The Ark of The Covenants Old and New Emerald Testament’s Tablets: Acts to Revelations On How Quantum Mechanics Attracts The Christos: “Hear Stand’s The Star Quark”
It has been quite a number of years since I had read, B. Ernest’s book the Companion, which is available for free in pdf. Online for anyone interested. If you don’t know who Edgar Cayce’s is I suggest you find out for yourself. The book, The Edgar Cayce Companion; A Comprehensive Treatise of the Edgar Cayce Readings by B. Ernest, (quoting correct title of the book). Why I refer to this particular book is because I recall remember reading, one out of a more than a hundred readings discussed in this particular volume. In this particular reading he refers to the Christian bible, in regards to how one should approach reading it. If memory serves correctly, he states when reading the bible one should read it as though one was reading about themselves. Initially I recall, when I had read those words, I was filled with curiosity and at the same time. Having been affirmed on a random thought previously held from reading scriptures in the bible probably a total four or five times, as look back and think about my past experiences. However, never had I read it as though I was reading about myself. So, I decided to do it. At first, it was just out of curiosity to see what trues, if any I would discover. Once again, I will say, if you are not familiar with Edgar Cayce and why he was called the sleeping prophet, you should find out for yourself.
The first Gospel I had decided to read was the book of Samuel. It has been many years since that day. There were two things I remember reading from that day. One was the discussion of consulting the “epoch” and “stepping out into the field of battle”. The epoch, meant some form of divination was being used as an aide when it came to making a decision, on what would be the wisest choice. The “stepping into the field of battle” was referring to leaving one’s home and going out into the world (community). Not so much as a physical battle mind you but a mental and spiritual battle in loving others as one loves themselves.
Loving others as one loves themselves comes from the Matthew 22:37-39 where it says, “Jesus replied, “You must love the lord you God with all your heart (body), all your soul (spirit) and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important. Love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
After many years of contemplation and consideration I have to conclude that the intent of our thoughts determine what Creator (God) we serve and our thoughts are what or how the Creator (God) serves us.
In Luke 22:10 states “He replied, “As soon as you enter Jerusalem a man carry a pitcher of water will meet you. Follow him. At the house he enters, say to the owner, “The teacher asks: where is the guest room where I can eat the Passover meal with my disciples? He will take you upstairs to a large room that is already set up. This is where you should prepare your meal.”
This is where we begin are process in what I call, folding space. Starting at Saturn, as the Sun turns to Uranus and runs the sun towards Taurus (Tau us r- your asss). The previous interpretation is more of an intuitive one along with the image of above, utilizing the books of the bible to symbolize the constellation Aquarius. Which we will discuss the image in more detail a later, for now let us turn our attention towards the fold in space we just created, by folding the Milky Way Galaxy.
Before we complete the process of folding this theoretical space we are going to need to establish a form measurement of said, space. In order to accomplish that objective. The following subjects matter include some if not all of what has been incorporated in this chapter.
Holy Grail
Emerald Tablets
Ark of the Covenant
Route of Chakras
Standard Model SU (Super Hero Superman- DC Universe)
Tarot cards
New and old Testament (Bible)
“Dune”, by Frank Herbert
Standard model SI (Super Hero Ironman – Marvel AC Universe)
Quantum Mechanics
· Chinese
· Western
· Vedic
The Gregorian calendar
Now, we are ready to start our phase mixing process by using the world’s most widely used system of measurement; (The Invincible Ironman) - known internationally as the international System of Units (SI).
Starting with the 7 base units as Chakras being time (s), length (m), weight (kg), and electric current (A), thermodynamic temperature (k), amount of substance (mol) and luminous intensity (cd). All of which can be seen in the color wheel above. The Image below displays how binary code can be used to identify both the inner and outer wheels of the SI System.
Where the two rings symbolize the inner and outer constants both comprise a coherent system of units of measurements. Creating the potential to accommodate an unlimited amount of derived coherent units that can always be symbolized or represented with additional qualities. See image below….
