The Hopi Brief: Part I Chapter 3 Dimension C: Phosphorus in 142857 A “State of the Union”
Chapter 3
Dimension C: Phosphorus in 142857 A “State of the Union”
By Steven Henderson
As we will come to find later, we will have a choice of locations and a choice of destinations to choose from in our 1 inch three dimensional space. When it comes to determining how many digits we can form from all of the 9 digit numbers it is said to be 3,265,920. There are said to be different methods for achieving this total and in computing, it is achieved in the following order of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. -
Frequency was another important part of the equation mentioned by Tesla. And who on this planet does not know or has not heard…..
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
The harmonic frequency of 432Hrz has been said to be one that could support humanity towards spiritual freedom, according to Rudolph Steiner, and as well as many others. The frequency of 432Hrz played on or listen to from any instrument is said to create a sense of well being and a peaceful harmonic nature. Lowering the pitch by 8hrz provides even me healthy benefits to the mind and body, which we won’t explore in this book. However it is worth noting while we review our totals again with this additional information applied…..
12 = 4 * 3
13 = 26 / 2
42 = 12 / 4
14 = 7 / 2
If you notice above if we shift our 12 = 4 * 3 in between the equations of 13 = 26 / 2 and 42 = 12 / 4 we meet the previous stated positions for computer mathematics and frequency generation by establishing a 432 frequency in our numerical spin movement.
This pattern starts at 1/32 and 0.0794 mm in decimals, which give us a total of 15 numbers that repeat in a 5 sequence pattern, repeating 3 times and ending at 11.906 mm and .46875 in inches is where we have another pattern of number sequence or better said a frequency pattern of 432Hrz emerges…….
This 432Hrz pattern is entwined within and revolves around the Tesla quote of 3, 6, and 9 being the keys to the universe. Both are tucked neatly and hidden within the layers of web in which make up all aspects of our universe. In order to peel back each of these layers one at a time one we must first approach this subject with an open mind that is focused on discovery an inner understanding of its human nature , the universe and humanities role in it. Our top layer begins with the application of 3, 6 and 9 to 432 by multiplying 2 time 3 to get 6, then we take the 3 and multiple it by 6 to get 18 and then we take the 4 and multiple by 9 to get 36.
2 * 3 = 6
3 * 6 = 18
4 * 9 = 36
What’s also fascinating is when you at up 432 what it totals and when one adds up 369 to get 9. Nine can also be found when we twist and invert 6 + 18 + 36 = 60^09. This would also mean that 60^09= 9 + 18 + 36 where we recognize 54 being equal to 9 resting in a quantum superposition that can only be seen when observed. Correlating right along with our current physics model that states what happens when electrons behave when they are being observed and how they behave when they are not, demonstrated to us back in 1988 by researchers at the Weismann Institute of Science.
The image below shows how when applied this concept with these processes in mind we can generates the following geometrical shapes; 4 isosceles triangles, 1 square.
Looking at our first square on the left (out of our block chain of 4) above we see in the first column 432 in ascending order with the opposite side (column 3 ) the numbers 639 and the numbers 24, 48 and 144 in the middle (2nd ) column. The second square located in the third column in the image above, there are 4 squares each with three ascending numbers. Notice that the highest number in each individual of box is the lowest number in the square set of 3 numbers directly above; 12, 18, and 24. Creating a sequence pattern of numbers which flow in the following upward order of; 6-8-12-14-18-20-24-26-30. These numbers when added together total to 9 and 5.
9 = 12 + 18 + 24 = 54
5 = 6 + 8 + 12 + 14 + 18 + 20 + 24 + 26 + 30 = 158
It is at this point in the brief is where bring into our view perspective concerning the magically mystery that revolvers around the following sequence of numbers, “142857”. Where we have….
6+8= 14
14*2= 28
1+ (42 *2) = 85
(1 * 3) + (27*2) = 57
Here the number 6 is in a quantum superposition as well as the number 5 creating the number sequence 142857. Now when we combine with the 5 and 9 sequence the following sequence or better said, as we peel back another layer of our web we find….
Our 8 and 5 in the remaining sequence of numbers superpositions (9 = 12 + 18 + 24 = 54).
5 = 12 + 18 = 6 *5 = 30 = 3
6 = 18 + 24 = 42 = 6
9 = 30 + 43 = 72 = 9
The next step is to take closer look at how these numbers apply to our metric and lineal systems of measurements.
