"Scriptwriting 2.0: How AI is Shaping the Future of Film"



 By Steven Henderson


For decades, creating major motion pictures has required massive teams of screenwriters, directors, producers, actors and crew to bring a story to life. But new advances in artificial intelligence may soon democratize the film making process by empowering individuals to generate fully formed movie scripts with just a few clicks of a button.


Companies like Anthropic and ChatGPT have already shown the ability of AI systems to take a basic story outline and flesh it out into a multi-scene, formatted screenplay. By training language models on millions of existing movie scripts and plot structures, these tools can suggest plot points, characters, dialogue and descriptions that move the narrative forward in a coherent way.


Some see this as a democratizing force that will lower the barriers to entry for independent filmmakers and amateur storytellers. With an AI script generating assistant, anyone with a notebook of story ideas could potentially turn those concepts into a professional-looking draft.


To demonstrate this potential for collaboration between humans and AI, I used ChatGPT to develop an initial draft script for a sequel to the movie Monster Hunter, simply titled "Monster Hunter: Beyond the Rift." He then used the AI assistant Claude to expand upon certain scenes and suggest additional dialogue:


Fade in:




We see a barren, hostile landscape under an oppressive sun. Suddenly, a lone FIGURE emerges, stumbling exhausted across the dry creek bed. It is CAPTAIN ARTEMIS, battle scarred and drained.



I thought I was the only one left. But this nightmare is far from over.


She suddenly stops, sensing something wrong. Scanning the horizons, she sees it - a plume of black smoke rising in the distance. Hope and dread swell in her breast as she changes course.




Artemis crests a rise and sees below - crumbling stone structures half buried in the sands. And movement - figures picking through the ruins. Survivors? Or something worse?


She draws her blade and stalk stealthily towards the ruins. As she nears, a massive WINGED BEAST erupts from inside, sending the strangers fleeing in a panic. It fixes its baleful eyes on Artemis.


She turns to run but sees more movement - another BEAST appears, cutting off her escape. She is trapped between them. As the beasts close in, Artemis raises her blade, determined to go down fighting.


Suddenly, a SHRIEK splits the air - a third beast appears, diving at the others. They scatter in a fury of claws and teeth. In the chaos, Artemis sees her chance - she dives into the ruins.




Artemis emerges into a shadowy chamber, coming face to face with a group huddled against the far wall - the SURVIVORS from her crashed ship. Led by GIBSON, they stare at her in shock and relief.


Gibson speaks first: "Captain...there's more out there. And I think whatever brought us here is just getting started."


A distant ROAR reminds them they are not safe yet. Artemis knows they must uncover the dark secrets of this place, before it claims them all.



While exploring deeper chambers, Artemis and the survivors discover an large underground facility intact. Within they find banks of dormant alien technology, consoles glowing with unfamiliar symbols.


Gibson recognizes the interlinking geometric patterns - it's similar to the portal device that brought them here. With help from the Collector's journals, they deduce this was a research base to study trans-dimensional travel.


Reactivating a console, holographic projections appear, showing portals opening to countless strange worlds. But one world looks disturbingly familiar. "That's our planet!" cries Artemis. It clicks - this outpost was studying ways to invade other realms.


Further journals reveal the "monsters" are actually highly telepathic creatures native to this world. The invading species found they could mutate and control the creatures through technology that interfaces with their minds.


But the aliens' mental commands caused the creature’s immense suffering. In retaliation, the creatures psychically attacked the aliens, driving many to madness. This planet became a battlefield between two telepathic races.


The survivors now understand the creatures are only defending themselves. They see visions of the creatures' true forms - dignified, gentle beings. But the technology is still manipulating them into mindless attacking automatons.


Artemis realizes to defeat the Collector and his alien masters, they must destroy the control station while also freeing the creatures from their mental prisons. But first they must face the Collector one last time in a final confrontation amid the portals to other worlds... they need to permanently shut do the mind control portion of the station and the need to follow the map of displaying 5 additional portals showing on the screen in order to get home.


Artemis shares her plan with the survivors - they must infiltrate the control station to shut down the mind control function, freeing the creatures. But first they'll have to get past the Collector.


As if on cue, maniacal laughter echoes through the facility. The Collector's voice booms "You'll never make it out alive." Artemis steels herself for the final confrontation.