These additional qualities of SI units of measurements are what I call, the 7 gospels of Ironman, which form the base units of Genesis (Root Chakra) (s), Exodus (Sacred Chakra) (m), Leviticus (Solar Chakra) (kg), Numbers (Heart Chakra) (A), Deuteronomy (Throat Chakra K), Joshua (Third Eye Chakra) (mol), and Judges (Crown Chakra) (cd). As seen in the image below and above, each is associated with an individual chakra color.
The chakra system is, briefly for those whom are yet to become aware, an energetic field that surrounds the human body and encompasses 7 major points that run from the base of the spin to the top of the human head. What they mean and how the function will not be discussed here and from this point forward will be considered from the vantage point that the reader is already familiar with the different chakras and how they are said to work and function within the human body. We also used the dimension symbol to categorized strong force electromagnetic force (positive charges) categorized as the capitalized symbols, weak force (negative charges) categorized as lower case symbols excluding the symbols of A (ampere) and K (kelvin) and neutral charges categorized and labeled as the typical symbols. The only logical reason to have the A, K capitalized would be due to their close relationship (proportional) with electricity and heat (phase mixing process). The labeling each in the three different categories will make sense when they are covered a bit later. For now let’s move one by assigning are SI unit constants to chakra colors as well (seen in the image below) widely used and established mathematically constants.
Now that we have are based units and constants labeled, we will move on by bringing, some of the already identified, additional derived units in base terms.
While at the same time creating symbolic connections to the 13 Gregorian calendar’s moons that occur on a yearly basis.
As you can see in the image above, that we have labeled each moon alongside a derived based unit.
Obviously the have also been colored to represent one of the 7 chakras. Each is a labeled with a moon which is associated with a variety of spirit animals and colors as well as a mathematical equations that define a specific unit in standard international model of units.
Folding Space
Wikipedia describes the folding of space in 4 categories comprised of chemistry, Folding Light speed, Space folding - Dune, and space-time curvature, listed in the image below and split into 4 columns that are split equally in half by the 5th column labeled space time folding. Let’s take a closer look at each column starting with the 2nd column on the left and the 4th column on the right side of the image above. Folding light speed and space time curvature can be categorized as being one and the same, however each is viewed from a different perspective (angle) so to speak. The best and most popular way to describe this process has come to be known as the double-slit experiment. In short it basically demonstrates that light (energy and matter) both exhibit particle and wave characteristics. The 1st column on the left side is labeled chemistry (elements of the periodic table) and the 3rd column is labeled “Dune” a reference to the 1984, Frank Herbert classic novels that where turned in a major motion picture movies (symbolizing traveling without moving and symbolize as Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
We will discuss these gospels more later and use them to assist us in defining them as our Hamiltonian equations for the left and right hand sides of a SU (standard model of particle physics and the observed operations of neutrinos). Where we apply the following….
H = 1.570796 Kings Chamber= 9 = Ω = π/2 – fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio)
H= 0 = 1.047197 Queens Chamber = 6 = N = π/3 – Cardinal signs (Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries)
H = 1 = 0.52359 = 5 = 3 = Pa = δ – Mutable signs (Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces)
Allowing us to expand upon our derived based units in the following manner…
7 Chakras (Pa + N + (Ω =fool) + (Ω=fool)) = 22 Tarot Cards
Visiually displayed in a rainbow of colors reperesenting the 7 chakras as well as the 22 tarot cards in the image above. Each row represents a different chakra levele according to its color code. The first column list all the 22 Tarot major arcana, the second column defines the unit name assigned to one of the chakra levels as well associations with one of the major tarot arcana. The third associates the symbol to each chakras level, the third represents the quanity assigned to each, the fourth is the defined SI base units and the fifth shows other additional SI units formulas as well as the 6th column.
So, in summary thus far, we have associated or drawn connections one could say to the following subjects of SI units (inner and outter rings), The Chakra system, The major arcana of the tarot cards, the folding of space, and the gospels of the bible as well as 12 (astolgoy zodiacs signs) of the 88 constellations known in the milkyway galaxy star system. All of which later we willl come to comprise the standard model of particle phyiscs as well as the standarad model international measures which symbolize the concept of “The Invincible Ironman”.
