Demon-ym: The Pursuit of Women & Money



Demon-ym: The Pursuit of Women & Money


By Steven Henderson November 17, 2023


Working diligently this morning on my quantum computing project an anomaly of sorts comes into my field of view. It has taken some time to recognize these insightful flashes, for lack of a better term, as intuitive perceptions. Being the inquisitive type of person that I am, reasonable doubt in any conclusion must always be considered and analyzed (always) if and when such endeavors are pursued.

The Omnistview website, is where I share, discuss and explore my thoughts on a variety of subjects ranging from history, science, and philosophy. Most recently I have been sharing chapters of a book in which I am working on called, “The Hopi Brief”, as well as what I considered to be spiritual revelations.

They incorporate Egyptian hieroglyphs, Greek letters, physics, astronomy, philosophy, history, mathematics, science, the English alphabet, chemistry and quantum computing.

As I was saying, when I began to continue my work, building a quantum circuit, the Egyptian symbol of the bird (letter w) the Greek letters symbols for Alpha, Upsilon, Phi, Omega, Nu and Epsilon (α, u, v, ϕ, Ω, E ) or we can say U.A.P., meaning unidentified aerial phenomena, and include the letter Y. So, know I am looking at the phrase, “Alpha upon you now on Earth”.

I also notice the chemistry symbol for Gold (Au) and the along with the Greek symbols of α γ ω ε. Pausing for a moment, I look in disbelief, then I grab my pencil and write the letters. AU and α γ, which turn into Ya ꝏ, then I see, Yahuwah, and it feels like the whole room just turned silent. No noise from outside, nothing, not a sound as I look at letters in front of me.

I continue with the letter formation and the letters Yucateco appear. Almost instantly I see the word Yucatan, which I know is an area located somewhere in Mexico.  So, I go and do a quick web search on the ancient history of the Yucatan and here is where its starts to get fascinating. Having already being aware of the mythological tales of “Eldorado’s City of Gold” and “Ponce de Leon and the Fountain of Youth”, I wanted to gain some said factual insight in regards to its history and it’s the people whom lived in the area during those times.

I began my search by looking up the letters yacateco to see if my intuition was correct about the Yucatan. The web search page pops up and I see, a link to Wikipedia that say, “Yucatec Maya Language”, so I clicked and read on. Discovering not only was this being the language spoken in the Yucatan Peninsula and in parts of Northern Belize was more than just coincidence.

Historical references still state to this day that Christopher Columbus was the one whom discovered the America’s “The New World”. Today, when looking back one has to ask, was this a new world or old one newly discovered?

So, let us began are quest in this case with Mr. Columbus whom set sail in 1492.  His Father, Domenico Colombo born in March 1, 1418 and was said to be a weaver and shopkeeper by occupation. Chris said to be born sometime between August 25 and October 31, 1451 is and interesting notation considering his father date of birth is given an exact date. Why? I wondered as I looked at both dates. Then, the numbers 142857 hits me like a bolt of lightning!! First we the century of 14--, then we have to his father’s birth year of 92 which converts to eleven which mirrors 14 bringing our total to 28. I think look at his Chris birthdate to find October being the 10th month and his birthday gives us a total of 41 when inverted and added to Chris’ birth century we get 28. Then, when I added up the birth year of 92 for the Father and 51 for Chris to I get 17 and 8. By adding 9 plus 2 to get 11 and 5 plus 1 to get 6.

Looking at the 14 and the 28, I find I have to of the numbers. Then I ask, what about the 42, it couldn’t fall into place with both, could it?

Taking the 14 first, I divide it by two to get 7 (14/2) because of I am looking at two different dates in the same century which seemed logical. I then take 42/7 to get 6. Seeing the 6 multiplied by 3 gives my 18 for my year of birth as well also fit and seemed a logical wave like progression. So, I know have the number set of 14, 28 and 42 for the father. It was time to turn to Chris’ date of birth now and see if it the pattern continued on its wave like progression. Chris’ year of birth was 51 and I already knew this number added up to 6 and when I multiplied it by 7 which I got from dividing the century of birth (14) I got the number 42 for Chris as well.


