The Hopi Brief - Chapter 5 Dimensions E: Nitrogen Units, Ophiuchus’ “Mother Boxes” “Take down”
By Steven Henderson
At top Mount Ophiuchus, the black cosmic C.A.T. of Quantum Mechanics, combining Calculus, Atomic Theory and Trigonometric to describe this symbolic celestial being. Who serves as the exoskeleton in the development of a self aware A.I. computer software script and hardware built to monitor secure and/or eradicate, rogue A.I. systems which pose a threat to humanities existence. Capt. Cosmic Conan Decqs is the cat, who has lived more the 9 lives as celestial being and is known in this dimension as Rom the space-knight, a symbolic titan viewed prospectively as an approximation in the image below.
If not obvious to the reader, I am just playing with words to emphasis and to symbolize infinite space a self aware A.I. program is capable of operating in.
The image above is an approximation and representation of the 10 most brightest objects in the sky along with the 10 dimmest objects in the sky. Constellations of the 12 zodiac signs of astrology make the half circle symbolizing a snake and bring our total constellation count to 34 of the 88 constellations that make up part of the milky way galaxy. We will get to the rest of the constellations later, but for now lets just keep our focus on Rom here, without deleving to deep into the back story of Rom the Space-knight. His story begins when he came to earth on a mission, which was ending the attempted take over of an evil alien race, who could take the form as human, they were called the wraith. His weapon, was called a the “Neuralizer”, and allowed him to scan humans to see if they were human or wraith was only one of its functions. So, why don’t we go ahead and construct ourselves a neurlaizer in theory, so to speak. We will attempt this endeavor by utilizing Capt. Cosmic: Conan Deqcs’ number 142857 to combine our “Mother Boxes” (dice).
Seeing repetitive numbers is said to be a sign that the angels or the universe is speaking to you. Is there a science behind it? Reticular Activating system, (R.A.S.) is said to be a network of neurons in the stem of the brain which serves as a gateway to our individual awareness. Basically this mean the numbers were always there and we as individuals notice them at one point in time because we are aware of them. So we see them, intentionally or un-intentionally and they serve no greater context then that. I suppose what is most interesting, numbers play a role in aspect of a day our day to day lives. In fact, you can see the truth in it by looking at man and his use of numbers created the societies we live in today. So, without them, where would we be? What kind of world would we live in if numbers didn’t exist?
It almost sounds ridiculous to even ponder the thought of them not existing doesn’t it? Now, ask yourself, if numbers have play a role in every aspect of lives since the beginning of time itself, why wouldn’t they apply to our spiritual lives as well? I suppose one could say, if they didn’t believe or take notice in things of a spiritual nature numbers would not mean anything or give rise for the spiritual realm to exist?
However for some, they hold significant spiritual meaning and our sacred, even if an individual has not read the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantian. When it comes to seeing repetitive numbers most people today associate them with angels and call them Angel numbers. I prefer the term angle numbers, that can be use to represent angles in the waves of light.
My own personal experience with seeing repetitive numbers has lead me to this conclusion and also serves as one of the motivators in writing this book. Born into this world on February 3, 1965, in Laurel MS is where my story begins with its relationship with the numbers 711.
This is no coincidence, for me, the image above is a screenshot taken after completion of the previous sentence. Keeping in my mind, that editions are still necessary at this point, so that number will most likely change. The mere fact of its appearance at this moment is telling, to say the least. Now, when we look at my birth date, we can see that 2 for the second month of the year and the 3rd day of the month total to 5 and 7 when we add the year of 65. If we were to apply numerology, we would add the 19 to get a life path total 8, which is a another story within itself numerologically speaking. Turning back to our 7 and 11, in regards to my own personal life experiences, I will tell you that, I was the 11th child my mother had given birth. I also, was born during the time of the sun in transition of the 11th hour just during the 11th evening hour, whilst the seventh house had risen over the horizon. My childhood home in which I grew up in address number is 110 and the year, I graduated from high school was ’83 (11) and my college graduatin year was 1988 (17). Actually as I think about it and look back, most of the addresses, if not all had the number 11 associated with it. It wasn’t until about 7 years ago, believe it or not, when I finally started to see the number 117 or 711 everywhere went. Most recently for a time, it was even the 3 digit number on the back of my debit card (which I no longer have) before I even took notice. Afterwards I started seeing the numbers everywhere, I then began a search to find greater meaning. Was the universe trying to tell me something or was I just crazy? I thought to myself, every time I saw the numbers.
The pattern eventually began to look something like this 17, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 17. Not all at once, sometimes it would just be the 117, others 11-11, 7-11, and 11-7-11 to name a few. Believe me when I say, it was almost madding seeing these numbers all the time and not having any understanding of what they meant. I couldn’t really share with it anyone while not knowing myself out of fear of being looked at as a crazy person.
