The Year of Dragon’s Holy Grail: Verifying Euclid's Fifth Postulate and the Garden of Eden’s Genesis to Revelations Ageless Tales Revealing Visions Of the Christos
By Steven Henderson
Euclid's Elements, written around 300 BC, established the fundamental axioms of geometry that would stand for over 2,000 years. Among these were Euclid's Five Postulates - simple but profound statements about the basic properties of points, lines, and planes. The first four postulates seemingly followed from intuitive observations of the physical world. However, the Fifth Postulate, also known as the parallel postulate, appeared less obvious:
"If a straight line falls on two straight lines in such a way that the interior angles on the same side are together less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side."
This statement about parallel lines struck mathematicians as less intuitive than the other postulates. Attempts to prove the Fifth Postulate using only the first four were unsuccessful. Could it be derived rather than assumed? This question drove centuries of exploration into the nature of parallel lines. By the 19th century, non-Euclidean geometries showed that the Fifth Postulate need not hold universally. Its unproven status continues to fascinate geometers today.
If the parallel postulate could be proven within Euclid's framework, it would mean that Euclidean geometry is complete and consistent without needing this seemingly extraneous assumption. The implications would be profound, leading to a re-examination of long-held geometric principles.
Theoretical Reassessment
If Euclid's parallel postulate were proven, it would mean this statement about parallel lines follows logically from the first four postulates. Consequently, the role and behavior of parallel lines within the Euclidean framework would need re-examination.
For example, the theory of similar triangles depends on assumptions about parallel lines. With the Fifth Postulate proven, new insights into triangle similarity could emerge. Additionally, the Fundamental Theorem of Similarity in Euclidean geometry connects proportions of sides in similar triangles to the assumption of parallelism. This important theorem may require re-formulation based on a new understanding.
Concepts such as triangle congruence, the Pythagorean Theorem, and geometric transformations rely at least partly on principles attributed to parallelism as well. Proving the parallel postulate could allow simplification of some existing proofs by reducing reliance on this formerly unconfirmed statement. Additionally, new proofs altogether may be possible.
In summary, confirmation of the parallel postulate would reshape the axiomatic system of geometry by strengthening the role of deductive logic versus requiring empirical assumptions. Theorists would need to revisit many fundamental geometric concepts through the lens of a more rigorous theoretical foundation.
Alternative Geometries
The development of non-Euclidean geometries was instrumental in demonstrating that Euclid's parallel postulate need not be universally true. In hyperbolic geometry, for example, there are many lines through a point parallel to a given line, violating Euclid's assertion. This arises from hyperbolic geometry's fundamentally different metric structure.
Elliptic geometry, modeled on a sphere's curved surface, also enables exceptions to the parallel postulate. Here, no parallel lines exist at all since all lines eventually intersect. These geometries follow logically consistent rules, but do not assume Euclid's Fifth Postulate.
Proving this long-questioned postulate would reaffirm Euclidean geometry as a special, self-contained system. Rather than invalidating non-Euclidean geometries, it could bring renewed interest in studying their contrasting axioms and implications. Comparative analyses may reveal deeper insights into the nature of parallelism across geometric frameworks.
Additionally, exploration of geometries that assume variations of Euclid's re-validated Fifth Postulate could produce new hybrid systems. Relaxing certain conditions of the proven postulate in controlled ways could drive further theoretical developments. Overall, proof of Euclid's parallel postulate would raise the profile of geometry research across multiple axiomatic systems.
Practical Applications
Confirmation of the parallel postulate could influence applied fields that rely on geometric principles to model the physical world. For example, astronomy and physics often consider space-time as Euclidean for theoretical work. Proving the postulate may allow tweaking these models to better align with real-world observations.
Navigation and surveying may also be impacted, since determining position and distances on Earth's curved surface involves non-Euclidean calculations. Insights from proving the Fifth Postulate could improve techniques for large-scale mapping and navigation across irregular terrain.
