The “Hopi Indian Brief” A Block Chain Philosophy Linking Bosonic String Theory to Astrophysics & Quantum Mechanics Part I





A Block Chain Philosophy

Linking Bosonic String Theory to Astrophysics & Quantum Mechanics

Part I


By Steven Henderson



Man’s ability to perceive (time) and comprehend (distance) is what contributes to his said being, living as the dominate species on this planet. However, what cannot be proven beyond a reasonable doubt is that man, who cannot escape his own nature, truly exist within nature. That’s if, he fails to comprehend that in which he fails to be co-perceiving and co-existing with nature. However so, it can be argued his existence in himself would be anti-nature.  Now when applying this line of thought to the atom, not by chance would one not only exist, but would serve literally as existence within himself. One can then begin to perceive and comprehend not only the sub-atomic but all astronomical phenomena as well.


Atoms are comprised of two regions the orbital cloud which we can classify similar to that of interstellar space, which coincides with the larger region of the atom that makes up the cloud, where exist the negatively charged electron particles that orbit the nucleus of the atom, similar to  the Sun and moon around the earth. Similar to our Sun and it’s solar a system’s orbital rotation of the nucleus called Arcturus. Just as the rain seen by the Hopi as being one of their 2 most important pieces of their spiritual practice. The other being corn as its kernels are very similar to size of all other atoms and are all roughly the same size.  So, too is are cloud that inhibits and the electromagnetic field which prevalent throughout space. Even if and/or an atom has only 3 electrons up to 3 billion or more electrons it’s still all the same, when it comes to atoms, as they say in physics. It’s a one size fits all, when suspended in a quantum superposition. Even though we can’t physically see this physical position itself with our own physical eyes. Now moving on, the center of an atom is comprised of photons and neutrons which make up its nucleus and again we in this context recognize the corn symbol of the Hopi as the same.



Since, we are that subject let us go ahead a take a closer look at the spirituality practice of the ancient Indian culture that  we know to have existed for 1000 of years and still to this day, whom are called the Hopi. However, before we do that, let’s make a quick pivot to quick peak at biochemistry, specifically DNA. Everyone knows, or should know by now, that all DNA consist of Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Hydrogen. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) interesting enough, actually carries the same meaning as Hopi, when perceiving quantum surperpositions.



For one to perceive these said superpositions, one must look first at each letter of the word Hopi Indian name individually.


H = Hydrogen = Isis

O = Oxygen = Osiris

P = Phosphorus = Horus

I = Carbon + Nitrogen


Now when perceiving quantum superstitions one must remember to keep…


“Hoppin In 2Cin n Honin n Ions”.



Upon further examination into the spiritual practices and beliefs, more undeniable, yet interesting and fascinating links appear to exist between the Hopi, Quantum Mechanics and Astrophysics. So, let’s take are last first as we consider the equinox’s of our beloved planet earth.  Keeping in mind that there is no up or down in space, we will start with our spring and summer equinoxes, then move on to our fall and winter equinoxes. Next we will consider the three forms of ancestral spirits of the Hopi, whom are considered to be supernatural, rewarding good action, then we their human representatives and the ones the call the masked performers, these individuals are seen by Kachinas for 6 months at a time. So, it isn’t a far stretch when one applies the previous stated equinoxes alongside the ancestral spirits of the Hopi.


Using simple math we will start with the spring & summer equinoxes modern astronomy has the earth sitting in a vertical positon with a defined north and South Pole opposite each. Our perception of this particle phenomena would at first appear totally logical and reasonable to be perceived in this practical yet narrow view of three dimensional space.  We then multiple these 2 equinoxes by the 3 supernatural spirits of the Hopi in order to get our equivalent 6 months. Taking into account the rough estimate of Hopi deities at 350, as sited by act for we can logically and reasonably calculate the number of deities to be 360.Having additional multiple equinoxes the Summer & Fall gives us an additional 6 months, along with fall & winter, then to Winter & Spring and finally spring to summer give us a total of 360 deities. We then divide those by the 3 major ceremonies to get our 12 months of the year. Then divide by 4 to arrive with a total of 4 season and 3 decadents totaling our 12 months covering all of our 360 deities throughout the Hopi yearly spiritual calendar.




Coinciding with every Hopi 3 major ceremonies (Photon, Electron, and Neutron) and minor ceremonies ending with the one in October and beginning again in November, along with the various time throughout the 12 months of the year. Starting with lower world’s birth of the Spider Women and its ending and beginning which is called the fire dance to honor the Sun, by the men of the tribe. It’s also interesting to note it is during this time of the year the Sun travels for short time passes by the constellation Ophiuchus. The symbolism of the Serpent Bearer is an ancient symbol that can be found around the world and can be argued to be another codependent nucleus which is encompassed by an electron cloud.  Thought provoking as the before mentioned thought as that is, we will maintain or focus and discussion upon the subject matter of our title at hand.


Having seen that there are clearly links with the Hopi spiritual practices and these PEN particles (Photon, Electron, and Neutron) for lack of a better word, evolve and change right along with the seasons all the while continue to coincide with all other astrophysical phenomena as well. For example, the appearance of the names Isis, Osiris and Horus relate to the vocal cords the larynx, and the links with Orion, the great pyramids and the Great Wall of China. All of which we will discuss at a little later time. Now, let’s get back to, perceiving quantum superpositons, with that being said, applied biochemistry displayed above. 