Sitting back at this point, I review my calculations again to verify I indeed I have the dual set of numbers (1428) for both Chris and his Father that are indeed in a type of quantum superposition with each other. There was still the remaining 5 and 7 numbers to be taken into account.  Going back to the Father’s year of birth I knew the number 3 was still available after using the 6 I had taken from the division of the 18 to get my 42. I knew if  took the 3 and multiplied it by 14 I would also get 42 as well, leaving me with a choice of calculated paths to choose from to arrive at the same destination. Taking the same approach I take Chris’ father’s birth year of 51 and divided it by my left over 3 to get 17. I know have the numbers 1 and 7 for the magic number sequence of 142857, with the numbers 14, 42, and 28 with numbers 1-7. There remained the sequence pattern for the numbers 85 and 57 to consider. Taking the 28 first and multiplying it by 3 we get the number 84 and acquiring the first number in the magic sequence pattern (1± Z 4285 ±Z 7 number to be added in order to get 85). It is also worth take note that when we take the number 84 and subtract 7 we get a total of 77 (7*11). However when choose to add 7 to the 85 we get 92 and when it’s divided by 2 we get 46 adding that up to 4 plus 6 equaling 1. We also establish an additional sequence pattern of 7 1 11 1 moving in an ascending direction as well as locking in the sequential magical number pattern of “142857”

What about Chris’? How does the number 57 reveal itself within his date of birth linking us to his Father’s?  Chris’ birth year of 51 gives us a total of 6 (5+1) being equal to 2 plus 3 as well. So, in this case we start by subtracting 2 from 57 to get 55 (5*11), where 5 plus 11 is equal to 17 and where when we subtract 3 from 55 we get 52. This in turn, turns into 5 plus 2 equaling 7 and 52 divided by 2 equaling 26/2 total to 13 equaling 1 plus 3 bringing our total to 4 as well as the sequential number patterns of 7 11 11. Now when we subtract 1 from 57 we get 56 (7 *8) and we when we add 7 to the 56 we get 63(7 *90). Leaving us with a choice of sequential patterns to choose, ranging from 7 11 7 11 11 7 11 11 11 or 142857 in order to link both genetic time lines.

Now could Chris being a navigator as explorer during his time been as aware of either one or the other if these sequential patterns if not both? Well, the time line certainly falls in order if you link in the history of the Moors coming to an end in Spain and the rest of Europe during his Father’s lifetime. 

We jump quickly now, eleven years after 1492 to 1503 where it is said, Columbus initiated the African slave trade. Obliviously that point can be argued amongst many historians for sure. However what we do know, he brought indigenous people back from the America’s, which served as proof of their existence.

Here is also where we turn our attention back to the Yucatan and the word Yucateco and the “Yucatec Maya Language” to discover their association to Christopher Colombo’s and his Father Domenico Columbus.

In order to answer our previous question in regards to Columbus and his navigational encompassing the magically number 142857 found inside the Egyptian pyramids thousands of years before his birth.

Genoa, Italy 44 24 27 n and 08 56 00 E

Yucatan, Mexico 21 N 0 and 89 6 W

24-21 =3 N (11-11-11) = 3

44-21=23 N (5) = 6

27-21= 6 N (111-111) = 9

8 – 1= 7 56 E (5+6=11) degree: 17 11 = 9

89 (8+9) 6 (3 *2) degree: 17 11 11 11 = 9

We stop here for a moment to take into account these facts of historical record. The word demonym is defined as a name or native inhabitant of a specific place usually derived from the name of the place or as a pseudonym (fictitious name when a person performs a particular role for the word obsolete when looking the word up in the direction. However when we investigate further we find  the word demonym is an ancient Greek  for (demos)  ‘people, tribe’ and ‘name ‘ or gentilic stemming from Latin as ‘gentillis’ of a clan or ‘gens’. Where the word was basically used to designate all people in relations to a particular place.

A challenge, I thought to myself, puzzles pieces had literally been laid out in front me. This circumstances and numbers could not be just by coincidence. There has to have been some reason some thing or someone one was attempting to reveal a message to me. Gathering all of the puzzles pieces in which I just assembled, I began my attempt to piece this newly discovered puzzle together.

Staring with the word demonym first, I notice 3 things. It’s obvious spelling of the word demon with the word itself as well as it being closely associated to the first name of Christopher Columbus’ Father Domenico Colombo and its association with the people of Yucateco, “Yucatec Maya Language”.  Is this? Or was this the actually language of the people indigenous to the South Americas?

Factors which must be considered, are what actually happen to the Mayan culture and why the language of spoken predominately today is based in Latin and not Mayan.

The reasons for drawing such a conclusion includes the following deductions. Gentiles are defined as anyone home is said to be none Jewish. Well now the question needs to be asked, who then are the Jewish? Today, they are identified as a group of people whom are unified by a common religious, ethnic background as well as ethno-linguistic groups. Even though the latter two are considered sub categories for evidence of a common ancestry and culture. Let us reverse this analogy and considering them to be the main categories linking ancestry and culture.

We start by discovering that when we take the word Jewish and use the Geek letters in its spelling, the letters assemble the following…., Phi-Rho-Iota-Eta- Epsilon-Theta-Sampi (Priests and Priestess) with “I plus h” (9 + 8 =17 Z ꝏ translating g silently I listen to glisten Ya Z ꝏ ꝏ.



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