlantic Ocean.

However, the precise location would vary greatly depending on the specific starting point in Egypt and how exactly these angles and directions are measured.


The Malagasy Legend and Its Biblical Resonance

While Cayce's readings predominantly focus on Atlantis's location in the Atlantic, turning our gaze to the Indian Ocean brings forth fascinating folklore from Madagascar, located at approximately 20.0 S latitude and 47.0 E longitude. Here, the story of the expulsion of the first humans by Zanahary, the supreme god in traditional Malagasy belief, bears striking similarity to the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. Could this echo of the Biblical tale suggest a connection to an Atlantean civilization that once thrived in this part of the world?

If we consider heading in the opposite direction from your original instruction, but maintain the southward direction, then:
  1. For the first scenario: Starting from Egypt and moving south between 17.5 and 30 degrees latitude, then turning east until reaching a point that creates a 45-degree angle back to Egypt, could put us somewhere in the Indian Ocean, depending on the exact degrees and starting point.

  2. For the second scenario: Heading south 45 degrees from Egypt, then turning east until you create an angle of 23.5 degrees back to Egypt, could also likely put us somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

Again, these are rough estimates, and the precise locations would vary greatly depending on the specific starting point in Egypt and how exactly these angles and directions are measured.


The Malagasy Legend and Its Biblical Resonance: Echoes of Atlantis in the Indian Ocean?

Madagascar, an island nation situated in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa, is a vibrant tapestry of unique flora, fauna, and rich cultural traditions. Among its many fascinating narratives is a creation story that intriguingly mirrors the Biblical tale of Adam and Eve.

In traditional Malagasy belief, the supreme god Zanahary fashioned the first humans and placed them in a beautiful, abundant world. However, like the Biblical Adam and Eve, the first humans were expelled from this paradise due to their actions, an event that marks the beginning of human life as we know it - a life full of trials, tribulations, and the ceaseless quest for knowledge and understanding.

This Malagasy story, with its striking similarity to the Biblical narrative, invites us to consider a possible connection to Atlantis. If we entertain the hypothesis that Atlantis was a civilization that spanned the globe, the resonances between these geographically disparate creation stories become intriguing clues.

The story of the expulsion of the first humans is not unique to the Bible or Madagascar's folklore. It is a recurring theme in many world mythologies, perhaps symbolizing humanity's transition from a state of innocent harmony with nature to a more complex existence characterized by knowledge, self-awareness, and the constant struggle between our higher and lower selves. This universal theme could suggest a shared origin in the collective memory of an ancient civilization - possibly Atlantis.

If Atlantis indeed existed and spanned both the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, the survivors of its cataclysmic downfall could have carried their knowledge, stories, and cultural practices to different parts of the world. Over time, these narratives could have been absorbed and adapted by the cultures they encountered, resulting in similar creation stories appearing in vastly different geographical and cultural contexts.

The location of Madagascar, based on the proposed coordinates, aligns with this theory. Positioned roughly south and east from Egypt, the island could have been a refuge for Atlantean survivors who journeyed across the Indian Ocean. Over time, their influence could have shaped Malagasy culture, leaving echoes of Atlantis in the island's folklore.



The Bhagavad Gita and Atlantis

Moving eastwards, we find another resonating echo of Atlantean wisdom in the Bhagavad Gita, a 700-verse Hindu scripture. The Gita discusses advanced concepts such as the impermanence of the physical body and the eternality of the soul, ideas that reflect a deep understanding of life and existence.

When Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, discusses the cyclic nature of time and the periodic destruction and recreation of the world, one can't help but draw parallels with the rise and fall of Atlantis as described by Cayce. If the Annunaki were indeed Atlanteans, could the wisdom imparted by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita have been influenced by this lost civilization?
The Bhagavad Gita, one of the world's oldest and most respected spiritual texts, unfolds as a conversation between Prince Arjuna and Lord Krishna, who serves as his charioteer, guide, and friend. This ancient Hindu scripture, part of the Indian epic Mahabharata, grapples with profound questions about duty, righteousness, and the nature of reality itself.