Engineering design and manufacturing could benefit as well. Conceptualizing 3D spaces and developing blueprints, prototypes, and production plans depends partly on geometry. Refined spatial reasoning skills stemming from a deeper grasp of parallelism may lead to better engineering analysis and outcomes.
Most significantly, proofs in theoretical physics that currently exclude or assume Euclid's Fifth Postulate may be reconceived based on new geometrical knowledge. This could precipitate innovations in fields like string theory and cosmology that aim to unite quantum physics with general relativity using sophisticated geometric models.
In summary, proof of the infamous parallel postulate could initiate breakthroughs in both abstract and tangible realms. From reimagining space-time to improving GPS coordinates, a confirmed Fifth Postulate promises discoveries across applied mathematics and physics.
Foundations of Mathematics
Since geometry provides an early basis for students’ math education, proof of the parallel postulate could lead to reforms in math pedagogy. Teachers may need to rework curriculum ordering and geometry instruction to convey a revised set of Euclidean axioms.
Number theory is another foundational area that could be affected. Some proofs in number theory use geometric constructs like parallel lines and angle sums of triangles. These demonstrations may need tweaking if underlying geometric assumptions shift.
Concepts from linear algebra like vector spaces and matrix transformations employ Euclidean geometric analogies as well. A re-examination of fundamental linear algebra proofs could emerge. Additionally, abstract algebra definitions resting on set theory constructs trace back to geometric origins.
At the frontiers of mathematical research, geometrically-inspired abstractions like homology theory and differential topology may also undergo reassessments. Mathematicians could recalibrate these advanced frameworks if the parallel postulate is substantiated.
Overall, confirmation of Euclid's Fifth Postulate would require reconsideration of diverse mathematical realms. From basic math education to professional research, the foundations underlying the logical structure of mathematics will demand review in light of this new geometric reality.
In summary, definitive proof of Euclid's Fifth Postulate would have resounding implications across mathematics and geometry. Theoretical geometry would need restructuring to integrate this formerly unconfirmed assumption as an integral component of Euclid's logical framework. Alternative geometries may undergo renewed interest and analysis in comparison.
Practical applications in physics, engineering, navigation and more could see innovations as spatial reasoning adapts to new geometrical knowledge. The foundations of mathematics would require reassessment as well, with revisions to educational approaches, number theory, and advanced abstract concepts.
Given the Fifth Postulate's long history of stimulating debate and mathematical discovery, its proof would mark a seismic shift. The revelations embodied in this single statement about parallel lines could completely transform humankind's collective perspective on the nature of geometry. Mathematics would enter a new era of theoretical insight, exploration, and ingenuity fueled by resolution of Euclid's ancient query.
Confirmation of the 5TH parallel postulate would fulfill a centuries-long quest and open doors to advances we cannot yet imagine. The remaining content of this paper heralds the dawning of a new age in geometry. By applying a particular set of approximations to the Standard Model of particle physics, along with, the symbolism of the world map of the planet Earth, the pyramids of Giza, as well as the well-known Smith Chart. We will also utilize the 4 elemental concepts of air, fire, water and earth along with the 5 elements of Aether (metal), wood, air, fire and water (sub-atomic particles) in order to prove Euclid’s 5th postulate.
There is also a sacred (spiritual) or intuitive aspect utilized when applying numerical approximations with known mathematical constants in multiple electrical engineering fields of science. Using the sun and the observable constellations in our solar system when will apply each and all of the above stated concepts of Euclid’s postulates as additional proof and confirmation of the 5th postulate.
Starting with the first postulate, which states….
- A straight line can be drawn from any two points.
In this scenario the distance the light travels from the Sun to the Earth (Aether - Love) will be our straight line as well as our strong force (symbolically) encompassing the up quark and their association with the sub atomic particles photons, neutrons and leptons of electrons, mouns, and taus to say the least.