Referring back to chapter 1, if you remember we discussed a sequence and series of repeating numbers which can be seen displayed in the image above. As stated earlier in this chapter…..
“This pattern starts at 1/32 and 0.0794 mm in decimal giving us a total of 15 numbers that repeat in a 5 sequence pattern 3 times ending at 11.906 mm and .46875 decimal in inches is where we have another pattern of number sequence or better said a frequency pattern of 432Hrz emerges…….”
It is here were we will make note and analyze the first half of our system of measurement starting with 1 in inches and 1mm as the example for both measuring systems. Where the 17th number represented in decimals for the lineal system of measurement equates to 17/32nd expressed as a fraction, 0.053125 in as a decimal, 13.494mm and .6299 in equaling to 17mm. The image above holds three different viewpoints of these fractions broken down to represent individual numbers. We also see both sets of sequent numbers (each repeat in a cycle of three) resting in a quantum superposition until observed, as see in the top rectangle in the image above.
The first rectangle in the image above represents the metric measuring system; 3-7-1-5-9-2-6-0-4-8. Underneath those numbers, within the same rectangle we have the lineal system; 7-5-3-1-9-4-2-0-8-6.
The middle rectangle places the metric measuring system in a quantum superposition that aligns with the lineal measurement system that creates and the shows a pattern or puzzle piece one could say. (See image above)
Here is where we notice that 9 is equal to the 7, 5, 3 and 1 when viewed in a metric measuring system, as well as 9 in the lineal system as well when residing in the 3rd, 4th or 5th position in the lineal sequence after previously being viewed in the 2nd or 3rd in the sequence of numbers in our lineal and metric systems of measurement as shown above
While the bottom color coded rectangle shows the lineal measuring system, resting in a quantum superposition aligned with the metric measuring system. Where the 5 is equal to the 7, the 3 and 1 when viewed in the lineal measuring system as well as the metric measuring system.
Now that we have established the process of the combined systems of measurement for both the lineal and metric systems we turn our attention now to the Hertz’s number frequency of 432. Where in our image below we see the set sequence of numbers which repeat in a series of three before altering to another set of sequences. Each number is assigned a value of 1/32nd along with the corresponding decimal measurement value in for both the lineal and metric systems of measurement. We also see that each number is assigned one of the frequency value numbers of 4, 3 and 2.
This allows each number to remain in a quantum superposition until it observed. Observance of view will be taken with the utilization from the advantage point of views and perspectives of the numbers 137, 142857 along with each side of pair of dice.
Here we have the following…..
1 = die sides 6 and 1 expressed as 6/1 and/or die sides 5 and 2 expressed as 5/2
3 = die sides 5 and 2 expressed as 5/2 and/or dies side 4 and 3 expressed as 4/3
7 = die side 4 and 3 expressed as 4/3 and/or die sides ¾, 2/5, 1/6
And for the number 142857 is as follows…
14 = 1 = die sides 6 and 1 expressed as 6/1 and/or die sides 5 and 2 expressed as 5/2
28 = 3 = die sides 5 and 2 expressed as 5/2 and/or dies side 4 and 3 expressed as 4/3
57 = 7 = die side 4 and 3 expressed as 4/3 and/or die sides ¾, 2/5, 1/6
Then underneath that layers is….
1= 7 =14, 142, 1428, 14285, 14285,285 85, 57
3 = 7 =14, 142, 1428, 14285, 14285,285 85, 57
7 = 7 =14, 142, 1428, 14285, 14285,285 85, 57
If you haven’t noticed or don’t recall, the prime numbers of 5 and 9 are the only two prime numbers missing and discussed earlier in this chapter….
Here is where we notice that 9 is equal to the 7, 5, 3 and 1 when viewed in a metric measuring system, as well as 9 in the lineal system as well as residing in the 3rd, 4th or 5th position in the lineal sequence after previously being viewed in the 2nd or 3rd in the sequence of numbers in our lineal and metric systems of measurement as shown above
While the bottom color coded rectangle shows the lineal measuring system, resting in a quantum superposition aligned with the metric measuring system in the image above. Where the 5 is equal to the 7, the 3 and 1 when viewed in the lineal measuring system as well as the metric measuring system.