Diving deeper into the Gita's wisdom, we find concepts that seem to echo the supposed understanding of the universe that the Atlanteans possessed. The Gita discusses not only the impermanence of the physical body but also the eternality of the soul, ideas that reflect a deep understanding of life, existence, and the universe's cyclical nature.

Krishna, in the Bhagavad Gita, describes the cyclic nature of time and the periodic destruction and recreation of the world, a concept known as 'pralaya' and 'srishti.' This idea resonates with Cayce's descriptions of the rise and fall of Atlantis. Both narratives deal with the cyclical nature of civilizations - their birth, growth, decline, and eventual fall, only to rise again.

Moreover, the Bhagavad Gita provides teachings about 'karma' (action and its consequences) and 'dharma' (righteous duty or path). If the Atlanteans were a highly advanced civilization with deep spiritual understanding, it's plausible to hypothesize that they may have held similar principles. The downfall of Atlantis, as described by Cayce, resulted from the misuse of advanced technology and the breach of spiritual laws, a narrative that aligns with the Gita's teachings about the implications of straying from one's 'dharma.'

Now, let's consider the theory that the Annunaki, the divine beings from Sumerian mythology, were indeed Atlanteans. If we accept this premise, we open the possibility that the wisdom imparted by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita may have been influenced, at least in part, by this lost civilization. The teachings of the Gita, which continue to guide millions of people worldwide, could be echoes of Atlantean wisdom passed down through millennia.

The Bhagavad Gita's emphasis on balance – between spiritual and material pursuits, between duty and desire, and between action and detachment – could be seen as remnants of Atlantean wisdom. The fall of Atlantis, as per this perspective, serves as a cautionary tale about the danger of imbalance, particularly when powerful knowledge and technology are involved.



The Annunaki and Atlantis

The theory of a dual Atlantean civilization becomes even more compelling when we delve into the ancient Sumerian texts and their tales of the Annunaki. According to these texts, the Annunaki were deities who descended to Earth and created humans. Some theorists suggest that the Annunaki were Atlanteans, who with their advanced knowledge and capabilities, seeded civilizations around the world.

The Sumerian texts speak of advanced knowledge, echoing the technological prowess attributed to Atlantis. Could the Annunaki have been survivors from the downfall of Atlantis, spreading out to establish new civilizations and pass on their knowledge, just as Cayce suggested?

The Annunaki and Atlantis: Divine Beings or Atlantean Survivors?

The ancient Sumerian civilization, one of humanity's earliest known societies, left behind numerous records and narratives that continue to fascinate historians, archaeologists, and enthusiasts of ancient history. Among the most intriguing aspects of Sumerian mythology are the Annunaki - a group of deities said to have descended to Earth and created humans.

According to Sumerian texts, the Annunaki were beings of immense power and knowledge. They were credited with the creation of humanity and were said to have imparted advanced knowledge to the civilizations they fostered. Their descriptions in the ancient texts bear a striking resemblance to the characteristics attributed to the Atlanteans - an advanced understanding of technology, a deep spiritual wisdom, and a capacity for shaping civilizations.

If we consider the theory that the Annunaki were, in fact, survivors of Atlantis, the pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together. The advanced knowledge described in the Sumerian texts could be remnants of the technological prowess that the Atlanteans were said to possess. The stories of the Annunaki creating humans and influencing civilizations could be echoes of the Atlanteans seeding new societies in the aftermath of their own civilization's downfall.

This theory aligns with the readings of Edgar Cayce, who suggested that Atlantean survivors spread out across the globe, influencing the development of various civilizations. The parallels between the capabilities of the Annunaki and the alleged technological and spiritual advancements of the Atlanteans add weight to this hypothesis.

Moreover, if we consider the possibility of a dual Atlantean civilization – one in the Atlantic and another in the Indian Ocean – the influence of the Annunaki/Atlanteans could have been even more widespread. They could have been instrumental in shaping not only the civilizations around the Mediterranean but also those in Africa, the Middle East, and possibly as far east as the Indian subcontinent.


Pyramids of Egypt: A Record in Stone

The Pyramids of Egypt, located at approximately 30.0 N latitude and 31.0 E longitude, stand as timeless testaments of a civilization's advanced understanding of mathematics, engineering, and astronomy. If we consider the possibility that Atlantean survivors made their way to Egypt, as Cayce's readings suggest, could the pyramids serve not just as pharaonic tombs but as repositories of ancient Atlantean knowledge?