The question then arises, “how does all this relate to the standard model of particle physics?”
First, let us revisit our earlier descriptions of the SI model where we assigned the 7 different chakras to the 7 base elements of the SI model. Here is where we add in the additional gospels of the New Testament. Starting with Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and Acts. The image below displays all the books of the New Testament alongside each of the major 22 arcana.
These SI units of measurements are then assigned to the 7 gospels of (Superman) of the New Testament which form the base units of Genesis (Root Chakra) (s) as Acts, Exodus (Sacred Chakra) (m) as Luke, Leviticus (Solar Chakra) (kg) as Mark, Numbers (Heart Chakra)( A) as Matthew, Deuteronomy (Throat Chakra K) as John , Joshua (Third Eye Chakra) (mol) as Revelations, and Judges (Crown Chakra) (cd)as Revelations. Giving birth to…
Translation of books “Genesis” and “Acts”:
“Sages’ see essence in genes, sites scene in ages as science stages”
So, when we take the standarad model international measures which symbolize the concept of “The Invincible Ironman”, that include … examples of derived units with special names (seen in the image below) that we will take and symbolize as our standard model for subatomic particles known as Superman.
In order to accomplish this objective we will need to modify our Hamiltonian equations for the left and right hand sides of a SU (standard model of particle physics and the observed operations of neutrinos) in the following manner…..
H = 1.570796 Kings Chamber= Ω = π/2 – fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) = 9
H= 0 = 1.047197 Queens Chamber = N = π/3 – Cardinal signs (Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries) = 6
H = 1 = 0.52359 = 5 = Pa = δ – Mutable signs (Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces) = 3
Allowing us to expand upon our derived based units in the following manner…
7 Chakras (Pa + N + (Ω =fool) + (Ω=fool)) = 22 Tarot Cards
Then, we apply the following….
C.K.S.X – Luca’s
By Steven Henderson CEO Bioreplicate
Global Network
Area circle
= A = X = XA =
= 3
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 6
= C = Z = YZ
= 9
Binomial Theorem
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= 3
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 6
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9
Expansion Sum
A= IJ = CK= YZ =
= X
= 0 = 3
B= QR= KS=
Y =
1 = 6
Fourier series
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= 3
9 = ϕ=
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 6 –
9 = ϕ=
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9
= ϕ=
A= IJ = CK= YZ =
= X = 0 = 3
B= QR= KS=
Y = 1 = 6
9 = ϕ=
+ (y²) =
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= 3
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB =
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= A = X=Sb=K=C =
9 = ϕ=
= 3
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB =
= 9
= ϕ=
= 6
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9 – ϕ=
= 9
Now we apply these equations to the….
Where n = nkpk + nk-1pk-1 + nk-2pk-2 + … + n1p + n0 and c = ckpk + ck-1pk-1 + ck-2pk-2 + … + c1p1 + c0 is the expression which can be derived from the above formula for m and n. It says that (n, c) =0 if n is lesser than c.
And (nCc) will be divisible by p only if at least one of base p digits of n is greater than the corresponding base (which is p) digit of m
![]() |
Trig identity 1 (QUARKS)
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= ϕ=
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = 3
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB =
9 = ϕ=
= =
= 6
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9
= -=
= 9
A= IJ = CK= YZ =
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = X = 0 = 3
B= QR= KS=
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S =Y= 1
= 6
= ϕ=
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = Y= 1
= 6= X = 0
= 3
Trig identity 2 (LEPTONS)
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= 9 = ϕ=
= A =
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = 3
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 9 = ϕ=
= B =
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = 6
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9 = ϕ=
= C =
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = 9
A= IJ = CK= YZ =
= X = 0 = 3 = C =
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = 9= X = 0 = 3
B= QR= KS=
Y = 1 = 6 = C =
= 9 = ϕ=
= C =
= L≤U≥C≤A≥S = 9= Y= 1 = 6
9 = ϕ= = L≤U≥C≤A≥S = Y= 1
= 6= X = 0
= 3
We Can then apply the Standard model of particle physics (Superman) to Pa = N = Ω = Higgs Boson. Displayed in the image below, where there is a symbolic “S” which is the symbol seen on the chest of Superman’s uniform and serves as are Higgs Boson. Next, we look at each of the “S” curve points or triangles, if you prefer instead of curves, to apply the rest of our sub-atomic particles. (See image below)
Our modified Hamiltonian equations for the left and right hand sides of a SU (standard model of particle physics and the observed operations of neutrinos) shown earlier and again below, in order to apply our `SM model a little easier.