Distance Stated:
91.492 million miles
150 million Kilometers
Distance Approximated:
93 Million miles ± j = 5= 3
150 million Kilometers ±√ j² = 5 = 3
An Eddy test, which is a testing methods for detecting magnetic current can be used to support these findings alongside the diamagnetism that would arise from the orbiting of the surrounding electrons, which will be in opposition of the said straight line field. We will apply as the function of energy (our second straight line) which already stated is in opposition to our straight line in the following 2 simulations as aspects symbolically. The first being the cosmic microwave background symbolized in the octagon image below and the world map octagon in the image at the top of this page. Both symbolically represent the Aether (image below) as describe anciently and that of earth (image above). There is a simple mixing of these letters which should be made note of as well when applied to the sacred or intuitive aspect of the this postulate proof. This is stated simply by moving the letters a(moun), r(tau) and e(+electron) and then dropping the remaining e(-electron).
- A finite straight line can be extended indefinitely.
With this postulate the light from the moon to the Earth flows and refracts like a mirror symbolizing the element of fire and its elemental properties and intensities representing our second straight line as well as the weak force found in nature (symbolically) which encompasses the up and down quark sub atomic particles containing leptons of electrons, mouns, and taus as well.
Distance Stated:
238,900 miles
384,400 km
Distance Approximated:
280,000 miles ≂∛j, ≃j⁺ⁱ’⁻ⁱ =6
400,000 Kilometers ≂∜j², ≃j⁺ⁱ’⁻ⁱ = 6
The application of strong magnetic fields allow for detectable fluctuates to be found in ferromagnetic materials defined as a magnetic flux leak. Testing which uses 0 kelvin or -272.15 Celsius to maintain perfect alignment in ferromagnetic material. As our function of energy representing our second straight line symbolically. This second line is represented in the image below as energetic atmospheric neutrinos; (Eν ∼ (10−1 − 103) GeV).
Pions are said to be compiled along with of a variety of sub atomic particles that shower down to earth from the upper atmosphere. Where we choose from the variety of available sub atomic particles symbolized available by the letter j. The image above is a symbolic representation of the fire element representing and symbolizing the aspects of the Sun and moon (Light). The three, 90 degree angles in the triangle image above represent CP, the charge polarity of all our up quark sub atomic particles holding charges of positive, neutral and negative current polarity, each of which having its own individual vector radius tied through gauge bosons.
- A circle can be described with any center and radius.
Light of sun refracted back toward the moon can be described and symbolize as an example of or as representational evidence of β− decay, in which a nucleus with electric charge Z decays into another one with a charge Z + 1 and one negative electron.
A (N, Z) → A′ (N − 1, Z + 1) + e−
Emitted along with this electron in β− decay first proposed by, Wolfgang Pauli was the hypothesis that a neutral particle having a spin of 1/2 being emitted as well a proton mass of 0.01 (neutron particle). Now we can utilize the Lagrangian weak Fermi’s theory, which describes a four-fermion interaction in order to establish a circle with a center radius having the scattering of a neutrino with a neutron constant of ½ spin….
LFermi = (¯ΨpγμΨn) (¯ΨeγμΨν)
Testing and verifying the existence of this magnetic particle field is achieved when a material has been magnetized and then has its surface coated with antiferromagnetic particles to prove that a geometric circle is or is not established. Further proof would be the detection of a down quark holding the geometric structure of the image above symbolizing the element of water.
Distance Approximated:
93 Million miles ± j =5= 3
150 million Kilometers ±√j² =5= 3
Accounting for the charged current (CC) and neutral current (NC) interactions respectively:
- All right angles are equal to each other.
Using the oceans of Earth as our symbolical example, we can establish right angles which can be seen in the image at the top or bottom of this article and symbolized in the square image below, we can symbolize an example of a paramagnetic piece of wood. Here is where we approximate what happens between the negative (positive) helicity and left-handed (right-handed) chirality.