The precise construction of the pyramids, aligned with celestial bodies, suggests a deep understanding of astronomy. Similarly, their impressive architecture indicates advanced knowledge in physics and engineering. Could these marvels be the legacy of an Atlantean influence, the remnants of their advanced society etched in stone?

 Pyramids of Egypt: A Record in Stone of Atlantean Legacy?

The Pyramids of Egypt are among the most enduring and awe-inspiring structures on our planet. These ancient wonders, situated near the Nile River at approximately 30.0 N latitude and 31.0 E longitude, are monuments to the advanced capabilities of a civilization that existed thousands of years ago. The precision with which they were built and their alignment to celestial bodies suggests a profound understanding of mathematics, engineering, and astronomy that rivals and in some aspects surpasses our modern knowledge.

If we entertain the hypothesis proposed by Edgar Cayce, that survivors of the fallen Atlantis made their way to Egypt, the pyramids take on an even more fascinating aspect. Could these magnificent structures serve not just as tombs of pharaohs, but also as repositories of ancient Atlantean wisdom? Could the knowledge and skills required to build these architectural marvels have originated from a civilization lost to the Atlantic and Indian Oceans?

The pyramids' precise construction and celestial alignment require more than just a rudimentary understanding of engineering and astronomy. They demand a level of proficiency that seems to surpass what would be expected of a civilization from that era. This level of sophistication aligns with what is described about Atlantis by various sources, including Cayce, suggesting a civilization far ahead of its time in terms of technological and scientific understanding.

Intriguingly, the construction of the pyramids could metaphorically represent the blend of scientific and spiritual wisdom that is said to have characterized Atlantis. The pyramids were not just feats of engineering; they were also spiritual monuments, serving as tombs for the pharaohs and as stairways to the heavens, symbolizing the human quest for immortality and the desire to connect with the divine.

Moreover, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of the Egyptian pyramids, is located at the geographical center of the landmasses of Earth, a fact that remained unknown until modern GPS technology was invented. This could imply a level of geographical knowledge that was way ahead of its time, further supporting the theory of an Atlantean influence.

In conclusion, while the connections between the Pyramids of Egypt and Atlantis are largely speculative, they provide a fascinating lens through which to view these ancient wonders. The impressive mathematical, engineering, and astronomical knowledge embedded in these structures could potentially be remnants of Atlantean wisdom, preserved in stone for millennia. As we continue to explore and unravel the mysteries of our past, these ancient monuments stand as silent sentinels, possibly holding within them the secrets of a civilization lost to time.

The Emerald Tablets and Subatomic Knowledge

The Emerald Tablets, attributed to the Hermes Trismegistus (Thoth in Egyptian mythology), are said to contain secrets of the universe. They purportedly reveal advanced scientific concepts, including the understanding of subatomic particles and the fundamental principles of reality's vibrational nature—ideas far ahead of their time.

Thoth, the god of wisdom and writing, is a key figure in Egyptian mythology, often associated with the transmission of knowledge. If we weave this narrative into the broader theory of Atlantis, could these Tablets be the remnants of Atlantean wisdom, preserved for future generations? The depth of understanding in these texts could point towards a society with a profound grasp of the universe's workings, aligning with descriptions of the advanced Atlantean civilization.

These tablets, with their intricate descriptions of complex scientific principles, could represent the remnants of a civilization with a deep understanding of the universe. If this civilization were Atlantis, it would mean that their knowledge extended far beyond what we typically attribute to ancient societies, encompassing a detailed understanding of the cosmos and the building blocks of reality itself.  

The Emerald Tablets and Subatomic Knowledge: Echoes of Atlantean Wisdom?

The Emerald Tablets, ancient relics attributed to Hermes Trismegistus or Thoth in Egyptian mythology, are said to contain profound secrets of the universe. These arcane texts purportedly reveal advanced scientific concepts, including the understanding of subatomic particles and the fundamental principles of reality's vibrational nature—ideas that seem centuries ahead of their time.

