“The Hopi Brief” Part I Chapter 1 Dimension A: Hydrogen in “The Lions of Lucerne”*

“The Hopi Brief” Part I

Chapter 1

Dimension A:     Hydrogen in “The Lions of Lucerne”*

By Steven Henderson




 Quantum superpositions are defined as being, the ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured. Now with that being said, we will use the previous defined definition to show how numerology combined with Nikola Tesla’s famous statement, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe”, is meant to be defined and currently stated as “Quantum Superpositons”. According to Tesla’s theory, having a total of root numbers all together from 1 to 9 that all other numbers are just a combination of these digital numbers. So, we really should give credit to where credit is due. From my prospective his theory holds deeply held truths and spiritual beliefs within them as well. Qualifying the numbers 3, 6, and truly being the keys to the universe.  I will show the results found when one apply this theory to a theory that combines both the lineal and metric systems of measurements used in physics. Geometric symbolism will also play a pivotal role as well as repeating patterns of numerical recognition. We will do this all with using the measurements of 32 1/32nd for our lineal system and 33mm for our metric system. Each system has its own of set of repeating pattern of numbers that we will list for each of our systems. Beginning with the repeating patterns of numbers in our metric system, which are the following:


Starting with the number 3 and its location can be found as the first digit after the .0 in the 1mm position column when describing the mm as a decimal of 0.0394.  Here we have our 9 numbers mentioned by Tesla and the symbol zero, which we all know is not a number. Upon closer analysis when we add the 3, 7, 1 they total to 11, while the 59 totals to 14, the 26 8 and the 48 totals to 12 when added up. Then, if we add all those numbers 11+14+26+12 we will find this total to be 100, which we adds up to 1 which can be said existing in a quantum superposition.

Next we add the 11 up to get 2,  then we take the 14 and divide by 2 to get 7, then the 26 is divided by 2 giving 13 which we then divide by 2 again once we add the 1 and 3 to get 4 to get 2. We continue with the 48 which we can divide by 2 to get 24, then 12 then 6, leaving us with 3. Leaving us with the single digit numbers of 2, 2, and 3. Here it would probably be prudent to mention our first sequence of binary code has now been established. Where the 2 can be consider the off position in binary code label as zero and the 3 in binary code can be labeled as the on positon. We can also see the binary code structure in number series of 24, 12,  and 6, where 6 can be consider the on or off position if 6 is off and 24 which is equal to 6 is well can then be placed in our on position. 


We find another pattern exist when we change our pattern structure view to the following perspective:


This pattern stops at 15/32 and 0.0596 inch decimal giving us a total of 15 numbers that repeat in a 5 sequence pattern 3 times and where another pattern of number sequence exists with the following view:









Now when we add up the 3 and 7 we get 10 which when we divide by 2 we get 5, so we have 2 or 5 as to symbolize our zero and one here for our binary code translation. Then are 5 and 9 which adds up to 14 where 1 and 4 symbolize our zero and one. Leaving us with 1 and 5 symbolizing our binary code of zero or one in this patter sequence example.

So, let’s go back now and take a look at how when we look at the sequence of repeating pattern of the 3 sets of numbers …. 



We find another pattern that exist in the following: 



So, when we apply these numbers into a quantum superposition by perceiving the 4 ones that we can divide by 2 leaves us with the number two which is divided gives 11.  Now we take the 3 number fours and up them up they give us 12 that we can divide by 6 to get 3 two’s 2 which are add four times.

Leaving us with a total of 144 which is represents 1 times 2,  2 times 2 is 4, which represents our 4 in the second position and our last 4 is our represented by 3 being the third two multiplied by the 4. This pattern breaks down further into the numbers of 6 and 9, where the position of 1, 2, and 3 add up to 6 and the 144 when added up we get 9. Thus, when we add the 6 plus 9 we get 15 and this adds us up to 6 placing us right back in our 6 number position of 1, 2 or 3. Where our binary code is now represented as 6 being equal to position 1 and 2 being represented as zero and position 3 as being represented as 1 in binary code.


Now we have just covered almost one half inch of space or half mm depending your perspective when using this quantum superpositions model. Our second half awaits so let us proceed by looking at our next sequence pattern of mm numbers in decimals, which comprise the following:






Again, this pattern starts at 16/32nd or ½  and 0.6299 which equals inches in decimal giving us a total of 16 mm that make up 15 numbers which repeat in a 5 sequence pattern 3 times and where another pattern of number sequence exists with the following view as well:




Now when we add up the 2 and 6 we get 8 which when we divide by 2 we get 4, so we have the number 4 to symbolize our zero and/or one here for our binary code translation. Then our 4 and 8 which adds up to 12 then they add up to 3 and symbolize our zero and/or one. Leaving in this perspective with 4 and 3 symbolizing our binary code of zero or one in this patter sequence example.

So, let’s go back now and take a look at how when we look at the sequence of repeating pattern of three sets of numbers …. 




And again here, we find another pattern that exist when looking at these set of numbers which has encoded our same 144 pattern only this time in reverse as we can see displayed in the image below: 



So, her we apply these numbers into a quantum superposition by perceiving the 4 fours which we can as perceive as 11-11 by converting our 1 four into 2 two’s that we convert into 11-11 leaving us with the zero as our binary coded number in this instance while the 3 is converted into a 7 thus creating pattern of the following:



Or we can use the following perspective view… 



Where the 3 elevens’ add up to 33 then total to and our 11-7 is equal 4 multiplied by its 3 position giving a 12 and leaving us with a number of 3.  So, no matter from which perspective we view our binary code will leaves us with as the number 3 residing in a quantum superposition. It’s also worth noting that when adding up 11 plus 7 we get the total of 18 which adds up to 9.  Requiring us to include our 144 from the first half of our mm into our quantum superposition. Creating a broader pattern of repeating numbers to incorporate into our quantum superpositions. These number comprise of the following sequence pattern….



Next we take this pattern sequence and insert each of the individuals pattern sequence of each half of the 1 mm string previously discussed. 


And we now can see that the geometrical structure of a pyramid which can be constructed when viewing a 1cm of space from this perspective of quantum superpositions. We also have the ability to perceive 13 dimensions of space when we considering the following point of view. Zero in this instance will serve to represent our first dimension of space, while each of the 2 three’s will represent our 2nd and 3rd dimensions of space. The will also represent our one switches in our binary coding system or quantum gate system. Where 3 is equal to 1 representing on in our binary coded system and zero represents off establishing our on and off switch in our 1mm binary control system.

 By expanding the system to 4th dimensional string of 

The 5th dimensions would be represent by or 37, while the 6th is 1 and the 7th dimension would be represented by the number 59. We then have the number 26 represent the 8th dimension, the symbol zero in this position  represent dimension 9, will the number 48 represents dimension 10.  The 11th dimension will comprise the string of number from both half’s of our 1mm quantum superpositions system which takes into account an inverted matrix view displayed below…. 



Our 12th dimensional string would consist of the following string… 




Our 13th dimension then would encompass all 12 of these dimensions in a string of numbers that consist of the following sequential number pattern that resides in a quantum superposition.




* Author Note; This serves as reference that the part of chapter 1 title in quotes is the same title as the novel written by Brad Thor.