We also apply the Barkhausen effect to
detect noise to our test when applying a tourdial induction field to experiment
to measure changes in the magnetic field surrounding the ferromagnetic
material, symbolized in the image above, where all 6 sides represents all six quarks
and leptons using in the standard model of particle physics and having 4 right
angles that represent the Higgs and Gauge boson strings holding the bottom
quarks lepton masses together.
Allowing us to observe the 2/3 spin in both left-handed and right-handed antineutrinos.
Distance Approximated:
280,000 miles ≂∛j, ≃j⁺ⁱ’⁻ⁱ Ψ=6
400,000 Kilometers ≂∜j², ≃j²⁺ⁱ’⁻ⁱ = Ψ=6
5. If a straight line falls on two straight lines in such a way that the interior angles on the same side are together less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced indefinitely, meet on that side.
The book of Genesis 1:1-3, starts by stating (NIV), “In the beginning God created the heavens’ and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” Symbolized as the red line drawn in the image below, representing Euclid’s first postulate. Genesis 3-5 goes on to state, “Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was. And God saw the light was good light. Then he separated the light from the darkness (Euclid’s 2nd postulate is the gold line in the image below). God called the light “day” (The Alpha) and darkness “night” (The Omega). And the evening passed and the morning came marking the first day.”
Then (versus 6-8 God said, “Let there be a space between the waters, to separate the waters from the heavens from the waters of the earth (International Date Line).” And that is what happened God made this space to separate the waters of earth from the waters of the heavens. “Gold called the space sky”. And the evening passed and the morning came and this was the second day.” As mentioned earlier and symbolically drawn in the image above as the international date line and the straight line in Euclid’s 5th postulate that falls on two straight line in such a way that the interior angels on the same side are together less the two right angles (including the oceans of the earth).
“Then God said, Let the waters beneath the sky flow together in one place, so that dry ground will appear” and that is what happened. God called the dry ground “land” and the waters “seas” and God said that was good.”
The phrase “and that is what happened”, stands out for a few reasons. Mainly because it brings into question, how do does one know, without a reasonable doubt that this indeed did happen as stated above?
The image above is the 5th of 5 total that are symbolic pictures of elements of assignments in Kepler’s Harmonics Mundi. These images by themselves alone can be considered an attempt to answer that very question. This author attempts to answer that very question by expanding upon those images with the simplistic world map image above and with the celestial image presented below.
All three of these images listed under the 5th postulate are representational and symbolical images representing Aether (metal), a world map, and a celestial map of the heavens.
“Then God said, let light appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them mark off the seasons, days and years. Let the lights in the sky shine down.” And that is what happened. God made two great lights – The largest one to govern the day and the smaller one to govern the night. He also made stars (The stars as Suns (Fathers and Mothers) and the Moons (sons and daughters). God set these lights in the sky to light the earth, govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening passed and morning came, marking the fourth day.”
The Garden of Eden…
“Then God said, “Let the waters swarm with fish and other life. Let the skies be filled with birds of every kind.” “And evening passed and morning came marking the 5th day.”
Looking at the images above starting with the world map, the Greenwich line is marked and outline as ¾ imaginary circle. The Greenwich line is what is called the Prime Meridian line (Pineal gland) is the starting point from which everyplace on Earth is measured from. Dividing earth into Eastern (right-side of human brain) and Western hemispheres (left side of human brain).
Is this, or can the human brain, be described or called the Garden of Eden, the Golden Egg and the serpent of myth written about throughout history?
Before we attempt to answer said question, let us take a closer inspection upon the words, “the Garden of Eden, the Golden Egg and the serpent”.
The Serpent – Ten represents the Alpha and the Omega
The Golden Egg – Knowledge
The Garden of Eden - a need for greed
So, now the question arises, who or what was actually kicked out of the Garden of Eden?
If the field of alternating currents superparamagnetic dipole moments are overcome by thermal energy, then the magnet flux stay in alignment based on temperature. This can be verified by performing ACFM (Alternating Current Field Measurement) test to measure and identify any defects. Meaning where there is defect is the same as saying there goes a need for greed.