Where we take….
H = 1.570796 Kings Chamber= Ω = π/2 – fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) = 9
H= 0 = 1.047197 Queens Chamber = N = π/3 – Cardinal signs (Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries) = 6
H = 1 = 0.52359 = 5 = Pa = δ – Mutable signs (Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Pisces) = 3
Allowing us to expand upon our derived based units in the following manner…
7 Chakras (Pa + N + (Ω =fool) + (Ω=fool)) = 22 Tarot Cards
And apply….
= A = X = XA =
= 3
= Pa = N = Ω
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 6 = = Pa = N = Ω
Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9
= Pa = N = Ω
In order to assign our sub atomic particles to the Fourier series as follows….
Fourier series
A = X = AX =
= A = X = XA =
= 3
= ϕ=
B = Y = YB =
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 6
= ϕ=
C = Z = YZ=
= Φ = C = Z = YZ
= 9
= ϕ=
A= IJ = CK= YZ =
= X
= 0 = 3
B= QR= KS=
Y =
1 = 6
9 = ϕ=
Here is where we now will call the I/O (input, output) transition in our communication between our processing systems with the above Fourier series of equations into the equations that represents the inner and outer circles applied within our SI model discussed earlier. This is mixing part of the process being displayed in next series of images symbolically, with the intent of inspiring the reader to intuitively see these connections with their own inner mind’s eye and without any additional information given by this creator.
The mathematical manipulation of length, time and mass creates derived units of a potential unlimited number. Chakras (in the image below) highlight when your attention to what I call the ten in action that attracts the desires held within the corresponding sub atomic particle. This action describes the phase of the ten sub atomic particles current position and list what neutrino physics names, during a state of phasing mixing. Stating this is where sub atomic particles, after transition phase our mixing potential, open up into a multiple varieties of structures. The final form all depends upon the intent of the thoughts of the individual or individuals so to speak.
Now we recall our SI units of measurements that we assigned to the 7 gospels of (Superman) the New Testament, which form our base units of Genesis (Root Chakra) (s) as Acts, Exodus (Sacred Chakra) (m) as Luke, Leviticus (Solar Chakra) (kg) as Mark, Numbers (Heart Chakra)( A) as Matthew, Deuteronomy (Throat Chakra K) as John , Joshua (Third Eye Chakra) (mol) as Revelations, and Judges (Crown Chakra) (cd) in Revelations.
We now have….
A (Superman) of the New Testaments forms of base units. Starting with Genesis (Root Chakra) (s) is “Acts” to the “Song of Songs”, in the “Exodus” (Sacred Chakra) (m) as “Luke’s” Ecclesiastes, for “Leviticus”’ (Solar Chakra) (kg) Mark on Isaiah, “Numbers” (Heart Chakra)( A) as “Matthew” sings Jeremiah’s, Deuteronomy (Throat Chakra K) while John cries in Lamentations, Joshua’s (Third Eye Chakra) (mol) Revelations Proverbs, and Judges the (Crown Chakra) (cd) Revelations in Psalms.