Thoth, the deity of wisdom, writing, and science in Egyptian culture, is an intriguing figure when viewed through the lens of Atlantis. Often associated with the transmission of knowledge, could Thoth's teachings contained within these Emerald Tablets be remnants of Atlantean wisdom, preserved for future generations?

The Emerald Tablets discuss concepts that were not understood by mainstream science until the 20th century, such as the nature of matter and energy and the idea that all is vibration. The depth of understanding encoded in these texts could be indicative of a society with a profound grasp of the universe's workings, aligning with descriptions of the advanced Atlantean civilization.

Interestingly, if we weave this narrative into the broader theory of Atlantis, the Emerald Tablets could represent the intellectual legacy of this lost civilization. The tablets' intricate descriptions of complex scientific principles suggest a civilization that had reached an advanced stage of scientific and spiritual development.

The Emerald Tablets, with their profound wisdom and advanced scientific concepts, could be the key to understanding Atlantis's true nature. If these tablets indeed contain Atlantean knowledge, it would imply that their civilization's understanding extended far beyond what we typically attribute to ancient societies. They had a detailed understanding of the cosmos and the building blocks of reality itself, a level of knowledge that we are only beginning to grasp.

In conclusion, while we cannot definitively prove the Atlantean origins of the Emerald Tablets, their sophisticated knowledge and the figure of Thoth provide tantalizing hints towards this possibility. Whether the tablets are indeed remnants of Atlantean wisdom or not, they continue to be a testament to the depth and complexity of ancient knowledge, pushing us to rethink our understanding of past civilizations and their scientific accomplishments.

The Atlantean Legacy: A Tale of Two Civilizations?

The prospect of a dual Atlantean civilization becomes a captivating concept when we delve into the varied sources available to us, from Edgar Cayce's psychic readings to Malagasy folklore and beyond. This concept proposes that Atlantis may have been a civilization so advanced and expansive that it existed in two separate locations – one in the Atlantic, as suggested by Cayce, and another in the Indian Ocean, as potentially hinted at by Malagasy folklore.

The first potential location for Atlantis aligns with Cayce's readings. By starting from Egypt and moving south between 17.5 and 30 degrees latitude, then turning west until reaching a point that creates a 45-degree angle back to Egypt, we would land in the South Atlantic. This location, likely off the coast of modern-day Argentina or Uruguay, lies in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, the frigid waters conceal vast underwater plateaus and trenches – a fitting location for a sunken civilization.

The second potential location for Atlantis, posited by our adjustment of geographical coordinates, could be found in the Indian Ocean. If we were to start from Egypt, head south 45 degrees, and then turn east until reaching a point that creates a 23.5-degree angle back to Egypt, we would find ourselves in the Indian Ocean, depending on the exact degrees and starting point. Intriguingly, this location ties in with the cultural narratives of Madagascar, an island steeped in ancient folklore.

These two distant points on the globe, separated by vast tracts of land and sea, present an interesting proposition. Could they have been part of a single, highly advanced civilization that spanned the globe? And if so, what could have been the extent of their influence and the breadth of their knowledge?

According to this theory, after the fall of Atlantis, the survivors may have scattered to different parts of the world, carrying with them their advanced knowledge and wisdom. To the west, these survivors could have influenced the cultures that would eventually grow into the grandeur of ancient Egypt. The complex social structure, monumental architecture, and advanced understanding of mathematics and astronomy that characterized ancient Egypt mirror the descriptions of Atlantis provided by Cayce.

To the east, the survivors might have left their mark on the cultures of Madagascar and potentially beyond. The Malagasy legends that share striking parallels with the Biblical story of Adam and Eve could be cultural echoes of the fall of Atlantis, suggesting a shared narrative that spans continents.

While this theory is speculative, it offers an intriguing perspective on the legacy of Atlantis. It encourages us to look beyond our conventional understanding of history and geography, to imagine a world that was more interconnected than we might have thought. It also underscores the enduring allure of Atlantis – a testament to humanity's ceaseless quest for knowledge and our fascination with the mysteries of our past. As we continue to explore the legend of Atlantis, we are not only investigating the depths of the ocean; we are also delving into the depths of human civilization and our collective heritage.


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