The numbers 6 and 9 are two numbers missing entirely from either sequence and for good reason. First, we make note of the 5 by recognizing its appearance in all three series of numbers 1, 3, and 7 above. By applying a musical view, we can apply 1/5th to each of the series of numbers that contain the number 5 in each row. This works out nicely mathematically and harmonically since we have 5 sets of numbers with the number 5 included and 3 sets of numbers without, bringing are total number count to 8. Interesting to note as well… the last set of 3 numbers, their total when added up….. 14, 16 (14+ 2) and 15 (1 + 4 + 8 + 2) or we could say 5, 7, and 6. Either we have are initial pull or shift to the left that initiates the wave process of movement, by working the model all the way back to 1 were we discover the order of 2, 1, 3 or better said…. 4 is equal to 7, 5 is equal to 2 and 6 is equal to 3 in order to generate a frequency of 432Hrz.
Now let’s proceed by applying this process to our lineal and metric systems of measurements, using the image above. Where we see our set of numbers 75319 at the top of each of the three columns and beneath each column there are 5 rows, each having one of its digits assigned to one of the 432 frequency numbers of 4, 3 or 2. Each of these numbers is assigned to the decimal metric number .794 for 1/32 as well as the decimal number .03125 in the lineal system of measurement.
7= .794 / 4 = .1985 and .03125 /4 = .0078125
7= .794 / 3 = .2646 and .03125 /2 = .25625
7= .794 / 2 = .397 and .03125 /3 = .010416
Here is where we see the 7= .794 / 4 = .1985 as either 5 = 1.58mm * 2 = .0625 in column 1 and or equal to 5 = 1.58mm * 3 = .06251 and or equal to 5 = 1.58mm * 3 = .0625 By flipping our 6 to 9 and adding three to 25 giving us 28 if we leave it in its remaining position we subtract 3 then divide by 7 and multiple by 2 to get 14. See in image below….
Here in are final our third column in the top row we find 3 = 2.3881mm /2 = 0.09375 * 2, 3 = 2.3881mm /2 = 0.09375 * 3, and or equal to 3 = 2.3881mm /2 = 0.09375 * 4. So, when we repeat the same process as before and flip our 6 we get 39 and if we add three we now have 42. Leaving the 9 as is yet shifted in order to get 59 then subtract 2 in order to get 57.
The results of this process creates the sequence of numbers 142857 as well as moved us downward on the vertical axis 3.175 mm and 4mm on the horizontal axis point which translate to 1/8, ¼ or 1/2 of an inch when applied to the lineal measuring system, depending upon the individuals point of view.
Looking at the numbers that show the lineal measurements for a decimals in inch. By 1/32nd……
7= .03125 /4 = .0078125
7= .03125 /2 = .25625
7= .03125 /3 = .010416
Here we see in our decimal of .03125 when divided by we see the decimal .0078125 which converts to 57 and we have 28 when we flip and twist the two which is 57 doubled plus 1, when we flip and twist the five.
After we divide .03125 divided by 2 we get 56 which is can be divided by 2 to get 28 or we can add one to get 57 for the decimal of .24625.
Finally we have .03125 here with the decimal of .010416 where if we flip the 6 to get 9 we add 1 to the 41 to get 42 or we can leave as is and get 14 when we multiple 1 *14.
Moving to the remaining ½ inch we encounter the 5 number 3 set sequence in the 2 images below. Here we see that the numbers 432 equal to a remaining half of both the lineal and metric measuring systems. We see that….
4= 13.494 /4 = 3.3735 and .53125 / 4 = .1328135
4 = 13.494 / 3 = 4.498 and .53125 / 2 = .265625
4 = 13.494 /2 = 6.747 and .53125 / 3 = .177083
Starting with the decimal of 3.3735 and .13.8135 we find again our 28, 57, and 14 when we apply the same method for the second half in or half cm, the process just repeats itself to infinity.
4= 13.494 /4 = 3.3735 and .53125 / 4 = .1328135
4 = 13.494 / 3 = 4.498 and .53125 / 2 = .265625
4 = 13.494 /2 = 6.747 and .53125 / 3 = .177083
4= 13.494 /4 = 3.3735 and .53125 / 4 = .1328135
4 = 13.494 / 3 = 4.498 and .53125 / 2 = .265625
4 = 13.494 /2 = 6.747 and .53125 / 3 = .177083
Stating the union of these numerical patterns by method of “Dice Expanding Quantitative Cosmic Systems”, or D.E.Q.C.S abbreviated.
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