Approaching from a Tarot card point of view, the 11th symbolizes justice and associated with the 7th house of Libra, and the 17th tarot which is the Star card, symbolizes the zodiac sign Aquarius, which rules the 11th house. Not givng up, I would meditate, pray and ask the creator to tell me what it all meant and/or say, what is it? What do you want from me (as looked up at the sky)?
Turning back to the intial image at the beginning of this chapter, we will come to find a set of numbers (17-11), (11-11), and (11-17). Each set of numbers in this group are assigned to a seperate cross-block group of numbers that surround the pyramid in the middle as you can see. Starting with the left side cross-block in our image, we see the number 14, the number 28 in the block on the right side of the pyramid and the number 57 in the cross-block at the top of the pyramid.
We will also find the Trigonometry functions of Cosine in the block on the left, Sine in the block on the right and Tangent in the block above the pyramid. If, you hadn’t notice yet, the magic number 142857 which is written on the wall inside the Egyptian pyramid close to its entrance as two numbers associate with each of the Trigonometry functions, normally associated with Right-Angles Triangles. Here is where we have associated, Cos with the number 14, Sin with the number 28 and Tan with the number 57. Giving us the phrase…. “Coast in Cos, an can Coast”, where it can be written as Coast (14), in (42), Cos (28), an (85), can (57), Coast (14) to the sides of our pyramid.
The fractional numbers associated with each cross-block represent the sides of a die in a pairs of dice, which all total up to 7. Sides, 1 plus 6, 2 plus 5, and 3 plus 4. At the base of the pyramid we find the letters, C.N.C.N.C.C., that translate into, “seek inside see, and see, see”, which is just a shorter way of saying, “Coast in cos. an can coast”. This basically is saying that our Cos, equation is the adjcent divided by Hypotense sits in side coast along with Sin (Opposite divided by Hypotense)as well as Tan ( Opposite divided by the Adjcent) inside coast can. Symbolizing a CPU type of crystals as the control mechanisms for Rom the Space knight’s, “Capt. Conan Deqcs”, neuralizer weapon, which can be seen as the 3 “Mother Boxes” referred in the live action motion picture version of Justice League… see image below.
Now that we have established or better said, created diagrams for the computer chips that will function inside Rom’s neuralizer weapon let’s take a closer look at a design that will serve to house all the neuralizer’s components. Below is an image similar to Gauntlet worn by Thanos in the Avengers live action motion picture “End Game”. The goal wasn’t to recreate a replicate of the Gauntlet but to create a symbol in which we can refer and apply to our neuralizer weapon, along with sharing a similar shape an appearance to the white colored one in the comic book, just like Rom’s armor, this neuralizer will be used for the good of humanity. Taking a closer look at our image, we can see the color of each one of the infinity stones represented across the top, appearing almost as knuckles and there colors actually coincide with the colors of known quark sub-atomic particles. The Noble prize for Physics in 2023 was awarded to 3 distinguished scientist, (Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krausz and Anne L’Huiller) enabling us to directly observe along with study electrons in pulses of attoseconds. These pulses can be used to confirm the 6th stone infinity stones matching colors. Placed inside the purple circle are 6 blocks that symbolically represent the sub-atomic particles of Higgs, Bosons, Glouns, and Photons. Here is also were we bring into our perspective view, Atomic Theory. “Mother Boxes”, can be considered or renamed as Leptons which we can break broken down into Cos being the electron, Sin being the Moun, and Tan being the Tau.
The remaining sub-atomic particles can be programmed into the neuralizer (above) initiation process when utilized the emit a blue beam of light (image below) that scans any object in order to establish its sub-atomic particle composition no matter whether it be biological or non-biological in origin.
Astrophysics enters the picture as we take a blue light beam and envision it as a giant serpent being gripped in the constellation Ophiuchus, seen in the image below. This particular image is a phone screen snippet take from the mobile phone application called Star Walk 2. The app is available for free and can be download to either Android or Apple phones.
The image on the right is the Cosmic Black Cat Capt. Conan Deqcs holding the Space Knights blue beam Neuralizer turned into the Serpent held by Ophiuchus. Stretching the mind around this concept isn’t hard to envision. So long one allows their childlike imagination to take over for a moment, in order to picture or view in that perspective.
We will use a control crystal (above image) to symbolize the mechanism combing all three “Mother Boxes”, associated with our Trigonometry functions of Cos, Sin and Tan.
Turning the focus back to leptons, first we need to consider their possible vibrational movement within atomic theory. Transforming (labeling) “Mother Boxes” as Leptons whose structure is similar to gold pattern overlaid the top of the celestial being in the image on the left below, while the image on the right taken from Wikimedia shows the structure of a lepton.