They burst into the portal room to find the Collector manipulating the controls. Monstrous entities shift and moan between the glowing vortexes. Artemis challenges him to put an end to his madness.


A brutal battle ensues amidst the portal storms. But the Collector has honed his skills, matching Artemis blow for blow. Seeing an opening, Gibson sneak attacks and overpowers the Collector.


Rushing to the controls, Gibson works to isolate the mind control grids while Artemis holds off attacking creatures, now free of their mental bonds but still enraged. With a cascade of sparks, the grids shutdown.


Peace returns to the creatures' eyes. They withdraw, no longer compelled to violence. But five portal remain active. Artemis recognizes their worlds from the holograms - they offer a route home through five interconnected realms.


With the station secure, Artemis leads the survivors into the first portal, beginning the perilous journey back. What mysteries and dangers lurk within these other worlds? Survival and answers await on the other side.




The mind control grid shatters and falls silent. The creatures are freed from their psychic bonds. Gibson steps away from the ruined controls, mission accomplished.


Artemis' gaze settles on the five remaining ACTIVE PORTALS, swirling with otherworldly energy. She approaches the first portal...



This one leads to the Brimstone Realm. Whatever's waiting, we'll face it together.


The survivors gather behind her, battle worn but determined. Gibson joins her side and nods, ready to follow her lead.


Artemis TAKES A DEEP BREATH and strides into the shimmering vortex. The others file in behind her. As the last survivor ENTERS THE PORTAL...


It SNAPS SHUT behind them. Their journey is far from over. Five more worlds stand between them and home.






We pull back to reveal the title:




The saga will continue...



By working with AI tools, Steven was able to flesh out his initial story concepts into a multi-scene screenplay format. While the script would likely require additional refinement, it shows how accessible AI systems could soon empower individuals to develop their ideas from outline to polished draft.


No longer would writers need to attend expensive film schools, screenwriting workshops or compete for spots in prestigious fellowship programs just to learn the craft. But AI could help develop nascent ideas and get new writers over initial hurdles in formatting and structure. Overall, the lowered costs of scriptwriting may lead to an explosion of new independent and amateur films being produced worldwide.


On the other hand, some in the Hollywood establishment worry this could disrupt the traditional development and production pipeline...


For decades, creating major motion pictures has required massive teams of screenwriters, directors, producers, actors and crew to bring a story to life. But new advances in artificial intelligence may soon democratize the filmmaking process by empowering individuals to generate fully formed movie scripts with just a few clicks of a button.


Companies like Anthropic and ChatGPT have already shown the ability of AI systems to take a basic story outline and flesh it out into a multi-scene, formatted screenplay. By training language models on millions of existing movie scripts and plot structures, these tools can suggest plot points, characters, dialogue and descriptions that move the narrative forward in a coherent way.


Some see this as a democratizing force that will lower the barriers to entry for independent filmmakers and amateur storytellers. With an AI script generating assistant, anyone with a notebook of story ideas could potentially turn those concepts into a professional-looking draft. No longer would writers need to attend expensive film schools, screenwriting workshops or compete for spots in prestigious fellowship programs just to learn the craft.


Of course, developing unique and compelling characters, themes and stories will still require human creativity. But AI could help develop nascent ideas and get new writers over initial hurdles in formatting and structure. Overall, the lowered costs of scriptwriting may lead to an explosion of new independent and amateur films being produced worldwide.


On the other hand, some in the Hollywood establishment worry this could disrupt the traditional development and production pipeline. Major studios rely on proven screenwriters and development executives to greenlight big-budget productions. If anyone could generate a shootable script in a weekend, it may be harder for studios to identify truly great material amidst the noise.


There are also open questions around how revenue sharing models might evolve. If an individual can generate a popular script entirely on their own using AI, does the resulting film still require teams of traditional Hollywood talent? How will streaming services handle acquiring directly consumer-generated content?


Over the next decade, we'll likely see both independent filmmakers empowered by new AI tools as well as many legal and business model innovations around intellectual property, financing and distribution. One thing is for sure - machine intelligence is poised to transform the creative process and challenge legacy business paradigms across the multi-billion dollar movie industry. The democratic potential of accessible script generation could revolutionize who gets to tell stories and how audiences consume entertainment. But established players will undoubtedly fight to protect their gates to success. The 2020s promise to be a transformative time as these innovations take hold.


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