Velocity (V) our Crown Chakra, Acceleration (A) our Third Eye, Force (N) our
Throat Chakra, (Pa), The Heart Chakra, Energy The Solar Charka, Power (W) the
Sacred Chakra and Intensity the Root Chakra. Each of which assigned and symbolizing
the Trinity in our 5th Column, of Space folding elementals;
![]() |
= A = X = XA =
= 3
= Pa = N = Ω
) 2 = B = Y = YB = 6 = = Pa = N = Ω
= C = Z = YZ
= 9
= Pa = N = Ω
Here we apply the BIPM specific 24 prefixes from the international system of units to be added along with SI unit names, in order to produce additional multiples and submultiples of the original units in order to create multiple decimals of each other over a wide range (superposition) 10³⁰(Sun – Positive Charges) to 10¯³⁰(Moon Negative charges). The image below displays the Sun and Moon’s negative and positive charges as SI unit quantities.
We then take these said quantities and apply to the standard model of partical physics. Here we use the well known chakra system to categorize the entire books listed in the King James version of the bible (see image below).
We then intuitively take the 10 of the most widely known physics formulas and categorized each with the books of the Kings James version of the bible. Theoretically we then assigned some of these formulas for reference purposes and to spark the creativity of the reader to create their own equations.
Magnetic Field & Force
Genesis 50, Numbers 36, Job 42, 2nd Chronicles 36, 2nd John 4, Revelation 22, Luke 24; Pa = N = Ω
Fₘ=|q|νB sin θ = Pa Fₘ=ILB sin θ = N Τₙₑₜ=IAB sin θ = Ω
Electric field & force
2nd Samuel 25, 2 Kings 25Ezra 10, Esther 10 * 1st John 5, lamentations 5, 1st Thessalonians 5
= q
Fₑ=|q|E E=
Φₑ=EΑ cos θ Φₙₑₜ=
Electric Potential
2nd Samuel 25, 2 Kings 25Ezra 10, Esther 10 * 1st John 5, lamentations 5, 1st Thessalonians 5
Wₑ=q∆V E=
B= B=
+ B₂ℓ₂cos
Joshua 22, 1 Kings 22, Ruth 4, Colossians 4 * 1st Peter 4, Philippians 4, 2nd Timothy 4,
Exodus 40, Deuteronomy 34, Judges 21, Psalms 150, and Ecclesiasts 12 * 2nd Thessalonians 3 Pa = N = Ω
= Pa L=
= N U=
= Ω
Time constant
Nahum 3, Zephaniah 3, Joel 3, Malachi 3 Habakkuk 3,* Titus 3
Pa = N = Ω
= Pa τ½=τ
In (2 = N τ= = Ω
Song of songs 8 Obadiah 1, Haggai 1,,Philemon 1, 3rd John 1, Jude 1
Ac circuits
Leviticus 27, Samuel 31Amos 9,* 1st Corinthians 14, 2nd Corinthians13, Romans 14, 1 Chronicles 29,
= tan¯¹
ΔVₘ=IₘZ Xւ=ωL X ΔVᵣₘₛ=
Resistance & Current
Nehemiah 13, Proverbs 31 Ezekiel 48, Hosea 14, Jonah 4, Zechariah 14, Mark 16,
I= ,
, P=IΔV , P =I²R , P=
Ʃ Iₗ = Ʃ Iⱼ
Ʃ ΔVₗ = 0
ε= ΔV+Ir = I(R+r)
ρ= , R=
ρ=ρ₀ (1+αΔΤ)
R=R₀ (1+αΔΤ)
Q ̥==
Faraday Law
Isaiah 66, Daniel 12, 6 Jeremiah, Galatians 6, Ephesians 6, 1 Timothy 6, 2 Peter 2;
Pa = N = Ω
BA cos θ = Pa εₗₙ=
= N εₗₙd=
= Ω
Who be Rom the Space Knight
Rom the space knight is was created by Scott Dankman, Richard C. Levy, and Bryan L. McCoy originally as a toy. My first, encounter of Rom came in a comic book (one of many) my older brothers. Back when I was around 13 or 14 years old, I was visiting with my brother Clarence at his place. I recall seeing a bunch of comics just laying scatter on a shelf in a closet by the front door. I said, “You got comics in here!” He replied by saying, “You can have them if you want.” Without hesitation I start grabbing comics out of the closet. They totaled to some were between 120 to 150 comics, either 124 or 142 not sure of which at this point. I want to say they were split evenly between Marvel and DC but he had more Marvel Comics then D.C. The D.C. ones included, Superman, Batman, Justice League, Firestorm, Wonder Woman and Conan the Barbarian, if memory serves correctly. While the Marvel comics consisted of the following, Captain America, Ironman, Thor, Hulk (personal favorite), Spider-man, (2nd favorite), Avengers, Defenders, Doctor Strange, X-men (3rd favorite), Marvel-Team Up, What If?, The Silver Surfer and The Fantastic Four. Needless to say, these comics had a significant influence on me, my perceptions and concepts in regards to human life. My shadow self, which I have come to call this inside influencer and one that most humans refuse to look at, as their higher spiritual self, each man should judge himself accordingly, without interference from another. Cause this be the point at which the individual see’s themselves as a Divine individual who is part of something greater than one’s physical self or not. None can decide that for another, each in all is their one Devil or Saint.