Now let’s apply this from a mathematical perspective utilizing the image of the smith chart above. Where we have the following scenario…..
Proceeding with the perspective of traveling through folded space while manipulating sub atomic particles at the same time (theoretically).
O (Z = 1.00 + j0) – An open circuit with normalized impedance.
· Higgs Bosons = Crown Chakra = Quarks
· Gauge Bosons = Root Chakra = Leptons
· Spinning from the constellation Aquarius through Pisces to and from the Constellation Libra
R = 0.44 – captive impedance on the right hand side of smith chart
· Quarks = Third Eye Chakra = Leptons
· Leptons = Sacred Chakra = Quarks
· Spinning to, through and from the Constellation Libra to the constellations Gemini and Aries
P2 (Z = 0.20 + j0.50 – passive load with normalized resistance left side of Smith chart
· Quarks = Throat Chakra = Leptons
· Leptons = Solar Chakra = Quarks
· Spinning to, through and from the Constellations Aries to the Scorpio constellation and the Gemini constellations to Sagittarius constellation.
R = 0.73 – Reflective load associated with captive impedance
· Quarks = Throat Chakra = Leptons
· Leptons = Heart Chakra = Quarks
· Where the constellations Ophiuchus (King) holding the snake balances the scales of the Libra constellation who is blind to justice (Queen).
P3 (Z = 0.50 + J0.50) – Passive load on left side of Smith Char
· Quarks = Throat Chakra = Leptons
· Leptons = Solar Chakra = Quarks
· Spinning optimistically through and from the Constellation Sagittarius to the Constellations Capricorn
R = 0.63 – Reflective load associative with captive impedance
· Quarks = Third Eye Chakra = Leptons
· Leptons = Sacred Chakra = Quarks
· Reaching the constellations of Aquarius and Pisces where the hopes and wishes of self-doing and undoing are granted.
P1 (Z =0.80 + J1.40) - represents a passive load on the left side of the smith chart…
· Higgs Bosons = Crown Chakra = Gauge Bosons
· Gauge Bosons = Root Chakra = Higgs Bosons
· Here is where P1 Becomes P0 verifying Euclid’s 5th postulate
This assumption takes into the account and references the behavior of charm and strange quarks as well as utilizes the Neut Equation. Where, N is equal to Neutrinos, e is equal to electron and u is equal to the moun and t is equal to the tau lepton. However we will use Yukawa couplings instead, considering they are recognized equations in the science community. In the images below you can see we use Yukawa couplings to link the three generations of matter, with the three generations of antimatter along with the interactions of their forces.
Could this be the long sought grail that was deemed holy? It has been said that “no one is entirely sure where it is or whether it ever existed. Let’s approach this subject with the perspective that it does exist. Now the question remains, where is it assuming it does exist? Symbolical if we were to compare it to the Matrix as explain in motion picture trilogy, “Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” Can they Holy Grail of mysticism be symbolically seen in a similar manner?
The Image below, in symbolic shape, may appear to some as a cup or vortex depending each individual’s point of view, is what one will discover for themselves.
Starting at the bottom of the image move up we begin with the Antarctic Ocean and the root chakra. Each is color coded to represent the 1st and 7th Chakra as well as positive and negative charges of polarity. The Indian Ocean (see image below…) our world map has the Indian ocean folded inside the Prime Meridian line (Greenwich) and the Sacred Chakra symbolizing chakras 2 and 6 in the image above. The Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans symbolize and represent the Solar Chakra. The heart chakra in highlighted in green above along with the Arctic Ocean (image below) symbolizing and representing the north and south poles in the image below as well as all four chambers of the heart. Moving up to the throat chakra, symbolized here on our map below as Big Diomede (Left-brain hemisphere) and Little Diomede (Right-brain hemisphere). We have the third eye chakra’s Bermuda Triangle (Queens Chamber) and the Dragon’s Triangle (Kings Chamber) as a symbolic representation of the Great Pyramid in Cairo, Egypt. Taking us with back to our 7th and 1st chakras. Both of these oceanic locations histories have countless stories of ships, plans and people who have gone missing still to do this day without explanations is also worth noting as well.