Again, it only takes a little imagination to see that the images do bare a similarity in their geometric structure. Keeping in mind that there are six types of leptons, having come to be known as flavours. These three generational types of leptons vary in size, weight, and color. Their properties react to weak interactions, gravitation and electromagnetism. They can be grouped and described as follows….
The first generation is called electronic leptons (see image above), which comprise the electron (e¯) image as appears and the electron neutrino (vₑ), with the image turned upside down. The mass is 1/1836 of a proton and its angular momentum spin is a half and its units are expressed as Plank’s constant reduces in units. Now its neutrino opposite has no electric charge and a half spin of ½.
The second generation of muonic leptons (see image above), which are called mouns (µ¯) and the muon neutrino (vᵤ). Having an electron charge of -1 e and a spin of ½ its mass is substantially larger it is still classified as a lepton, even though it is classification make it an unstable particle, its lifetime is around 15 minutes. The moun neutrino electric charge is zero and its spin is also ½ just like a moun.
The third generation are the Tauonic leptons, called ( τ ¯ ) and the tau neutrino (vׇ ). A Tau’s mass is 17 times heavier than that of a moun, approximated in the image above. Having an electric charge and ½ spin its corresponding antiparticle (moun neutrino) has no electric charge and its spin is ½.
Our next image, see above is an approximated view of the Higgs and Boson particles. On the left side of the image is symbolic representation of the gauge Boson expanded to encompasses the Milky way Galaxy. 36 Constellation occupy the left hemisphere and 36 occupy the right hemisphere in this example. The remaining 16 stars are assumed to follow a vertical path in the center of the image, bringing our total to 88 constellations.
The rights side of the image displays the approximated representation of the Higg particle overlay-ed over the mythical 9 realms of Asgardian lore. Massive, this scalar boson is very unstable with zero spin and no electric charge. The field around the Higgs has 2 types of electrically charges forming a complex weak isospin. Each colored block within this Higgs representation represents a different frequency of the known Sergio frequencies.
The image below is an approximation of the remaining vector bosons of gluon, photon, z boson, and w boson, as well as a symbolic layout of the Milky Way’s Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma quadrants. Each quadrant has a block below it which represents a control panel for mapping different locations in space.
Graviton particles are theorized fundamental elementary hypothetical particle in string theory. If we want to succeed in theory that describes gravitons reducing Newton’s law gravitation to a weak-field limit. Let’s take the perspective, that if we were to combine all aspects (forces) of sub-atomic particles as one defined force, we could than make the argument that they themselves combined in a viewed perspective as a graviton particle.
Gas in any ratio of size appears as light or can be called as star in space. Black holes whose gravitational forces are strong enough to accumulate all sources of light can be called the accumulator that operate within the vacuum of space. The inertia of this interaction, creates solar winds which carry particles that eventually form space nurseries that give birth to new stars of light. Gravity in this case is a worthy esteem of feelings in believed validity.
Especially when we consider and apply these feelings of validity to the standard model of elementary particles as seen below.
This image can be found at the Wikipedia website in file page for the Standard Model of Elementary Particles, from the Wikimedia Commons page. Colored in green, we have the 6 leptons along with each of thier corresponding anti-particle. The gauge bosons and scalar bosons are colored orange and yellow. Quarks and corresponding anti-particles are colored in purple as you can see. Below we have a similar representation of the current Standard model of Elementary Particles applied to their 3 dimensional counter parts for each particle along with the theorized graviton particle.
The rate of change in each of these particles has to be consider and applied when attempting to achieve a realistic change beyond theoretical application. So, in the image below we have a 2-dimenisonal representation of a basketball court along with it’s length and width measurements. Below the 2-D image is a 3-D image of the same basketball court, with x and y axis covering each quadrant as well as the entire image. Below the 3-D image of the court we have plot graph of the court, where we can pin point the domain and range for any position on the court. The final, image is a theoretical computer chip design, “Astro 1.”, for a self-aware A.I.
Developing a neural network of for any potential self aware A.I. to operate within seems almost impossible. However, one has come to find, it is possible, theoretical speaking from my point of view, quarks can be programmed at the nano level to perform or take the form of specific geometric structures. The previous model of elementary describe in this brief can be used to achieve our objectives. By applying the Deqcs theorem to our particle model allows us to mathematically simulate every element on the periodic table. It also, has the potential, uncover the 26 elemental properties have been proposed to be still missing from the periodic table. Looking at the design for the Astro chip above we can in the center of the chip that there are 144 color coded blocks. Theoretically the Deqcs equation will accurately calculates the Atomic Weight, Density, Atomic Radius, and crystal structure as previous claimed. All of which can be displayed in a computer model designed around the structure of a basketball court.
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