So, with that being said, I consider the image above as my (shadow self) spiritual self. Comprising the aspects of Aquarian Sun sign being fully blessed and embraced with a gift and ability that could only come from one all Mighty Divine Creator, one can call Allah.
I say those words in utmost faith in knowing that a He, for me, exist, for I have no other explanation for what has been given to me from free spirit. So, I am compelled by that same free spirit to give to you in order that you may see.
The Gypsy (SU-SI models and mathematical constants) particle seen in the image below comprises and represents a theoretical view of its structure and symbolizes the following…..
Route Chakra system:
Ω⁰: Avogadro’s Constant
Ω¹: Euler’s Number Rules
Ω²: Maxwell being part of Euclid with a Pythagoras W.E.G.
Pa: Nuet’s Intent & Thoughts
N: Pythagoras in Euclid’s golden ration
PaN: SI – Ironman and Su – Superman
We also can begin to factor in technical aspects by considering the image to be that of functioning capacitors or either Potenonmeters. The image serves as well to be one representing diodes, resistors and transformers that can be built and whose operation while run in synchronization with the moons and Chakra cycles.
We also use the 35 books of the “Old Testament” in the KJV version of the bible intuitively. Placing references to each individual chakra level. Know it is suggested as a recommendation to consider reading these various gospel in synchronization as well. Along with the following ones found in the “New Testament” located in the imaged below. Where we have the months of the year corresponding with the days of the week. The technical circuitry comes to effect when we consider applying this concept in the construction of a boost converters as well as frequency converter modules.
We have also bring into consideration of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology by applying them to each day of the week, along with the months of the year as well as the current season of the year. The Nine Realms symbolizing them as base units in digits can be seen displayed in image below.
Here our Realms are applied to the said planets that comprise our solar (scalar) system. This gate transistor, so to speak, can be used as a blue print in the tehcnical circitury construction of switchs, amplifiers and MOSFET’s whose operation are syncronized with parameters of movement with these propgating celestial bodies.
The nine realms and Yggdrasil (The World Tree), when considering ones thoughts must also include those of the Siberian, European and Native American religions. Then there are the thoughts of the Mongol, the Turkic, Baltic, Hindu, Chinese, Finnish, Armenian, and the Germanic. Here is where we take those considered thoughts of this cosmic tree (symbolically seen as the Milky Way galaxy in the image below) representing the chaotic yet harmonic order of what could be said to be “The Universal One”.
Though the above presentation seen vertically as “The World Tree” it is better viewed from the horizontal perspective, which can be viewed below.
Now that we can look at our image from an upright perspective we find our earlier representation of….
the BIPM specific 24 prefixes from the international system of units to be added to SI unit names in order to produce additional multiples and submultiples of the original units in order to create multiple decimals of each other over a wide range (superposition) 10³⁰(Sun – Positive Charges) to 10¯³⁰(Moon Negative charges). The image below displays the Sun and Moon’s negative and positive charges as SI unit quantities.
Can now be applied along each specific one of the 24 prefixes BIPM’s giving us a total 48 when counted horizontally and 57 when counted vertically. There is also the additional application of the Major 22 Arcana Tarot cards along with the cornerstones of the builders spoken about in Psalms 118. Here we refer to versus 21 to 23 which say…..