So, what is this pineal oil (Christos) that is said to spill (spin – Kundalini) from the brain’s cerebrum down the spin to the solar plexus that produces a seed?
The Egyptian Eye of Horus, also has been said to be a symbolic image of the pineal-pituitary glands in the human brain is where we begin are quest to answer that very question. Linking them both symbolic to the 6th Chakra and the third Eye of Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism as well. Using one of our previously used images below….
The three pyramids in the image symbolically represent the three great pyramids of Egypt as long with the constellations of Cancer (Menkarue), Capricorn (Khafre), and the constellations of Aquarius (King’s Chamber), and Virgo(Queens Chamber), (Khufu - Cheops). We then apply the King’s chamber symbolically to electrical energies of the Divine Masculine (negative charge) and magnetic energies (positive charge) of the Divine Feminine, both being also said to be the milk and honey that flows through the land. They both were also said to be named Joseph (Dragon’s Triangle) and Mary (Bermuda Triangle) having us turn back to our Holy Grail image above were written underneath the Crown chakra we have the names: Jacob and Esau – Abraham - Isaac and Joseph, all of which symbolize Menkarue (Jacob and Esau), Khafre (Isaac and Joseph) and Cheops (Abraham) of the Old Testament
The New Testament Translation or one can say, the new covenant with God, is the story of Mary (the feminine magnetic milk) and Joseph (the masculine electrical) giving birth to the mellow yellow oil of the Sator stone Christos.
New Testament – We take ten men
New Covenant Sator Square – We use stone to cover over open door cerebellum (King Chamber; Pineal Gland and Queens Chamber; Pituitary gland).
Associated with Christianity the Sator Square, for those whom are unaware, is believed to have existed prior to 62AD, even though the earliest squares were found all over Europe, North Africa and Asia minor long before the 6th century. It has been researched extensively throughout history and has been claimed to possess magical powers. Until now, its origin and meaning have awaited some form of consensus in the academic world.
The Christos of Steven’s Universe, can be envisioned in the image below.
The construction and final results thus far in the Standard Model of particle physics published by Gross, Wilczek and Politzer in 1973, uncovered an asymptotic freedom existing in quantum chromodynamics (a theory surrounding the strong interactions of sub-atomic particles.
Its construction (based on the gauge of groups) SU (3)c x SU (2)L x U (1)Y, where we place the Christos of Steven’s Universe alongside the Standard Models of particle physics symbolizing SU as Steven’s Universe being captured entirely within the image above. SU (2)L is symbolically represented as……
Allowing us to observe the 2/3 weak isospin generators in both left-handed and right-handed antineutrinos.
Distance Approximated:
280,000 miles ≂∛j, ≃j⁺ⁱ’⁻ⁱ Ψ=6
400,000 Kilometers ≂∜j², ≃j²⁺ⁱ’⁻ⁱ = Ψ=6
U (1)Y being symbolically represented as…..
Distance Approximated:
93 Million miles ± j =5= 3
150 million Kilometers ±√j² =5= 3
Accounting for the charged current (CC) and neutral current (NC) interactions respectively:
We communicate their relations in the following manner…..
Iᵦ = 6, and 𝒊∊ₐᵦ𝒊ᵧ = 9 = SU (3)
Additional communication applies the names: Jacob and Esau – Abraham - Isaac and Joseph, to the Neutrinos emitted from the constellations of Cancer and Capricorn, where we now apply ηe (electrons with neutrons), and μτ being equal to tau being represented as mouns coupled with taus. So,
Translates to….
ηe = Mary and μτ = Joseph
Making our finally verification of Euclid’s 5th postulate and stating the symbolically return of the King (Christos)!
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