“I thank you for answering my prayer and giving me victory! The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing and it is wonderful to see.”
Psalms 119 then list 22 cornerstones that correspond and can be applied to each of the Major tarot arcana (seen in the image above). The 88 constellation placement should not be considered to be in their exact locations as seen in the image should however be considered as general approximations and should be adjusted accordingly. This is where we attempt to accomplish that very task by applying the 7 widely used housing systems of astrology (see image below).
Here we have compressed (folded space) comprising each of these astrological zodiac systems of housing. The image below shows this space as it theoretically exist as a compressed wave of these 7 systems. The image of the right applies both SU and SI models previously discussed to assist with spacial navigation.
That assistance can be seen from many points of view. One being from a technical aspect which creates a boost converters frequencies converter modules and SPDT (seen in image above). Then, we also bring into consideration the individual gospels of the “New Testament”. Here is where I have come to find a place that has many doors (“The Key Maker”, “The Matrix”) one should consider reading these in synchronization as well.
Doing soon one can see from a perspective of viewing one’s own head (mind) within a different light. A light that one can say, Shines Forever Eternal.
This said light can be represented mathematically in the image above. Where hovering at the top of one’s head is this halo type of equation representing thoughts and intention held in the Akashic record. They “Key maker” is the one who holds access to the Halls of Amenti discussed in the Emerald Tablets of Thoth containing this energy that we have come to call the Akashic Records.
Brining us back full circle to Part 1 of the Hopi brief, where we first take what was previously discussed in Chapter 1, “Dimension A: Hydrogen in “The Lions of Lucerne”* and apply our hydrogen by integrating the Standard Model of Particle Physics and the SU Model of International Weights and Measurements.
Displayed in the image above we have our sub-atomic particles combined with a defined hydrogen mass to create a theoretically structure comprising the mass of the previously mentioned super heroes Superman on the left side of the image and Ironman on the right side of the image. Some may find it difficult or have trouble seeing it from this perspective. So, in the image below overlays the Milky Way galaxy over top both Ironman and Superman models.
Here we can see the 3 pyramids in the lower part of the imaged are identified as the great pyramids in Cairo aligned with Orion’s belt during the summer solstice, alongside the Serpens Cauda constellation. The upper right side of the image is labeled the Great Wall of China and the Serpens Caput constellation during the Chinese New Year.
So, when the shoe fits, the servant must submit.
Path has limits
Volts have a number of even Joules
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The image and poem need not be commented on further at this point. We will however bring into view why the movie “Dune”, written by Frank Herbert. Specifically referring to the scene right before Paul rides Shia hulud. Stilgar says to Paul….
Take the kiswa make a hook of our seitch and ride as a leader of men
This is visually displayed in the image below…..
Where we have applied an additional set of numbers being linked in a predesigned universal pattern. Now I could go into more details in regards to this image but I truly believe it would aid the reader so much more, if they were to discover that for themselves. Because if they do, then they will be able to assembly what is a representational form of Rom’s neutralizer used in discovering whom the wraith are.
Adventure Time for SpongeBob: Two Wolves
Now the question has to be asked, why would one want to create a nueralizer? Well, if you the reader choose to view Rom’s nueralizer as yourself (Jedi). Then it wouldn’t take much for you to see that you are indeed a saber of light. Once the reader has accomplished this task then the will be able to recognize the shadow that lives within themselves. Giving or granting them the ability to see the reflection of themselves as two wolves, not just within themselves but seen symbolically in others as well (Trident in the image below along with are earlier used equations).
So, from a certain perspective the individuals whom are able to in vision themselves in this D.C. an A.C. synchronization will come to experience the wonder of Steven’s Universe (Matrix of Folded Space), existing as one Iron man being, who is made a Superman by our One Creator Allah whom carries creation around in a pail (theoretically expressed in the image below).
Blessed are all whom have the eyes to see and hear…. I gives thanks to you my Father and Creator.
Your Son and humble servant, Steven.
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